Verify ISIRs

The ISIR Verification View form is accessible from the ISIRs Received form by selecting the Verification button. This form is used when a student submits a FAFSA and the Department of Education selects the student for verification. The institution needs to work with the student to verify values in the ISIR.

The Department of Education may assign the student to a verification group. Based on the verification group, the ISIR Verification form presents a specific set of items that need to be verified.

The ISIR Verification form has two tabs: Verification and History. The Verification tab enables you to enter appropriate values once you have collected the documentation needed to confirm the values. The History tab is used to view the history of verified transactions after an ISIR verification is completed and submitted.

After you submit changes via the verification process, further changes via the ISIR Verification form are not permitted. To make additional changes, you must select the Corrections option on the ISIRs Received form and complete the corrections process.


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Financial Aid - ISIR - View and Edit authorization

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Financial Aid > select the ISIRs Received tile > select an Award Year > select an ISIR ID > select Verification.

Procedure to Verify ISIRs

  1. Select a Student and navigate to Financial Aid > ISIRs Received (tile).

  2. On the ISIRs Received page, select an Award Year. The ISIRs received for the selected award year are displayed in the grid.

  3. Select an ISIR record and select Verification in the grid toolbar. The ISIR Verification grid is displayed in the bottom section of the form. The records displayed in the form reflect the student's verification group. For example, if a student is in verification group V1 and you select the Verification button on the ISIRs Received form, the form lists only fields that need to be verified for verification group V1. Similarly, for a student in group V4 or V5, the form lists only the fields that need to be verified for group V4 or V5.

    If the selected ISIR contains Reject Codes, the following message is displayed: You cannot perform verification on a rejected ISIR.

    ISIR Verification grid header fields:

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    Current SSNClosed The Current SSN field on the ISIR Verification form contains the Social Security Number of the Student record in Anthology Student.

    ModelClosed Indicates whether a student is dependent, independent, or undetermined. The field displays the status from the student's FAFSA or ISIR. If you add a Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) loan or Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) as a fund source and the status is undetermined, Anthology Student displays a message asking you if you want to change the student to a dependent.

    Original SSNClosed The Original SSN field on the ISIR Verification form contains the Social Security Number submitted with the FAFSA form.

    ParentClosed Indicates the Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name of the student's parent (if applicable).

    Parent SpouseClosed Indicates the Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name of the parent's spouse (if applicable).

    StatusClosed The ISIR verification/correction status.

    Student SpouseClosed Indicates the Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name of the student's spouse (if applicable).

    Verification GroupClosed Students who are selected for verification are placed in groups (V1, V4, etc.) to determine which information must be verified.

    ISIR Verification grid columns:

    Blank column headerClosed The first two columns on the ISIR Verification form contain question numbers and questions from the FAFSA. The form selects the questions based on the V1, V4, or V5 filters for Dependent/Independent verification.

    DifferenceClosed The variance between the value in the ISIR field and the value in the Verification field.

    FTIClosed This read-view-only column indicates the Federal Tax Information (FTI) associated with the student's record.

    Manual Reported DataClosed You can edit ISIR data for the Manually Reported Data fields. Use the Verification columng to edit manually reported values.

    VerificationClosed Value entered by the user during the ISIR verification process.

  4. The Verification column is blank when the Verification form is first opened. Enter your verification data in the Verification column. Select Ellipsis button in the Verification field to view a dialog that displays valid content for the field.

  5. Select Save to save your verification changes and select Finish to proceed to the ISIR Verification Results form where you can submit the corrections to CPS.

    Other options on the ISIR Verification form are:

    • Clear All - Clear all changes.

    • Show All / Show Verification Group - Toggle between the display of all verification questions and the display of questions for the verification group only.

    Note: When you have completed the verification process and an ISIR is designated as Accurate, Anthology Student recognizes any subsequent ISIR with the same Verification Group as also being Accurate if all the verifiable data elements are exactly the same as the ISIR that has already been successfully verified. You do not need to verify the ISIR again when it has the same data that’s been verified already, and the student is not added to the ISIR Verification Hold Group again. You can configure this option under Settings > System > General > No ISIR V Group reapplied to Hold. The default for this setting is Yes/True (SyRegistry Regkey='NoVGroupReappliedHold').

  6. Once verification is completed and submitted, there will be an entry on the History tab which allows you to review the history of verified transactions. The grid contains the following columns.

    DateClosed The date when the ISIR verification/corrections were submitted.

    IndicatorClosed Displays information about the verification process. For verified records, the indicator can be Accurate, Tolerance, or Recalculated. For corrected records, the indicator is Corrections.

    New EFC/SAIClosed New EFC value when the EFC is recalculated due to changes made during the verification process. For award years 2024-25 and later, the EFC is replaced with the Student Aid Index (SAI).

    Original EFC/SAIClosed The Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) based on the original ISIR. For award years 2024-25 and later, the EFC is replaced with the Student Aid Index (SAI).

    Transaction IDClosed Transaction Identifier of the ISIR record.

    UserClosed The Anthology Student user who submitted the ISIR verification/correction.

    Verification StatusClosed Verification Status of the ISIR record: S = Selected not verified, V = Verified

  7. Continue with the ISIR Verification Results.