Configure Advanced Features for Anthology Student

You can use the Advanced Features page to specify the advanced features for Anthology Student. Advanced Feature settings affect the way Anthology Student works. By default, these features are disabled.

Be cautious when using advanced features:

  • Enabling an advanced feature will force the deprecation of forms in the legacy interface as the functionality will change significantly
  • If you enable any advanced feature, you cannot disable it


You must have:

  • To view the page, System - Settings - Advanced Feature – View authorization

  • To specify advanced features, System - Settings - Advanced Feature – Manage authorization

Access Method

Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Advanced Features.

Procedure to Edit Items

  1. Filter the list by specifying all or part of the feature name in the Search Setting field.

  2. Review the values in the list.

    Date AddedClosed The date when the item or person was added or the status change was entered.

    Date ModifiedClosed The date when the item was changed. On some pages, it also includes the timestamp for the time.

    DescriptionClosed Text that describes the item.

    Display OrderClosed Indicates the order in which the advanced features are displayed.

    Feature Name Closed Indicates the name of the advanced features.

    Modified ByClosed The name of the person who changed the item.

    Module NameClosed Indicates the name of the module to which the advanced feature belongs.

    SettingClosed Indicates the name of the advanced feature setting.

    ValueClosed Indicates the value of the settings. By default, the value is set to disabled. Once the value is set to enabled, it cannot be changed.

  3. Review or change the values for the settings in the list. Anthology Student displays the edit dialog.

    Allow Additional Document ProvidersClosed Select Yes to enable additional integrated document providers other than Perceptive. If you enable this feature, the Document Integration settings for Campuses in the Contact Manager and Admissions tiles are disabled. Select No if you only want to use the native Contact Manager functionality or use Perceptive under Document Integration settings for Campuses in the Contact Manager & Admissions tiles.

    Allow Advanced Task ScheduleClosed Indicate whether you want to configure fund source as a trigger field from payments processed for tasks being sent from Contact Manager. If you enable this feature, the Fund Sources field is added as a criterion under Trigger when configuring Task Schedules in Contact Manager. When this feature is enabled, you have the option to notify students associated with a specific fund source as opposed to all students associated with any fund source. For example, you can notify the students of disbursement funds for Direct loans only as opposed to all students associated with Financial Aid payments processing.

    Allow Advanced Transfer CreditClosed Select Yes to use the new feature in 21.2 that lets you configure Advanced Transfer Credits. When selected, you can configure more complex Transfer Types such as one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many transfers. Select No if you only want to use the existing options of transfer credits.   ClosedSee Note.

    Allow Approved Transfer Credit RestrictionsClosed Select Yes to enable Allow Approved Transfer Credit Restrictions in program versions and areas of study.

    Allow Enhanced Pre-requisite and Co-requisite FeatureClosed Enables the new feature for configuring requisite rules. Using the feature, you can configure prerequisite or corequisite rules that you can apply to more than one course. When you enable this feature, a Course Requisite Rules option is available from the Configuration tile and the Prerequisite and Corequisite tiles are replaced with one Requisites tile in course configuration. When you select Yes, Anthology Student automatically migrates your existing prerequisite and corequisite rules to requisite rules so that you can modify and consolidate them as needed to make your rule management more efficient. During the migration, Anthology Student prefixes your existing prerequisite rules with pr- and corequisites rules with -cr. For example, if the course code for a prerequisite is ENG101 (course name: English Composition) the code of the rule will be pr-ENG101 and the name of the rule will be Legacy Pre-Req migrated rule for English Composition. If the course code for a corequisite is BIO101LAB, the name of the rule will be cr-BIO101LAB. Enabling this feature permanently disables features in the legacy interface related to rules (such as prerequisites and corequisite rules and actions for courses like register, unregister, and drop). Other changes can still be made to courses in the legacy interface (such as edits to the course, books, and fees).  ClosedSee Note.

    Allow Enhanced Student ApplicationClosed Select Yes to add an application for the campus listed in the student's Student Profile and also for the campus you have access to. Select No if you only want to add an application for the campus in the student's Student Profile.

    Allow Enhanced Student Test ScoresClosed Select Yes to add a test score with the ability to specify an expiration date in the student's Student Profile. If you enable this feature, the Tests folder in Legacy will be permanently disabled. Select No if you only want to add a test score without the ability to specify an expiration date in the student's Student Profile.

    Allow Extended BudgetClosed Select Yes to enable the enhanced academic year budget functionality in the Student Web App and legacy interface, so that any academic year that starts on or after this feature is enabled will display the extended budget view (to include automated awarding). This functionality permanently disables the Budget configuration in the legacy interface. All existing budgets can be calculated but only newly configured budgets will have the additional three budget fee fields.  ClosedSee Note.

    Allow Registration Relationships FeatureClosed Select Yes to enable the new Registration Relationships feature and user interface in the Student Web App. If you enable this feature, registration will be disabled in Legacy for: - Student course registration - Batch registration

    Automated Awarding Test Mode at the Student and/or Job LevelClosed Select Yes to activate this feature which will permanently remove the Activate Test Mode Notification field on the Automated Awarding Campus Settings page. This enables you to have more control over test mode at the student and/or job level. The Advanced Feature "Enable Advanced Auto Packaging" must be enabled to use this functionality.  ClosedSee Note.

    Bypass Automated Refund CalculationClosed Select Yes to manually create a refund calculation through Student Accounts when Auto Refund Calculation is enabled. Additionally, all Automated Refund Calculation configuration forms will be read-only in the legacy interface and configurable only within the Student Web App.

    Define Varying Number of Terms per AYClosed The “Define Varying Number of Terms per AY” feature flag is used to enable or disable the “No. of Terms in Academic Year” field in Configuration > Financial Aid > Program Versions. The “No. of Terms in Academic Year” field is available only if the feature flag is enabled and: • There are no students in the program version with a start date before the Date Modified on the feature flag. (Otherwise, academic years would need to be rebuilt.) • The Degree assigned to the Program version in Academic Records has a degree level for a Graduate program version When the above criteria are met for the program version, the Start Date field will only show start dates that are greater than the Date Modified of the feature flag. We recommend not changing this flag on a current enrollment because every current start date would have to be reconfigured.

    Enable Additional DRN (Deposit Receipt Number)?Closed Indicates whether you want to enable the Deposit Receipt Number (DRN). The feature applies to ledger, subsidiary, and posting miscellaneous receipts. When this feature is enabled in the Anthology Student web app interface, the following are disabled in the legacy interface: Posting ledger payments, Posting subsidiary payments, Posting payments using Processes, Posting miscellaneous receipts, Processes > Cash Drawer Sessions, and Printing bank deposit slip.

    Enable Additional Payment Gateway Provider for electronic processing?Closed Select Yes to enable an additional payment gateway provider (other than PayPal or ACI) for credit card processing. When you select this option, it permanently disables the following configuration and processes related to credit card and ACH processing in the legacy interface: • Admissions & Housing Deposits • Process Online Applicants under Admissions • Credit Card Processor configuration for single credit card payments on the Electronic Processing tab under Campus Locations • Payment Information for students – Credit Card related areas • Payment Information for Agency • Post FA disbursements (where you can post batch an agency payment using the credit card payment method) • Post Payments – through Ledger Card and Daily menu • Process Electronic Drafts • Refunds – through Ledger Card and Daily menu   ClosedSee Note.

    Enable Additional Usage of ACH and Credit Card Return Methods for Refunds and Stipends?Closed Indicates that you want to allow posting or scheduling of ACH and Credit Card refunds/stipends regardless of whether ACH or Credit Card processor is configured for the student’s campus. When this feature is enabled, SA Process Refunds/Stipends under Daily in the Legacy product is disabled.

    Enable Advanced Auto PackagingClosed Enable Advanced Auto Packaging if you want to allow configurations related to Auto Repackaging only in the standard interface of Anthology Student. Advanced Auto Packaging allows the Auto Repackaging column to be displayed under Automate by Campus on the Automated Process Activation form. When Advanced Auto Packaging is enabled, the Population form can be configured only in the Student Web App, and the Population form is deprecated in the legacy interface.  ClosedSee Note.

    Enable Custom Financial Aid Offer ReportsClosed When this feature is enabled, the "Custom Financial Aid Offer" option is available in the "Financial Aid Offer" drop-down on the Print Financial Aid Offer pop-up under Student Profile > Financial Aid> Awarding> Academic Year > Print Financial Aid Offer (button). This feature should only be enabled if a custom document has been created. By default, the feature is disabled.

    Enable FA Credits for Enrollment Status and Enrollment IntensityClosed This flag displays the following columns in the Enrollment Based Term Summary section of the student's enrollment: FA Enrollment Status, FA Credits Per Term, and FA Credits (EI). This feature is activated on a version of Student 24.2.0 or higher and Regulatory US 24.4.0 or higher.

    Enable Feature Flag for Automated Multiple FulfillmentClosed Select this option to enable the use of Automated Multiple Fulfillment in the Web Client only. This enables the ability to configure the number of categories that a course could satisfy a requirement in DPA.

    Enable Feature Flag for Course Fulfillment OrderClosed Select Yes if you want to use the Course Fulfillments Order option from the Configuration tile to modify the order that the system uses to fulfill courses in the degree progress audit (DPA). The course fulfillment orders you configure can then be selected when you configure program versions. If you select Yes, the Degree Progress Audit dialog in the legacy interface is disabled. You must use the Degree Progress Audit tile in the standard interface to work with the DPA for a student. If you select No, the system uses Default for all program versions.

    Enable Intersession TermsClosed Select this option to enable the system to recognize intersession registration periods. This allows the system to combine a non-standard term with a standard term for purposes of reporting dates to COD, Clearinghouse, and Enrollment Reporting. When intersession terms are enabled, the Intersession check box becomes available on the Term configuration page (Configuration > Academic Records > Terms).

    Enable New Standard DPAClosed Select this feature flag to enable your institution to use the new standard DPA logic. This setting centralizes the experience between students, advisors, and administrative staff creating a common experience and language within the DPA and its presentation. When you enable this flag, it disables the old DPA in the Anthology Student legacy interface, Student and Staff Portals, and enables the common DPA experience.

    Enable Pool Based Elective PoolsClosed Select Yes to configure course pools. Once you have configured your pools, you can use the pools when you create a course list in the program version or area of study for elective and substitution pools. If a program version or area of study has existing catalogs, those can still be maintained manually by adding and removing course groups and individual courses. Select No to continue to manually create the elective and substitution pools by adding courses and course groups for each program version and area of study.

    Enable Rule Based Requirement Rules and LevelsClosed Select Yes to enable the Advanced – Rule Based option in the Type list for requirement rules. When selected, you can specify more complex requirements using operators with any or all of the characters you specify in the codes for course characteristics. Select No to use the existing options of Standard and Advanced - Course Levels and Course Attributes. Yes is also required to specify requirements rules for program versions, the program version category level of a catalog for an elective or substitution pool, and the area of study category level of a catalog for an elective or substitution pool.

  4. Change the ValueClosed Indicates the value of the settings. By default, the value is set to disabled. Once the value is set to enabled, it cannot be changed..

    The best practice for Academic Records is to enable or disable all the related advanced features.

  5. Select the Save button on the dialog. Anthology Student displays multiple warning messages to caution you that once the feature is enabled in Anthology Student, it cannot be disabled nor can the functionality of the legacy interface be reinstated. Once you opt in, the change is irreversible and it will deprecate behavior in the legacy interface.

  6. Select the Yes button on the dialog. Anthology Student saves the changes.