Review and Submit the SAP Batch

Once you have created the batch that evaluates SAP, use the Open Batch tab on the SAP Calculation page to: 

  • Review the proposed changes for students

  • Submit the batch that makes the changes to SAP for the students

If a student does not meet SAP, the reason a student did not meet SAP is displayed in the results.

If you have permission, you can also: 

  • Specify the SAP statuses that Anthology Student could not calculate

  • Override the calculated SAP status for students

Once you queue the batch, Anthology Student updates the SAP statuses. The next time SAP is evaluated, Anthology Student performs a new evaluation and overwrites any previous overrides you specified for SAP status on the new evaluation.


You must have:

  • Common - Processes - View authorization

  • Financial Aid – Processes - SAP Calculation authorization

To specify or override the calculated SAP status, your user ID must also be allowed to override the SAP status.

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select SAP Calculation.

Procedure to Review and Submit the Batch

  1. Select the Open Batches tab.

  2. Review the status and values for the batches that performed the evaluation in the Batches grid.

    Created Closed The date and time the batch was created.

    Duration Closed The amount of time it took to process the job or batch.

    NameClosed The batch name. The name includes the date when the process was started.

    Submitted ByClosed The name of the staff member who submitted the batch for processing.

    Started Closed The date and time when the first job within the batch started executing.

    Status Closed A status of Preparing indicates that the jobs in the batch are still being created or are waiting on the system resources required to create them. Started indicates that the batch has been started. (At least one job in the batch is Enqueued, Processing, Succeeded, or Deleted.) Succeeded indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and ALL job states are Succeeded. Completed indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and some jobs may be at Succeeded state, but at least one of the jobs is at a Deleted state. Awaiting indicates the batch is awaiting the completion of a dependent job or batch. Deleted indicates that the batch has been canceled.

    TypeClosed Specifies the type of evaluation. The type of evaluation you can perform for a student depends on whether or not the type was selected for the academic calendar for their program version when it was configured for SAP.

    • SAP Type = Cumulative only checks the student's progress as of the day you run SAP. It does not look at any previous SAP statuses.

    • For SAP to run on a term (Type = Term), all grades must be posted for that term and the grading dates must fall within the term dates.

    • For SAP to cover multiple enrollments, the Linked SAP Enrollment option must be selected on the student's enrollment.

    • Transfer Credits need to have an end date within the term that SAP is being run for.

    • For students that have changed enrollments, you can include courses from a previous enrollment in the new enrollment by:

      • Setting up SAP Linked Enrollments (see Add an Enrollment or Edit an Enrollment)

      • Associating courses that apply to the new program which are counted towards the rate of progress

  3. Highlight the batch record in the Batches grid. Anthology Student displays the details for the job in the Job Results grid.

  4. In the Job Results grid, review the list of students and their SAP statuses.

    AY|PPClosed The academic year and payment period (such as A1|P1 and A1|P2).

    CheckpointClosed The benchmarks established by the institution's SAP policy. For term-based programs, specifies that SAP evaluation is modified to determine the previous checkpoint value for the last time SAP was executed for the student. Anthology Student ignores sequences that have a checkpoint greater than 0, but less than or equal to any previous checkpoints evaluated. A student is then evaluated if the student details meet the SAP evaluation criteria and the student has not previously been evaluated for the sequence checkpoint. SAP evaluation includes checkpoint evaluation only on SAP sequences where a checkpoint number is specified. The checkpoint value is stored in the SAP Audit table to indicate the last checkpoint evaluated. If the students are not evaluated due to not meeting any of the checkpoints, they are still evaluated for the items on the SAP policy (such as maximum tine frame validation and maximum attempts). Specify a value between 0 and 255. 0 indicates that there is no checkpoint. Checkpoints are evaluated across linked enrollments. The checkpoint information is displayed on the SAP related reports.

    Cumulative GPAClosed The cumulative grade point average (GPA) for the benchmark. The cumulated GPA for an enrollment is calculated from the time the student entered the institution under that enrollment. The Cumulative GPA column includes all courses taken that are selected to be included in the GPA calculation. In the case of a cumulative GPA displayed on a term, it consists of all the courses taken up to and within the terms that are also selected to be included in the GPA calculation. The current GPA is made up of only the courses that occurred in that term.

    Current GPA Closed The grade point average (GPA) for the specified curriculum.

    Fail SAP ReasonClosed The reason that describes details around satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for a student. If you place your cursor over the column, Anthology Student lists all the reasons. These details encompass both reasons students fail to meet SAP and reasons students are improving their performance to meet SAP when they have previously failed. Anthology Student is installed with default SAP reasons that are associated with the criteria. Your institution can configure other reasons.

    Fail SAP SequenceClosed Sequence number in the satisfactory academic policy (SAP) policy where the student is failing SAP. The reason the student did not meet SAP or was not evaluated is displayed in the Fail SAP Reason column.

    Job CreatedClosed The date and time when the job was added to the background job queue.

    Job Result Closed Indicates the processing result for job. If it was successfully processed, it displays Passed or Succeeded. Otherwise, it displays the reason why it was not processed.

    Job Started Closed The date and time when the job was pulled from the queue and started executing. The Started time for a job will be the same time or later than the started time for the batch.

    Job Status Closed A status of Preparing indicates that the jobs in the batch are still being created or are waiting on the system resources required to create them. Started indicates that the batch has been started. (At least one job in the batch is Enqueued, Processing, Succeeded, or Deleted.) Succeeded indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and ALL job states are Succeeded. Completed indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and some jobs may be in the Succeeded state, but at least one of the jobs is in a Deleted state. Awaiting indicates the batch is awaiting the completion of a dependent job or batch. Deleted indicates that the batch has been canceled.

    PP Count Closed The number of applicable payment periods.

    SAPClosed The student's academic progress. If it is a check box and it is selected, indicates that a student meets SAP. If the check box is not selected, it indicates that the student was not evaluated or that they do not meet SAP. If you have permission and you want to change the status, select the check box.

    SAP Evaluation DateClosed The date of the SAP report. The values in this column are displayed only for SAP reports based on payment period.

    SAP StatusClosed The status assigned to the student during the SAP evaluation process.

    TermClosed The term evaluated.

    Term SequenceClosed The term sequence number associated with the student's SAP evaluation.

    Units Attempted Closed The units attempted by the student for the term or payment period.

    Units EarnedClosed The units earned by the student for the term or payment period.

  5. If you have permission to override the SAP status (see Allow User to Override SAP StatusClosed Select the check box to give staff members permission to override the SAP status for a student during the SAP calculation process. (Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select SAP Calculation.) In addition, the staff member may override a SAP status that had been set to not be recalculated. in Add or Edit General and Module Permissions for Staff), you can override the automatic calculation of SAP for a student by selecting or clearing the SAP check box. When you override the automatic SAP calculation, your overrides are saved and shown on the SAP report.

    When you select a SAP check box, you can select a new SAP Status from the drop-down list which then replaces the system-defined SAP status. An audit entry is recorded in the SAP Audit report. See SAP Audit.

    The next time the SAP calculation is processed, the automatic calculation evaluates each student again. Any previous overrides are overwritten based on the new calculation.

  6. To automatically create a letter task, select the Create Letter Task check box and select the task and letter template from the Letter Task list. (The list only displays letters configured for your default campus.) 

  7. When you are ready to calculate the SAP statuses, select the Queue Calculation button.

  8. On the Queue Batch dialog, review or change the name of the batch and select the Queue button.

Anthology Student queues the job. When the batch is complete, Anthology Student updates the statuses and adds all SAP status changes and any reasons why the student did not meet SAP to the audit folder for the student for the sequence evaluated.

If you also selected the Create Letter Task check box, Anthology Student assigns letter tasks to the students who did not meet SAP. The tasks can be viewed in the: 

  • Task list for the student (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Tasks tile.)

  • Tasks list (Select the Tasks tile.)

The task has a status of pending until it is printed.

Once you leave the page, you can use the History tab to review the information about processing for the batch, but not the student details. See Manage the SAP Batch History.

If you need the student details, you can: 

  • Use the Export (Export button) button on the toolbar to export the information

  • Review the SAP Summary page ( Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Financial Aid > select the SAP Summary tile. )

  • Review the SAP tab on the Audit page (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Academic Records > select the Audit tile.)