Add or Edit a Document or Document List for a Student

You can add a document or a document list for the selected student.

The values you specify depend on the document. If your institution has configured the document you select to be:

  • An inbound transcript request required to print a letter requesting a transcript for the student, Anthology displays additional fields under Inbound Transcript Request so that you can specify information about the institution, program, and attendance dates

  • A registration prerequisite document, Anthology Student displays additional fields under Permit Details

For all other documents, you specify just the values in the fields under General.

Your institution can define custom properties that are unique to your institution using the Extended Properties page. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Extended Properties.)

The Extended Properties section on this page displays all the fields that your institution has defined so that you can view, complete, and edit them. Because the fields vary by institution, your institution will provide tooltips or additional information you need to complete or edit the fields. If your institution has not configured extended properties, this section is not visible.


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • To add a document, Contact Manager - Student Document - New authorization and permission to assign the type of document in the policy (if any) 

  • To edit a document, Contact Manager - Student Document - Edit authorization and permission to edit the type of document in the policy (if any) 

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Documents tile.

Procedure to Add or Edit a Document

  1. Verify that the program version is correct. If not, select All Program Versions or the specific program version in the Program Version list.

  2. If you want to:

    • Create a document, select the New Document button

    • Create a document list, select the New Document List button

    • Edit a document or document list, select the Document Type link

  1. Specify or change the values on the page.

    Date ApprovedClosed The date when the institution accepted the documents submitted by the student, or by persons and organizations connected with the student. If you are adding or assigning the document and you select a status of Approved, the date approved is automatically set to the current date.

    Date RequestedClosed The date when an institution, person, or a student requested documents or information to be submitted for evaluation.

    Date SentClosed The date when the requested information, document, or item is sent.

    Document StatusClosed The status of the document. The list contains the system defined statuses of Requested - Required, Requested - Not Required, Approved, No Further Action, On File, Not Requested, Required, Received but Rejected, Sent, and Not Sent. Any additional items in the lists were defined by your organization.

    Document TypeClosed The type of document submitted to the institution.

    Due DateClosed The date when the item is due (such as task, document, or message). For a new task, the default is today. If you are specifying the value, specify the value in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select the calendar button to select the date.

    Expiration DateClosed The date when the item no longer valid. If you are specifying the value, specify the value in the format MM/DD/YYYY or select the calendar button to select the date. For student groups, the default is configured for the campus by your institution.

    ModuleClosed The various categories that pertain to functional areas within an institution. For example, Academic Records, Financial Aid, and so on. If the list contains All, it includes all areas.

    NotesClosed Area that displays, or that you can use, to specify comments or additional information.

    Received DateClosed The date the institution received the document submitted by the student, or by persons and organizations connected with the student. It displays the date that the document was manually added from Anthology Student or Portal. If the document was manually added using Anthology Student, you cannot upload it again from Portal. If needed, you can add the document again so that it can be uploaded from Portal.

  2. If the Document Type that you selected was configured to be one of these types of documents, these values are also displayed. Specify or change the values.

    Options Selected Additional Accordions Displayed Fields to Specify

    Yes is selected for Inbound Transcript 

    Inbound Transcript Request

    Attendance Dates: FromClosed The start date of attendance for the student.

    TransactionClosed The transaction name and code associated with the enrollment charges paid by the student.

    InstitutionClosed The name of the institution. If you are specifying the value, it displays a dialog so that you can search for the institution. The list contains all of the colleges or high schools configured by your organization.

    Program of StudyClosed An academic or career plan developed by an institution to help students move ahead in the institution and in their job.

    Request NumberClosed The number associated with the transcript request.

    Request TypeClosed The type of the transcript request and is included for inbound transcript requests. The source of the document is either College or High School.

    To (Career Services)Closed The last date of attendance for the student.

    Registration Prerequisite Document check box is selected

    Permit Details

    CourseClosed The code and name identifying the course the student is enrolled in.

    Course Section SpecificClosed Displays a list of all available course sections based on the selected course or terms, if a term is selected. Course sections shared from other campuses are included in the list.

    InstructorClosed The instructor or instructors assigned to the course or class section.

    Registration Prerequisite DocumentClosed Specifies the document is to be configured as a course or course section prerequisite. Within the Permit Details tab, you can specify the course, for which the document should allow registration. This check box is enabled only when you select Academic Records option in the Module field.

    TermClosed Available terms with start and end dates for each term.

    SectionClosed The code and name for the class section.

  1. If your institution has configured extended properties, complete the fields under Extended Properties.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button

Details for Specific Documents and Statuses

When you set up a campus, you can specify that Anthology Student automatically takes actions when a specific document is added and you select a Document Status with a specific value for Code. (Code is a column when you select the Document Status list.) 

The table lists conditions and statuses along with the action that Anthology Student takes when it is saved.

Condition Code for Document Status Action Anthology Student Takes

Document was selected for National Do Not Call Override Document on the Contact Info tab


The check for the Do Not ContactClosed Specifies if the record should not be used to contact the student. check box is removed and the DNC OverrideClosed Indicates if a Do Not Call (DNC) Override is on file for the student. An override document stores any exceptions to the DNC list. Students with addresses listed on the DNC list, but who permit communications from the institution, require an override to comply with FTC rules. You cannot update or modify the DNC Override option. The value is based on the student document configuration and the document status code. For example, if the student has a document that is configured as National Do Not Call Override Document for the default campus, and the document status Code is set to OK or REC, then DNC Override will be set for all Contact Method sources. This value is then reflected in Contact Preferences under DNC Override. column is changed to Yes on the: 

  • Contact Preferences list (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Contact Preferences tile.)

  • Related Addresses list (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Related Addresses tile.)

Document was selected for Entrance Interview Document on the Financial Aid tab


The date in the FA Entrance Interview DateClosed The date of the financial aid/loan entrance interview counseling. If the field contains a value, the source of this date depends on your institution. The date can be the date from the Direct Loan Entrance Counseling (CRECMYOP) or Direct Loan Plus Application Acknowledgment (CRSPyyOP) files imported from COD. If your institution has configured an entrance interview document, the date from the document can be used when the document has an approved and on file status. You can also specify the date. Anthology Student will use the date for all the student's enrollments. field is changed to the value you specified for Received Date for the document.

  • If All Program Versions is selected, the FA Entrance Interview field is changed for the most current enrollment.

  • If you do not specify a value for the Received Date column, Anthology Student uses the current date.

Document was selected for Package Status Promotion on the Financial Aid tab


The status of the award package is automatically promoted to the next packaging status. The order of the statuses is configured by your institution.