FERPA Opt-out Listing

You can use this report to display all students who have opted out of the release of FERPA directory information. In addition, you can view all the FERPA addresses that can be displayed under FERPA Academic Information.

The criteria you specify filter the data in the report. For example, if you select a specific campus and all program versions, you will only retrieve records for the students at that campus for program versions at that campus.

To configure the timeout duration for the Export to Excel button, your institution must have configured Export to Excel Timeout in SecondsClosed Enter the Timeout Value in seconds (0-900) for all the SSRS Export to Excel. under SettingsSystemGeneral.

If you frequently generate reports with the same selection criteria, you can save the selection criteria under a name. This makes it easier to generate reports in the future with the same selection criteria.


You must have: 

  • Common - Reports - View authorization

  • Either Reports - Contact Manager - FERPA Opt-out Listing or Contact Manager - All Reports authorization (All Reports provides authorization to view all reports for Contact Manager.) 

Access Method

Select the Reports tile > locate Contact Manager > select FERPA Opt-out Listing.

Procedure to Generate the Report

  1. Specify the data selection criteria.

    CampusesClosed The campus where the student or students were enrolled.

    DBI Modified DateClosed The date when the data block indicator was last modified. From and To

    Load Saved CriteriaClosed Select the required saved criteria that you want to load in the selection criteria fields.

    Status CategoriesClosed The category for the status. It can include more than one student status. They are defined by the system and selected for the student statuses configured by your institution.

    Student GroupsClosed The name of the student group. If you are selecting a group and your institution has configured Anthology Student to limit groups to campuses, you can only select groups for the campus that you are assigned to. If you are selecting a group, it can also be filtered to display groups where you are the owner, public groups, and private groups to which you have been given access.

    Student ID to PrintClosed Specifies the ID that is printed. The values are Student Number, Enrollment Number, and None.

  1. Take the appropriate action.

    Task Action to Take
    View the report

    1.  Select the View Report button. Anthology Student displays the generated report.

    Export the report

    1.  Select the Export to Excel button. Anthology Student displays the Export Report Data dialog box.

    2.  Review, specify, or change the following value.

    Export File NameClosed The name of the exported file.

    3.  Select the Export button.

    Anthology Student exports the generated report as a CSV file which may be viewed in Excel. In some cases, the exported file will contain additional data not displayed in the report on your screen.

    Note: If you entered special characters like *, -, !, (, or ) in the report fields, Anthology Student automatically prepends an apostrophe to those field values upon export to Excel or CSV. The apostrophe is added to reduce vulnerability, as these characters are perceived by Excel as an actionable formula. Once the report is exported to Excel, Anthology suggests using find and replace on the characters only if necessary to restore original values.

    Save the selection criteria

    1.  Select the Save Criteria button. Anthology Student displays the Save Criteria dialog box.

    2.  Specify the name to save the criteria.

    3.  Select the Save button. Anthology Student saves the selection criteria for the report.

    Delete the selection criteria

    1.  Select the Delete Saved Criteria button. Anthology Student displays the Delete Criteria dialog box.

    2.  Select the Delete button. Anthology Student deletes the selected saved criteria for the report.

You can also save to a student group. For more information, see Create or Update a Student Group Using a Report.

Details for the Report

In the report:

  • Addresses that have access to FERPA information are listed for each student

  • Students are sorted alphabetically by name

  • Student name is linked to the student profile. For more information, see Access a Profile from a Report.