Manage FERPA Information for Students

On the FERPA page, you can view directory and academic information related to the student, such as, student name, address, email address, and so on. In addition, only information that the student has enabled for sharing, by signing the opt in form, is displayed:

  • If the student has opted to share the information, the FERPA Indicator on the Student Profile will be cleared.

  • If the student has not opted to share information, the FERPA Indicator on the Student Profile will be selected.

The FERPA page displays directory and academic information for the student in specific sections: 

  • Directory Information 

    Includes the status of the FERPA Indicator for the student from the Student Profile as well as the specific information shared by the student. The shared information will be displayed as selected, by default.

  • Academic Information

    The people that the student has given access to their academic information, their contact information and the information they have access to. It also shows the review requests and requests to amend or remove specific academic information.

    The list is not program version specific. The items in the list are associated with all the program versions in the Program Version list.


To view the page, you must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Contact Manager - FERPA - View authorization

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the FERPA tile.

Background and Actions Available


Directory Information

FERPA GroupClosed The FERPA group name and code that is associated with the student's campus.

Directory InformationClosed Information in the academic records of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.

Sharing LevelClosed The sharing level associated with the selected FERPA Group (such as All or Partial).


Academic Information

Person Access Information

Access NameClosed The Access Name values are displayed from the Person Name (column) under Academic Information in the student's FERPA record.

ActiveClosed Specifies whether the associated record is active.

PersonClosed The full name of the person.

PhoneClosed The phone number of the student, person, or agency.

ReasonClosed The comments specified in the Reason field when the person was added or last edited. It is optional.

Share Info Start DateClosed The date range when the student's academic information will be shared.

Shared InformationClosed The student's academic information that will be shared.

Review Request

Date InspectionClosed The date when the review request was inspected.

Date RequestedClosed The date when an institution, person, or a student requested documents or information to be submitted for evaluation.

Requested ByClosed The name of the person who submitted the request.

Amend/Remove Request

Academic InformationClosed Displays the Academic Information along with its associated Amend and Remove check boxes. Select or clear the check boxes to indicate whether the Academic Information details are to be amended or removed.

Date RequestedClosed The date when an institution, person, or a student requested documents or information to be submitted for evaluation.

Requested ByClosed The name of the person who submitted the request.