Tracking Non-Degree-Seeking (NDS) Students

Many institutions offer courses or programs for students who are not seeking a degree. Anthology Student has features to help those institutions track non-degree-seeking (NDS) students separately from degree-seeking students. The key to this tracking process is a separate set of codes for the status of the NDS students.

Non-Degree-Seeking (NDS) status codes have been added to the system status table. These codes enable your institution to define an alternate path for status changes for students enrolling into non-degree-granting or single-subject programs. The program versions have also been modified to indicate that the program is a degree or non-degree program. Once a student is enrolled into a non-degree program, the status change logic is determined by your configuration of the NDS status codes. These separate codes facilitate elimination or separation of non-degree students on reports.

First, determine whether your campus offers courses or programs for non-degree-seeking students. If not, there is nothing you need to do. Anthology Student defaults its setup options to consider all students as seeking a degree. If your institution offers non-degree programs, complete the actions listed in the remainder of this topic.

Specify the NDS Status Codes at the System Level

To configure status codes for non-degree seeking students, see: 

The table shows the status categories (SyStatusCategory).

Code Description
X NDS-Enrollment
Y NDS-Active
Z NDS-Permanent Out
W NDS-Never Attended

The tables shows the statuses (SyStatus).

Code Description Category System Code Hierarchy Active
NDS-ATT NDS: Attending Y 1 2 1
NDS-PROB NDS: Probation Y 1 4 1
NDS-FUT NDS: Future Start X 1 10 1
NDS-BP NDS: Being Processed X 1 12 1
NDS-RE NDS: Re-Entry X 1 14 1
NDS-COMP NDS: Complete Z 1 22 1
NDS-INC NDS: Incomplete Z 1 24 1
NDS-DROP NDS: Drop Z 1 26 1
NDS-NO NDS: No Show W 1 34 1
NDS-CAN NDS: Cancel W 1 36 1
NDS-REJ NDS: Application not Accepted W 1 32 1

Specify NDS Settings for the Campuses

You must also configure the following values for academic records for the campus. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Campuses > add or select a campus > select the Academic Records tile.))

  • All Non-Degree ProgramsClosed Select whether your institution will offer non-degree-seeking courses or programs to students. The default value is No when you add a campus.

  • Default Active StatusClosed Select the default active status for degree-seeking students. This is the status to which students are automatically moved to an Active/Attending status.

  • Default NDS Active StatusClosed Select the default active status for NDS students. This is the status to which students are automatically moved to an NDS Active/NDS Attending status.

Configure NDS Programs and Courses

You may want to set up your new NDS courses or programs with codes that indicate that they are NDS-related.

Note: Before setting up a new NDS program, consider adding some NDS-related codes to the lists referred to (required) on the Program Version page: Degree, Program Group, and Grade Scale. SAP Table is not a required field for NDS program versions. 

The Program Type option on the Program Version page allow degree and non-degree. The default for a new program version is degree.

When loading data into the form for editing, if there are any enrollments assigned to the program version, Anthology Student will disable the Program Type option button. Once students are enrolled in a program version, the Program Type cannot be changed.

Implications for Enrollment

If the campus at which the student is enrolling allows for non-degree programs, Anthology Student adds a Program Type field in Step 2 on the Enrollments page under New Enrollment. Select Degree or Non-Degree. If the campus does not allow NDS enrollments, the program disables the options and selects the Degree option.

Anthology Student also filters the Program Version and Status fields based on your Program Type selection.

For degree programs:

  • The Status list will remain the same. The program will list the institution-defined status codes in category E – Enrollment.

  • The Program Version list will show only degree program versions.

For non-degree programs:

  • The Status list will show only the NDS – Enrollment institution-defined status codes. (SyStatus.Category = X.)

  • The Program Version list will show only non-degree program versions.

Implications in Status Changes

From the: 

  • Student Profile, the prompts on the Student Status History form for various dates and other information are based on the type of status change that is taking place. NDS status codes and categories appear as required throughout Anthology Student.

  • Processes tile, the prompts on the Student Status Changes page tile for various dates and other information are based on the type of status change that is taking place. We modified the logic to include the NDS status codes and categories when setting the prompts.

Standard status changes and changes to NDS enrollments are similar.

Non-Degree-Seeking Enrollment Status Degree-Seeking Enrollment Status

Implications in Refund Calculations

The Refund Calculations page includes the NDS status codes when checking the enrollment status.

Degree-Seeking NDS

Implications in Reports

Any report that has a status selection will include the degree-seeking and the NDS status codes. When status categories are available for selection, the NDS status Category codes will also be included.

Limitations for Enrollment Transfers

When the enrollment selected in the list at the top of the Enrollment page belongs to a program that is defined as a non-degree program, the Transfer button is not available.

On the Transfer Enrollment form, transfers will not be allowed to or from an NDS Enrollment. In the list Transfer Type, enrollments in a Non-Degree program (AdProgramVersion.DegreeProgram = 0) are not included.