Void Transactions

You can void payments, refunds, or stipends for a student in the student’s ledger card. Voided transactions cannot be edited, deleted, or reversed/un-voided.

When voiding a transaction, the transaction date on the VOID transaction cannot be earlier than the date of the original transaction. Therefore, the transaction date on the VOID transaction is the latest of the following dates:

  • Transaction date of the original transaction

  • The campus' minimum transaction date

  • Current (system) date

If Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM:

  • For Refunds entered in Anthology Student with a Refund option of "Post Directly to Ledger Card (No check required)," the Return method will be set to Check. If checks were created through Anthology Finance & HCM for those refund transactions, voids will occur in Anthology Finance & HCM.

  • For any Refunds, Stipends, and Subsidiary refund transactions with a Payment method of Check, voids will occur in Anthology Finance & HCM.

  • For Refunds, Stipends, and Subsidiary refund transactions entered in Anthology Student with a Payment method of Check where associated checks were successfully voided in Anthology Finance & HCM, Anthology Student is updated in real-time to reflect the voided status.

    • For checks that were voided without a reissue, an indicator is posted to Anthology Student

    • For checks that were reissued after a void, an indicator is posted to Anthology Student

      Two new transactions are created in Anthology Student to indicate the void and pending check (Check Num is set to 0). The transaction will be unposted initially. The transaction with the pending check is then updated to include the new check number and is displayed as a posted transaction.

    • Voids initiated in Anthology Student are logged in the change history log in Anthology Finance & HCM and Anthology Student.

  • Voided transactions initiated in Anthology Finance & HCM are displayed the same way as if the void was initiated in Anthology Student.

  • Options to void a refund or stipend with a Payment method of Check are disabled in Anthology Student to ensure that the finance department retains control of voiding checks.


You must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Student Accounts - Student Account Transaction - Edit authorization

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Student Accounts > select the Ledger Card tile.

Procedure to Void Charges

  1. Select the student's Program Version.

  2. Select the Transactions tab.

  3. Filter the transactions by Term or Payment Period.

  4. Select a transaction for a payment or a refund and select More > Void.

  5. Specify the following details.

    Previous YearClosed Indicates the refund transactions made in the current tax reporting year that are associated with a single payment made in a previous year. This check box is editable except when: a. Fund Source configuration is a Scholarship or Grant and the 1098-T option in Fund Source configuration is not selected. b. Fund Source of Other is specified as Grant and the 1098-T option in Fund Source configuration is not selected.

    RescheduleClosed Select Reschedule to include the transaction the next time the Refunds/Stipends process is run. If you need to repost a voided transaction that was accidentally voided, the best practice is to select the Reschedule check box whenever you void a refund transaction. This ensures that the voided refund reschedules for another refund with the same amount. If the Reschedule option is not selected while voiding, you need to post a manual payment for the student or post another refund.

    NoteClosed Note or comment specified for the transaction adjustment.

  6. Select the Void button.  The transaction is saved with the VOID prefix.