Configure FA Information for Program Versions

You can use the Program Versions page to configure the financial aid information for the program versions configured by your Academic Records area.


You must have Financial Aid - Configuration - Manage authorization.

Your Academic Records area must have configured the programs and program versions available at your institution.

The program version you want to work with must be active.

If you will be packaging in the summer, you should be familiar with the Background for Processing for Summer Packaging.

Access Method

Select the Configuration tile > expand Financial Aid > select Program Versions.

Procedure to Configure the FA Information for Program Versions

  1. Select the program version in the grid.

  2. Review the values configured by Academic Records for the program version.

    CodeClosed The alphanumeric code assigned to the item by your institution. In most cases, codes must be unique.

    Degree Closed The academic degree.

    ProgramClosed The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.

    Total CreditsClosed The total credits required for the enrollment.

    Total Hours Closed The total hours required for the enrollment.

    Total WeeksClosed The total number of weeks required to complete this program version.

  3. Review, specify, or change the following values.

    Academic CalendarClosed The academic calendar. The values correspond to calendar options required by the Department of Education. They are non-standard terms, standard terms of quarters, standard terms of semesters, standard terms of trimesters, clock hours, and credit hours without terms. The default is the academic calendar configured for the program version. If you are configuring program versions from Financial Aid, the list is filtered to show the academic calendars appropriate for the Curriculum Standard selected when the program version was configured from Academic Records.

    ActiveClosed Specifies whether the associated record is active.

    CodeClosed The alphanumeric code assigned to the item by your institution. In most cases, codes must be unique.

    Default BudgetClosed The default budget associated with the program version or academic year sequence. Budgets are configured by your institution. The list only contains Active budgets. The budget is displayed on the Academic Years tab for the student for the academic year and program version (Students > select the student name > Financial Aid > Awarding > Academic Years tab.) Anthology Student will first use any configured enrollment status value (e.g., Full Time) and then use the default budget if no specific enrollment status value is found.

    NameClosed The descriptive name of the item.

    Non-TIV Program Revenue in 90/10 CalcClosed If you selected No for Title IV Eligible, Anthology Student enables this list so that you can specify whether or not the non-Title IV program version still qualifies to have its revenue included in 90/10 reporting. Select Yes if the program version qualifies and you want its revenue included. Otherwise, select No.

    Payment Methodology Closed Select the payment methodology. The list displays only the payment methodologies appropriate for the value you selected in the Academic Calendar list. A default payment methodology was configured for COD grants when financial aid was configured. For Non-standard terms, you can select codes 3 and 5. For Standard terms of quarters, semesters, or trimesters, you can select codes, 1-3 and 5. For Credit hours without terms, you can select codes 4-5. For Clock Hours, you can select code 4.

    Payment Period Determination DateClosed Select the date that you want Anthology Student to use to evaluate whether the student has attended a payment period when the student is moved to the status category of Permanent Out. The values are last day of attendance (LDA), Date of Determination, NSLDS Withdrawal Date. If your institution configured financial aid for Direct loans to auto create loan period origination changes when a student withdraws or a refund is posted, Anthology Student uses the date you specify here to evaluate whether the student has attended a payment period after the initial payment period on the Direct loan. If the student does not show any attendance, an origination change is created to adjust the end date for the loan period to exclude that payment period from the loan period.

    Payment Period SAPClosed If you selected Non-standard terms in the Academic Calendar list and the SAP mode was configured to be payment period and term and/or cumulative, specifies whether or not the optional payment period will be included when satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is evaluated.

    Period of Enrollment Time Frame Closed If you selected Payment Period in either of the Return Title IV Period Type lists, specify whether the start and end dates that you want Anthology Student to use in the calculation are based on the program or academic year. Anthology Student validates the dates. The period end date must be greater than the period begin date. The period begin date must be greater than or equal to the start date for the student. The period end date must be less than or equal to the expected graduation date for the student.

    Prorate Cost Based OnClosed If you selected Calculate Total Program Costs for Inst Charges Calc Method when you configured the budget selected for this program version, specifies whether you want Anthology Student to use the weeks, credits, or clock hours in the calculation. If you selected Non-standard terms, Standard terms or quarters, Standard terms of semesters, Standard terms of trimesters, or Credit hours without terms in the Academic Calendar list, you can select Weeks or Credits. If you selected Clock Hours in the Academic Calendar list, you can select Weeks or Clock Hours in the list.

    Recalculate Budgets Closed If you select Yes or a Y is displayed, it specifies that you want Anthology Student to automatically recalculate budget amounts based on the instructional weeks (IW) that occur between the academic year and loan period dates. All of these conditions must also be met for Anthology Student to recalculate. You must have selected Clock Hours or Credit hours without terms in the Academic Calendar list. Yes must have been selected for Use Monthly Amounts and Use Amounts Entered Here must have been selected for Institutional Charges Method when your institution configured the budget (Configuration > Financial Aid > Budgets). The amounts on the budget are multiplied by the value contained in the Instructional Months field to populate values in the budget section for the student academic year. Locked academic years and loan periods are not recalculated. On this page, you can filter the list using the Recalculate Budgets column to display only the program versions configured to recalculate the budget amounts.

    R2T4 Period Type Closed If you select Standard terms in the Academic Calendar list, the field value defaults to payment period. However, if you select Non-standard terms, Credit Hours without terms, or Clock Hours in the Academic Calendar list, you must specify the defined time frame for Return of Title IV Funds calculations. Select Payment Period to specify the time frame as the Title IV payment period. Select Period of Enrollment to specify that the time frame is the period of enrollment that the student was attending when the student withdrew from school.

    R2T4 Period Type Reenroll/TransferClosed If you select Standard terms in the Academic Calendar list, the field value defaults to payment period. However, if you select Non-standard terms, Credit Hours without terms, or Clock Hours in the Academic Calendar list, you must specify the defined time frame for Return of Title IV Funds calculations for reenrollments and transfers. Select Payment Period to specify the time frame as the Title IV payment period. Select Period of Enrollment to specify that the time frame is the period of enrollment that the student was attending when the student withdrew from school.

    Servicer Program NumberClosed If you are using a Financial Aid servicer (such as Global), specify the 1 to 16-character number recognized by the servicer. The number identifies the program to the servicer. It can include the program code used by the servicer to identify this program, or a Q or S determined by semester or quarter hours when the program is subject to the clock to credit conversion, or any other designator the servicer would like to have. This data is extracted in the extract files on each student's detail record. Contact your servicer for questions on these issues.

    Title IV EligibleClosed Select Yes to specify that the program version qualifies as a Title IV eligible program for 90/10 reporting. Select No if the program version does not qualify as Title IV. When you select No, Anthology Student enables the Non-TIV Program Revenue in the 90/10 Calc list so that you can specify whether or not the non-Title IV program version still qualifies to have its revenue included in 90/10 reporting. This field specifies the Title IV status of the program version for 90/10 reporting only. It does not change or affect the Title IV status for awarding. Additionally, this field is used for Servicer Extracts to include students enrolled in certificate programs.

    Anthology Student enables the fields and tabs appropriate for the values you specified.

    Note: The default budget will not be calculated when Automated Awarding is enabled.

  4. Under Academic Year Information, review, specify, or change the following values.

    Academic Year Type Closed The type of academic year. If you selected Non-standard terms, Credit hours without terms, or Clock Hours in the Academic Calendar list, Borrower-Based Academic Year is selected by default and the list is disabled. If you select any other value in the Academic Calendar list, the field is enabled and you can select either Borrower-Based Academic Year or Schedule Academic Year. When a student enrolls in a program version that has Schedule Academic Year selected, the wizard for enrolling the student is filtered to standard terms. If you selected Standard term of quarters for Academic Calendar, Anthology Student sets the value in No. of Terms in Academic Year to 3. If you selected Standard terms of semesters or Standard term of trimesters, Anthology Student sets it to 2. When Scheduled Academic Year is selected, academic years do not need to be associated with the program version. If academic years are configured, they are ignored because Anthology Student creates the academic year based on the value you specified for Full Academic Year – Credits and Weeks specified on this form. (They must be specified for Anthology Student to create the correct academic years.)

    Days to Assign New Award YearClosed (Optional) Configure the number of days before a new award year for assigning the subsequent award year instead of using the default logic that uses the AY start date to assign the award year (A new award year starts on 7/1 of each calendar year). This option allows the system to assign the second award year when the academic year crosses over 2 award years. The start date must be within xx days of a new award year. A value of 0 means the feature is not configured.

    Full Academic Year - Credits Closed The number of credits in a full academic year. If you selected Credit hours without terms in the Academic Calendar list, the Department of Education (ED) defines the minimum as 24 credits (semester) and 36 credits (quarterly).

    Full Academic Year - Hours Closed The number of hours in a full academic year. If you selected Clock hours in the Academic Calendar list, the Department of Education (ED) defines the minimum as 900 clock hours.

    Months in Academic YearClosed Choose from the following entries: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer (Quarters) OR Fall, Spring, Summer (semesters/trimesters). The system will assign the ‘Months in AY’ value on the individual student academic years by referencing the seasonal designation entered here in configuration against the seasonal designation on the terms making up the academic year and then summing the total.

    Not SE9WClosed If you selected Non-standard terms in the Academic Calendar list, select the check box if the program version is not SE9W. Refer to the FSA handbook for additional information about this academic calendar. If the check box is selected, Pell grants use the terms as the payment period and Direct loans will use the payment period or loan periods and not terms. If the check box is not selected, Pell grants will use terms as the payment period and Direct loans will also use terms as the payment period.

    No. of Terms in Academic YearClosed The number of terms in the academic year.

    Number of Payment PeriodsClosed The number of payment periods in the academic year for non-Title IV awards and all Title IV awards besides loans. It also indicates the number of payment periods for Pell, SEOG, ACG, and SMART grants.

    Package in Summer Term Closed If you selected Scheduled Academic Year in the Academic Year list and Header or Trailed in the Uses Summer list, select Yes or No to specify whether or not financial aid is packaged for the summer term.

    Payment Periods not UsedClosed If you selected Clock Hours or Credit hours without terms in the Academic Calendar list, select No if you do not want Anthology Student to automatically create the 2 payment periods for the academic year.

    Summer Term Credits Closed The number of default credits to be awarded in a summer term as a header or trailer. If you specify a value, the total academic year credits will be the value you specified for Full Academic Year - Credits added to this value. If you do not specify a value, Anthology Student will determine the number of credits in the summer term. It divides the full credits in the academic year by the total number of terms in the academic year, including the summer term. Anthology Student uses the value you specify here or the result of the calculation to determine the correct enrollment status for the student during the summer term.

    Title IV Loan Payment PeriodsClosed If you selected Clock Hours or Credit hours without terms in the Academic Calendar and Clock Hr/Credit Hr wo/Terms in the Payment Methodology list, specify the number of payment periods for Title IV loans in the academic year. The number of payment periods for Title IV loans can differ from all other loan types.

    Uses Summer Closed If you selected Standard terms of quarters, Standard terms of semesters, or Standard terms of trimesters in the Academic Calendar list and you selected Scheduled Academic Year in the Academic Year Type list, select either Header or Trailer. Anthology Student includes the summer header or trailer when it creates the academic years and matches the start and end dates with the summer header or trailer. For additional information, see the background for processing for summer packaging.

    WeeksClosed The number of weeks in the academic year. If you selected Non-standard terms, Standard terms of quarters, Standard terms of semesters, Standard terms of trimesters, or Credit hours without terms in the Academic Calendar list, the Department of Education (ED), defines the minimum as 30 weeks. If you selected Clock hours in the Academic Calendar list, ED defines the minimum as 26 weeks.

  5. Under Clock to Credit Conversion Information, review, specify, or change the following values.

    Conversion Rate - As of 07/01/2011 Closed If you selected Yes for Use Clock to Credit – As of 07/01/2011, specify the rate (typically 25 for quarter-based program versions and 37.5 for semester or term based program versions). Anthology Student will use the rate for students who enroll in the program version with a start date for the program version after 06/30/2011. The rate is divided into the clock hours completed to get the FA credits completed.

    Conversion Rate - Prior To 07/01/2011Closed If you selected Yes for Use Clock to Credit, specify the rate (typically 20 for quarter-based program versions and 30 for semester or term based program versions). The rate is divided into the clock hours completed to get the FA credits completed.

    FA CreditsClosed If the program version is configured with an academic calendar of credit hours without terms, you selected Use Clock to Credit, and the Student Pace Evaluation (SPE) feature has been configured to allow courses to be exempt from progression, specify the number of financial aid (FA) credits. The SPE feature uses the value to measure progression and adjust academic year and loan period sequences if the total FA credits for a program version are different from the academic credits.

    Total Out of Class Coursework Hours Closed If you selected Yes for Program Version Use Clock to Credit, specify the number of out of class coursework hours. The value is used to calculate the academic years. For the maximum number of hours allowed, refer to the Department of Education (ED).

    Use Clock to Credit Closed Select Yes to that the program version uses a clock to credit conversion rate. If you select Yes, you must also specify a value in the Conversion Rate – Prior 07/01/2011.

    Use Clock to Credit - As of 07/01/2011Closed If you selected Yes in the Use Clock to Credit list, select Yes to specify that the program version is also subject to the updated conversion rate for students enrolling into the program with a start date for the program version after 06/30/2011. If you do not select Yes, Anthology Student uses the rate you specified for Conversion Rate – Prior 07/01/2011 for program versions after 06/30/2011. For example, you would select Yes for Program Version Use Clock to Credit and No in this list for program versions that are exempt from the updated clock to credit conversion rate.

  6. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button

    If you specified a value for Total Out of Class Coursework Hours, Anthology Student validates the data and displays a message if the sum of Total Out of Class Coursework Hours from the courses in the course list on the program version does not equal the total hours configured on the Program Version.

Once you have added or edited the information program versions, you can complete any additional tabs appropriate for the program version. For example, you can complete the Term Associations tab for program versions with academic calendars for non-standard and standard terms. Use the tabs at the bottom of the page to configure:

Implications of Editing Specific Fields on the Page

There are implications in editing some of the values on the page. For example: 

Any values you specified are not saved.

If you change any of the following values and then save the program version, the Term Association tab is reset.

  • Academic Calendar
  • Academic Year Type
  • Full Academic Year - Credits
  • No. of Terms in Academic Year
  • Uses Summer

If you change Use Clock to Credit from Yes to No, the: 

  • Academic Years tab is reset

  • Information on the Optional Payment Period tab should be reviewed, and if needed, revised

If you change any of the following values and then save the program version, the Optional Payment Period tab is reset.

  • Academic calendar from Credit hours without terms or Clock hours to another calendar

  • For Credit hours without terms, Payment Methodology from Clock Hr/Credit Hr without/Terms to the other methodology

If you change Payment Periods Not Used from: 

  • Yes to No, Anthology Student displays a message asking if you want to change all the fund sources on the Optional Payment Period tab to Do Not Use

  • No to Yes, Anthology Student displays a message asking if you want to change all the fund sources on the Optional Payment Period tab to Title IV