ISIR Matching

The Application Data Import process in Anthology Student automatically matches records in the import files to records in the database. After ISIRs have been imported into the system, the ISIR matching process is available to manually change any automatically matched ISIR records after the Application Data Import process. The ISIR Matching process typically needs to be performed in the following scenarios:

  • The financial aid administrator at the institution wants to override specific data.

  • The option to create leads from unmatched records was not selected during the Application Data Import, and students select the institution at a later time. In this situation, you can load the ISIRs individually and manually match the ISIRs to specific students.

ISIR matching requires the following data:

  1. The school code must be listed on the student's ISIR.

  2. The ISIR is matched based on the student's SSN and name.

Anthology Student verifies that the origination ID on the COD origination record matches the transaction ID on the ISIR. This prevents issues where name changes result in the origination ID being different from the ISIR transaction ID due to the timing of the ISIR being sent, the name being changed in the database, and the Pell record being scheduled. Once an ISIR Transaction ID is assigned to a student by the issuing of an ISIR from ED, the student must be identified by this ID for the rest of the year. The origination ID must match the ISIR transaction ID in cases where spelling errors or name changes occur.

After running the ISIR matching process, you still need go through the ISIR corrections process and align the ISIR records with the Student Profile if necessary (see Correct ISIRs).

Tip: It is possible to resolve issues with ISIRs or financial aid packing or disbursements by unmatching and manually rematching a student's ISIR. For example:

  • A new ISIR is received and the dependency status on the award is not updated causing the file to be rejected.

  • An award is not validated due to an invalid dependency status code.

  • The "Verification Status" and "ISIR being paid on" fields are disabled in a student's enrollment.

  • A post-withdrawal disbursement cannot be set to Accepted.

  • The Approved status for a Pell award cannot be selected.

  • An incorrect EFC/SAI value is calculated for a Pell award.

  • Packaging failed due to inconsistent data packaging/award data.

  • A student has a valid ISIR on file and has already received a disbursement from said ISIR. On an attempt to originate another disbursement, an error indicates that the loan cannot be originated because there is no ISIR on file.


You must have the following authorization:

  • Common - Processes - View

  • Financial Aid - Processes - ISIR Matching - Match Student ISIRs

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select ISIR Matching.

Procedure to Match ISIRs

Process Tab

Use the Process tab to specify the selection criteria for manually queued jobs. For background jobs, use the Schedule tab to specify the ISIR matching options.

  1. Select a School Code or accept the session default.

  2. Select an Award Year or accept the session default.

  3. Select whether you want to view Previously Matched ISIRs and unmatched ISIRs.

    • If you select No (default), the grid will display only unmatched ISIR records (i.e., the Matches column = 0).

    • If you select Yes, the grid will display all unmatched and previously matched records.

  4. In the Last Name: From and To fields, you can specify single alphabetical characters to use as a search filter.


    • To search for last names starting with "A" and "B", specify a in the From field and b in the To field.

    • To search for last names starting with "C", specify c in the From field and c in the To field.

  5. Select the Apply Filters button.

    Make sure that any customizations and filters have been removed from the grid. See the section on removing customizations for lists and grids in the topic Work with Lists and Grids.

  6. The grid is populated with records matching the search filter.

    MatchesClosed Indicates whether the ISIR was matched to a student record in Anthology Student.

    StudentClosed The last and first name of the student. In some lists, the name of the student is highlighted. If it is highlighted, you can select the link and it will display the Student Profile or a page available from the profile (such as their Documents list in Contact Manager). To display the Student Profile, you must have Common - Student - View authorization. If the link takes you to a page available from the profile, you must have authorization for that page. For example, if it displays the Documents list, you must have Contact Manager - Student Document - View authorization.

    Social Security NumberClosed The person's Social Security Number (SSN). You must be authorized to work with SSNs.

    Orig Social Security NumberClosed The Original SSN field on the ISIR Verification form contains the Social Security Number submitted with the FAFSA form.

    Transaction IDClosed Transaction Identifier of the ISIR record.

    AddressClosed Address information for the student.

    CityClosed The name of the city.

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state.

    Zip CodeClosed The postal code for the address.

    Date of BirthClosed The date of birth (DOB) in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

    Phone NumberClosed The phone number. The format depends on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether phone numbers use parentheses and hyphens).

    Date App CompletedClosed The date when the institution accepted the documents submitted by the student, or by persons and organizations connected with the student.

  7. Review the records in the grid. The Matches column indicates whether 0, 1, or more matching ISIRs were found for a student. A match count greater than 1 typically indicates that the ISIR was submitted against more than one school code.

  8. Depending on the results you want to achieve, select one of the following options in the grid toolbar:

    Option Select this option to... If you select this option Database Impacts
    Auto Match Evaluate all students in the grid (all pages) and match the ISIR records to the students.

    1.  All ISIR records are checked regardless of the Matches count on the current records.

    2.  The process will update the ISIR records. A message displays the number of updated ISIRs.

    3.  The grid is refreshed and the Matches count is updated to indicate the additional matches.

    •   A record is created in the FAISIRStudentMatch table.

    •   The FAStudentPell record is updated.

    •   The ISIR will be visible on the ISIR Received form.

    •   The student will be added to the Verification and or C code groups if configured on the campus and the ISIR record will contain the applicable criteria.

    Note: When a C-Code has already been resolved (that is, the student was removed from the C-Code Hold Group), Anthology Student recognizes that the new ISIR contains an already resolved C-Code and will not add the student to the C-Code Hold Group again. You can configure this option under Settings > System > General > No SAR C-Codes reapplied to Hold. The default for this setting is No/False.

    •   Documents will be added to the student if the ISIR record meets the criteria configured under the Document Scheduler.

    •   The housing status on the Academic Year will be updated with the matching award year as the ISIR if configured.

    Manual Match Manually match a single ISIR record to a student.

    1.  The Select Student dialog is displayed.

    2.  Search for the student record and select the Select button.

    3.  The ISIR is matched to the student record and the Matches count in the grid is updated.

    Update Match

    Update the ISIR match for a single record.

    This option is disabled if the Matches count on the record is 0.

    1.  The Update Match dialog is displayed.

    2.  Review the student information matched to the ISIR record and select the Save button.

    3.  The ISIR is matched to the student record and the Matches count in the grid is updated.


    Unmatch/delete students matched to the selected ISIR record.

    This option is disabled if the Matches count on the record is 0.

    1.  The Matches count in the grid is updated to zero.

    2.  Select Save in the grid toolbar to commit any Unmatch actions.

    3.  Select Cancel to reset all Unmatch changes.

    •   The record is deleted from the FAISIRStudentMatch table.

    •   The record is deleted from the ISIR Received folder.  

    •   This option does not back out all the other database updates that may have occurred when the ISIR record was initially matched.

    Search Social Security Number Determine the Student, Transaction ID, and School Code for a specific SSN.

    1.  The Search Social Security Number dialog is displayed.

    2.  Select an Award Year or accept the session default.

    3.  Specify the SSN (xxx-xx-xxxx) and select Apply Filters.

    4.  If the SSN is found, the Student, Transaction ID, and School Code are displayed.



Schedule Tab

Use this tab to create, edit, activate, deactivate, delete schedules, and specify ISIR matching options. You can also view detailed information on the last 5 runs of a scheduled process and manually trigger the execution of an ISIR matching process.

  1. Review the grid listing the previously created schedules for ISIR Matching.

    NameClosed The name or description of the schedule.

    ActiveClosed Indicates whether the schedule is active or not.

    FrequencyClosed Indicates the frequency with which the schedule is run. Selecting from Daily, Specific Date, or Monthly will update the frequency details to be defined.

    Next RunClosed Indicates the date and time when the schedule is expected to run again.

    Last RunClosed Indicates the date and time when the schedule was last run.

  2. To remove a schedule, select the schedule and select Delete.

  3. To activate an inactive schedule, select the schedule and select Activate.

  4. To prevent an active schedule from running, select the schedule and select Deactivate.

  5. To trigger a scheduled ISIR matching process to run immediately, select an active schedule and select Run Now.

  6. To view details of a previously scheduled job, select the expand icon () in the left column. The following details are displayed:

    StatusClosed The status of the job. Enqueued indicates the job is in the queue waiting to be executed. Scheduled indicates the job is scheduled to run at a future time. Processing indicates the job is running. Succeeded indicates the job was completed with no errors. Deleted indicates the job was completed with errors.

    ResultClosed Indicates the processing result for job. If it was successfully processed, it displays Passed or Succeeded. Otherwise, it displays the reason why it was not processed.

    Job TriggeredClosed The start time of the background job.

    CompletedClosed The date when the item was completed.

  7. To edit a schedule, select the link in the Name column. The Edit Schedule - <Name> form is displayed below the grid.

  8. To create a schedule, select the New button in the grid toolbar. The New Schedule form is displayed below the grid.
  9. Specify or edit the following Schedule properties:

    NameClosed The name or description of the schedule.

    ActiveClosed Indicates whether the schedule is active or not.

    FrequencyClosed Indicates the frequency with which the schedule is run. Selecting from Daily, Specific Date, or Monthly will update the frequency details to be defined.

    DaysClosed The days of the week.

    Specific DateClosed Month/Day/Year or Year-Month-Day

    MonthlyClosed The schedule is run every month.

    RecurrenceClosed Select the recurrence pattern of the schedule, either "Occurs every" (Hour) or "Occurs once at" (H:MM:TT).

    Start DateClosed The date that an item starts or the first day it can be used. Not applicable if Specific Date is set as the Frequency.

    End DateClosed The date when an item ends or the last day it can be used.

    Time ZoneClosed A region that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes.

    Notify StaffClosed Optionally, select staff members to be notified when the schedule is executed.

    ISIR Matching Options

    School CodeClosed Unique codes assigned by the Department of Education for schools participating in the Title IV federal student aid programs. Students can enter these codes on the FAFSA to indicate which schools they want to receive their financial application results. The School Codes are configured in Anthology Student under Campus Setup > Locations. A Federal School Code is always six characters: 0 (zero), G, B, or E, and a 5-digit number. Anthology Student supports only numeric school codes. If the Federal School Code for your institution contains the letter G, B, or E, replace the letter with a zero (0).

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    Previously MatchedClosed Select whether you want to view Previously Matched ISIRs and unmatched ISIRs. If you select No (default), the grid will display only unmatched ISIR records (i.e., the Matches column = 0). If you select Yes, the grid will display all unmatched and previously matched records.

    Last Name: From and ToClosed Specify single alphabetical characters to use as a search filter. Examples: To search for last names starting with "A" and "B", specify a in the From field and b in the To field. To search for last names starting with "C", specify c in the From field and c in the To field.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Continue to add another item to the list, select the Save & New button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button

  1. To close the New Schedule or Edit Schedule form, select Cancel.

Generate Report of Unmatched ISIRs

You can create report unmatched ISIRs.

  1. Select a School Code.

  2. Select an Award Year.

  3. Set Previously Matched = No.

  4. Select Apply Filters. The grid will display the unmatched ISIRs.

  5. Select the Export icon (Export button) in the grid toolbar.

  6. Export to Excel (All Results) or PDF (All Results). The list will open in Microsoft Excel or Adobe Acrobat.