Edit and Review NSLDS Information

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) maintains a history of Title IV aid awarded to students nationally. This data is shared with CPS, which then populates the student awards in the NSLDS section of the ISIR.

The NSLDS form loads certain data elements contained in the NSLDS section of the ISIR record (for example, previous loans or awards paid to the student) based on the selected student, award year, and transaction ID. The purpose of this form is to ensure that regulations related to overlapping loans and Title IV grants paid at a prior institution can be captured in Anthology Student and considered when awarding Title IV aid.

You can work with two tabs on the NSLDS page: 

  • On the Current Data tab, you can load and edit information from the NSLDS. You can load and edit ISIR information and Financial Aid History information (such as the previous loans or awards paid to the student at previous institutions). For example, you might need to specify the information for a student who has no ISIR on file so that you can estimate awards.

    A message indicates if there is an overlapping loan period with the Academic Years for the student's current enrollment. The user will have to specify the number of credits or hours and instructional weeks the student is expected to complete for the overlapping loan period.

    If you specified or edited values on the page, loading the information from the ISIR or Financial Aid History (FAH) overwrites any existing values.

    Changes to the NSLDS information are captured in the Audit accordion at the bottom of the page. When a user selects to change the source of the data (ISIR or Financial Aid History), the number of loans or grants relevant to the award year could change. The system will update pre-existing records that are needed to capture the records from the source and delete records that are no longer needed.

  • On the Financial Aid History tab, you can review financial aid history information when Transfer Student Monitoring Alert/FAH files have been imported. For more details, see Transfer Student Monitoring Import.

    Note: FAH and Alert files sent from NSLDS have a status code for each loan. The status codes are displayed in the History tab. When records from an FAH or Alert file are loaded into the Current Data tab, loans with a status code of CA (Cancelled) are excluded. This is to prevent the system from incorrectly identifying an overlapping loan period.


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Financial Aid - Student NSLDS Information - New, Edit, and View authorization.

If your institution has configured overlapping loans and the student is enrolled in a program version that is configured to use academic calendars that use clock hours or credit hours without terms, you should also be familiar with the Background for NSLDS and Overlapping Loans.

Access Method

NSLDS page (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Financial Aid > select the NSLDS tile.)

Procedure to Edit and Review NSLDS Award Information

Current Data Tab

  1. Verify that the program version is correct. If not, select the specific program version in the Program Version drop-down list.

  2. Select the year in the Award YearClosed The financial aid award year. list.

  3. Select one of the following options in the Load Form From Source list:

    • Financial Aid History
    • ISIR
  4. If you chose ISIR, select the transaction ID in the ISIR ID being Paid OnClosed If a student has more than one ISIR on file for the designated award year, select the ISIR ID. The first time you access the page for a student with more than one ISIR, the default is the ISIR with the lowest transaction ID. If you select a more recent ISIR with a higher transaction ID and save your changes, the information for that ISIR is displayed the next time you access the page. list.

  5. Select the Load button. Anthology Student loads the information from the Financial Aid History or ISIR and redisplays the page with the values. Any values you specified or edited are overwritten.

  6. Select Replace to confirm that you want to overwrite the values on the form.

  7. Review, specify, or change the values under Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance.

    SubsidizedClosed Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) for all subsidized loans held by the borrower that counts against the student's overall loan limits.

    UnSubsidizedClosed Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) for all unsubsidized loans held by the borrower that counts against the student's overall loan limits.

    CombinedClosed Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) for all subsidized and unsubsidized loans held by the borrower that counts against the student's overall loan limits.

    SLEU YearsClosed The Subsidized Loan Eligibility Used field provides the total time in years during which the student has received Direct Subsidized Loans as of the date of the ISIR.

  8. If you want to: 

    • Edit the values for a loan, select the record under NSLDS Loans.

    • Specify one or more loans, select the New button under NSLDS Loans.

  9. Review, specify, or change the values in the NSLDS Loans list.

    OverlapClosed Indicates whether there are overlapping loan periods (Yes/No)

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Begin DateClosed The start date of the loan.

    End DateClosed The end date of the loan.

    Grade LevelClosed The grade level of the student when they received the loan.

    Disbursed Amount Closed The amount of the disbursement. If you are adding disbursements using Anthology Student, the total of the amounts should equal the amount of the award.

  10. Select the Save button. Anthology Student closes the dialog.

  11. If you want to: 

    • Edit the values for grants or Perkins loans, select the record under Grants/Perkins Information.

    • Specify one or more grants or Perkins loans, select the New button under Grants/Perkins Information.

  12. Review, specify, or change the values in the Grants/Perkins Information list.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    School CodeClosed Unique codes assigned by the Department of Education for schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. Students can enter these codes on the FAFSA to indicate which schools they want to receive their financial application results. The School Codes are configured in Anthology Student under Campus Setup > Locations. A Federal School Code is always six characters: 0 (zero), G, B, or E, and a 5-digit number. Anthology Student supports only numeric school codes. If the Federal School Code for your institution contains the letter G, B, or E, replace the letter with a zero (0).

    Scheduled AmountClosed The scheduled amount of the disbursement.

    Disbursed Amount Closed The amount of the disbursement. If you are adding disbursements using Anthology Student, the total of the amounts should equal the amount of the award.

    AEI FlagClosed Select this flag if the student has received a Pell amount greater than 100% at another school. You can then populate the prior percentage disbursed for packaging to determine whether the student should be packaged for Additional Eligibility and determine the remaining Pell amount above 100% that can be packaged.

    Prior Percentage DisbursedClosed Indicates the percent of their eligible amount that has been disbursed by the prior institution.

  13. Select the Save button. Anthology Student closes the dialog.

  14. Select the Save button on the toolbar.

Financial Aid History Tab

The data on this tab is read-only showing the latest history information. This page automatically updated from the last FAH or alert file imported into Anthology Student. The Batch ID of the import file is displayed at the top of the page.

  1. Verify that the program version is correct. If not, select the specific program version in the Program Version drop-down list.

  2. Review the values under Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance.

    SubsidizedClosed Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) for all subsidized loans held by the borrower that counts against the student's overall loan limits.

    UnSubsidizedClosed Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) for all unsubsidized loans held by the borrower that counts against the student's overall loan limits.

    CombinedClosed Aggregate Outstanding Principal Balance (OPB) for all subsidized and unsubsidized loans held by the borrower that counts against the student's overall loan limits.

    SLEU YearsClosed The Subsidized Loan Eligibility Used field provides the total time in years during which the student has received Direct Subsidized Loans as of the date of the ISIR.

    Review the values in the NSLDS Loans list.

    OverlapClosed Indicates whether there are overlapping loan periods (Yes/No)

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    School CodeClosed Unique codes assigned by the Department of Education for schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. Students can enter these codes on the FAFSA to indicate which schools they want to receive their financial application results. The School Codes are configured in Anthology Student under Campus Setup > Locations. A Federal School Code is always six characters: 0 (zero), G, B, or E, and a 5-digit number. Anthology Student supports only numeric school codes. If the Federal School Code for your institution contains the letter G, B, or E, replace the letter with a zero (0).

    Begin DateClosed The start date of the loan.

    End DateClosed The end date of the loan.

    Grade LevelClosed The grade level of the student when they received the loan.

    Disbursed Amount Closed The amount of the disbursement. If you are adding disbursements using Anthology Student, the total of the amounts should equal the amount of the award.

    Loan StatusClosed The status of the borrower’s loan.

    Select the link o the Loan Status code to view the code definition.

  3. Review the values in the Grants/Perkins Information list.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    School CodeClosed Unique codes assigned by the Department of Education for schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. Students can enter these codes on the FAFSA to indicate which schools they want to receive their financial application results. The School Codes are configured in Anthology Student under Campus Setup > Locations. A Federal School Code is always six characters: 0 (zero), G, B, or E, and a 5-digit number. Anthology Student supports only numeric school codes. If the Federal School Code for your institution contains the letter G, B, or E, replace the letter with a zero (0).

    Scheduled AmountClosed The scheduled amount of the disbursement.

    Disbursed Amount Closed The amount of the disbursement. If you are adding disbursements using Anthology Student, the total of the amounts should equal the amount of the award.

    AEI FlagClosed Select this flag if the student has received a Pell amount greater than 100% at another school. You can then populate the prior percentage disbursed for packaging to determine whether the student should be packaged for Additional Eligibility and determine the remaining Pell amount above 100% that can be packaged.

    Prior Percentage DisbursedClosed Indicates the percent of their eligible amount that has been disbursed by the prior institution.

Additional Values and Actions for Overlapping Loan Periods

If there is a message indicating that there is an overlapping loan period, you must specify additional values. Anthology Student uses the values from these fields to calculate loan periods when loan periods are added to the Loan Periods page. The values are required to award Direct loans.

  1. Specify or change these values under ISIR Information.

    Previous Academic Year WeeksClosed Number of weeks in the academic year at the previous institution.

    Overlap Period CreditsClosed The number of credits for the overlapping loan period. The field is editable if overlapping loans are configured for the campus and the student has an overlapping loan period.

    Overlap Period WeeksClosed The number of weeks for the overlapping loan period. The field is editable if overlapping loans are configured for the campus and the student has an overlapping loan period.

  2. Select the Recalculate Overlap Period button.

  3. Select the Save button on the toolbar. A confirmation message indicates that the NSLDS records were saved.