Create Jobs and Positions

A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that are required of a person who performs them. A position is an individual instance of a job. Jobs must be set up before creating positions.

The following topics provide information on creating a job and a position.

Creating a Job

To create the job, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Human resources > Jobs > Jobs.

  2. Click New to create a new job.

  3. In the Job field, enter a unique name for the job.

  4. Enter values in the appropriate fields.

  5. Click Save and close the form.

Creating a Position

  1. Click Human resources > Positions > Positions.

  2. Click New to create a new position.

  3. Create new positions page

  4. In the Job field, select the job that is associated with the position.

  5. Click Create positions.

  6. Enter values in the appropriate fields in the Position form.

  7. Click Save and close the form.

Note: Before using a position record in the payroll process, it is necessary to set up Payroll parameters in Anthology Finance & HCM.

Microsoft Documentation on Set up payroll for workers.