Post Financial Aid Disbursements

You can use the Post Financial Aid Disbursement page to queue and post financial aid disbursements after the disbursements have been approved by the financial aid department. You can view the approved batches of financial aid disbursements before you post them. You can also review the status of all the posted batches within the selected date range.

After the disbursements are posted to the student ledger card, a notification message is displayed.

  • When Pell disbursements are posted to the students' ledger cards, the disbursement records are marked as Ready to Send if they are not already marked

  • When direct subsidized loans, direct unsubsidized loans, or direct PLUS loans are posted to the student ledger cards, a record is written to the file containing the history of disbursements and refunds sent to COD. You can then export and transmit these records to COD

Direct Loan Disbursement File

Anthology Student updates the direct loan disbursement file when a batch of FA disbursements is posted to the student's ledger cards. Each disbursement that is "paid" on a student's ledger card is reported to the Loan Origination Center. For each disbursement that is posted, Anthology Student adds a row to the Direct Loan Disbursement table if all the following conditions are met: 

  • The fund source type of the disbursement is DIRSUB, DIRUNSUB, or DIRPLUS

  • The Use Direct Loan flag is set to true for the student's campus

  • A row exists in the FA Loan table where the Student Aid ID equals the ID for the FA for which the disbursement is being posted

  • The Scheduled Disbursement Number is greater than zero for the row in FaSched that corresponds to the disbursement being posted

Servicer Processing

If your institution uses a servicer for processing financial aid, you cannot post a servicer disbursement batch if there are exceptions during the import process. In addition, the batch will not be displayed on the posting grid. If there are no exceptions, the batch is displayed as available for posting and the fund source will be listed as "Servicer Import".

Dropped Students

When a student is dropped from your institution, and the disbursements are included in an open batch, Anthology Student does not set disbursements to a canceled status. In this scenario, Anthology Student flags the batch as having dropped students. You can then approve and pay the students in the process. For any disbursement that is not paid, you must manually change the disbursement to a canceled status on the Financial Aid packaging page.


You must have:

  • Common - Processes - View authorization

  • Student Accounts - Processes - Post Financial Aid Disbursements authorization

You must have also configured a bank account for the campus.

You can only post batches for active fund sources. You cannot post batches for a deactivated fund source.

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Student Accounts > select Post Financial Aid Disbursements.

Procedure to Create the Batch and Review Results

Create and queue a batch to post financial aid disbursements.

Process Tab

Use the Process tab to filter the data and queue the batch job.

  1. Select one or more CampusesClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. The list is filtered to display the campuses where you have access..

  2. Review the values in Approved Batches.

    Added ByClosed The name of the staff member that added the person or item.

    Amount ApprovedClosed The amount approved by the FA department.

    Approved DisbursementsClosed The approved financial aid disbursements.

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    Batch AmountClosed The total amount of all of the disbursements in the batch.

    Batch NumClosed The batch number.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. It is filtered to display the campuses to which you have access. In some cases, it is also used to filter a list to only those items for the campus. In some lists, you can select more than one campus or select All. In lists that display columns, if the column contains more than one campus, you cannot sort or filter on that column.

    Date CreatedClosed The date when the disbursement batch was created.

    DisbursementsClosed The number of disbursements in the batch.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    LenderClosed The name of the lender. Lenders are configured by your institution.

  3. Select the link in Batch Num.

  4. In Disbursement Details, review the values of the selected disbursement batch.

    AmountClosed The disbursement amount.

    ApprovedClosed The approval indicator, whether Yes or No.

    CampusClosed The campus associated with the disbursement.

    CommonLine Load IDClosed CommonLine Loan ID associated with the loan.

    CommonLine Sequence NumClosed CommonLine disbursement sequence number.

    Disbursement DateClosed The date the disbursement is scheduled to be paid.

    Disbursement NumberClosed The disbursement number.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Payment PeriodClosed The payment period associated with the disbursement.

    StudentClosed The last and first name of the student. In some lists, the name of the student is highlighted. If it is highlighted, you can select the link and it will display the Student Profile or a page available from the profile (such as their Documents list in Contact Manager). To display the Student Profile, you must have Common - Student - View authorization. If the link takes you to a page available from the profile, you must have authorization for that page. For example, if it displays the Documents list, you must have Contact Manager - Student Document - View authorization.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.

    Student StatusClosed The student's current enrollment status.

    TermClosed The term associated with the disbursement.

  5. In the Approved Batches grid, select a disbursement batch and select the Queue Post button.

  6. On the Submit Batch dialog, review or change the following values.

    Bank AccountClosed The bank account from which the disbursements will be distributed. When the refund is posted, the bank account will be debited and the student ledger account will be credited.

    Batch NameClosed The disbursement batch name.

    Check/EFT NumberClosed The check number or the electronic funds transfer (EFT) number.

    DateClosed The transaction date.

    Payment MethodClosed Method used to make the payment, for example, cash, credit card, and so on.

    TermClosed The term associated with the disbursements.

  7. Select the Submit button.

Anthology Student proceeds with the posting. When the batches are completed, the disbursement is posted to the student's ledger card, and receipt notifications are displayed. You can also view the Posted Batches grid or the History grid to view the details.

Posted Batches Tab

For batches that you have posted, you can use the Posted Batches tab to review the status of all the posted batches within the selected date range.

  1. Select one or more CampusesClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. The list is filtered to display the campuses where you have access..

  2. Specify the date range when the batch was created.

  3. Select Apply Filters. All the batches that were created and posted within the specified date are displayed.

  4. Review the status and values for the batches in the list.

    Added ByClosed The name of the staff member that added the person or item.

    Amount ApprovedClosed The amount approved by the FA department.

    Approved DisbursementsClosed The approved financial aid disbursements.

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    Batch AmountClosed The total amount of all of the disbursements in the batch.

    CampusClosed The campus associated with the disbursement.

    Date CreatedClosed The date when the batch was created.

    DisbursementsClosed The number of disbursements in the batch.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    LenderClosed The name of the lender. Lenders are configured by your institution.

  5. Highlight the batch record in the Posted Batches list and select the Batch Num link. Anthology Student displays the details for the batches in the Job Results grid.

  6. In Disbursement Details, review the values in the Job Results grid.

    AmountClosed The disbursement amount.

    ApprovedClosed The approval indicator, whether Yes or No.

    CampusClosed The campus associated with the disbursement.

    CommonLine Load IDClosed CommonLine Loan ID associated with the loan.

    CommonLine Sequence NumClosed CommonLine disbursement sequence number.

    Disbursement DateClosed The date the disbursement is scheduled to be paid.

    Disbursement NumberClosed The disbursement number.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Payment PeriodClosed The payment period associated with the disbursement.

    StudentClosed The last and first name of the student. In some lists, the name of the student is highlighted. If it is highlighted, you can select the link and it will display the Student Profile or a page available from the profile (such as their Documents list in Contact Manager). To display the Student Profile, you must have Common - Student - View authorization. If the link takes you to a page available from the profile, you must have authorization for that page. For example, if it displays the Documents list, you must have Contact Manager - Student Document - View authorization.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.

    Student StatusClosed The student's current enrollment status.

    TermClosed The term associated with the disbursement.

    You can select the Student link to navigate to the student profile.

History Tab

For batches that you created to post disbursements, you can use the History tab to review the status of all the batches, review the results of specific batches, and manage the batches.

Batches on this tab are available for 28 days by default. Anthology Student removes them after 28 days. If you need to keep the information for a batch, use the Export (Export button) button on the toolbar.

  1. Review the values in the Batches grid.

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    Batch AmountClosed The total amount of all of the disbursements in the batch.

    CampusClosed The campus or campuses to which a person or item is assigned. The list is filtered to display the campuses where you have access.

    CanceledClosed Shows the date and time when the batch was canceled. Blank if the batch was not canceled.

    DurationClosed The amount of time it took to process the job or batch.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    StatusClosed A status of Preparing indicates that the jobs in the batch are still being created or are waiting on the system resources required to create them. Started indicates that the batch has been started. (At least one job in the batch is Enqueued, Processing, Succeeded, or Deleted.) Succeeded indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and ALL job states are Succeeded. Completed indicates all jobs in the batch have been executed and some jobs may be in the Succeeded state, but at least one of the jobs is in a Deleted state. Awaiting indicates the batch is awaiting the completion of a dependent job or batch. Deleted indicates that the batch has been canceled.

    Last RetryClosed Shows the date and time when the Deleted jobs within the batch were last resubmitted for processing. Blank if a retry has never been requested.

    StartedClosed The date and time when the first job within the batch started executing.

    Submitted ByClosed The name of the staff member who submitted the batch for processing.

    Type Closed The batch type.

  2. Select the name of the batch in the list. Anthology Student displays the details for the job in the Results grid.

  3. Review the values in the Results grid.

    AmountClosed The amount in dollars.

    Disbursement DateClosed The date that the disbursement was approved.

    Disbursement NumberClosed The sequence number for the disbursement. For Pell grants, if there are disbursements from other enrollments, the numbering scheme picks up where the previous disbursements left off.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Job StartedClosed The date and time when the job was pulled from the queue and started executing. The Started time for a job will be the same time or later than the started time for the batch.

    Job CreatedClosed The date and time when the job was added to the background job queue.

    Job StatusClosed Select the program versions you want to use to filter. You must have selected one or more programs in the Program list to display the list of program versions.

    Student Closed The last and first name of the student. In some lists, the name of the student is highlighted. If it is highlighted, you can select the link and it will display the Student Profile or a page available from the profile (such as their Documents list in Contact Manager). To display the Student Profile, you must have Common - Student - View authorization. If the link takes you to a page available from the profile, you must have authorization for that page. For example, if it displays the Documents list, you must have Contact Manager - Student Document - View authorization.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.