Add or Edit an Alumnus and Their Profile

You can add alumni students to the database. From the Students page, you can create Student Profiles for students who have graduated from the institution before the institution migrated to Anthology Student. Student alumnus information may or may not exist in the database because it is dependent on when the student graduated from the institution and the information that was maintained before conversion. You can also edit their information.

Important: In 24.0 and prior versions, the Data Block Indicator served two purposes. When selected, it indicated that the student:

  • Did not want to share their directory information or wanted to select the information that could be shared under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

  • Did not want their name and/or attendance dates sent to third parties by Clearinghouse

In 24.1 and higher versions, there are 2 new check boxes that separate the functionality so that the student has more options. The check boxes are:

  • FERPA Indicator - Select this check box if the student does not want to share their directory information or wanted to select the information that could be shared under FERPA.

  • CH Data Block Indicator - Select this check box if the student does not want their name and/or attendance dates sent to third parties by Clearinghouse.

For students who had the Data Block Indicator check box selected, Anthology Student automatically sets both the FERPA Indicator and CH Data Block Indicator to selected when you upgrade to 24.1. For example, if the Data Block Indicator was:

  • Selected for the student, both the FERPA Indicator and CH Data Block Indicator will selected following the upgrade to 24.1

  • Not selected for the student, the FERPA Indicator and CH Data Block Indicator will not be selected following the upgrade to 24.1

For new students, you will now need to evaluate both check boxes. The default is not selected. The:

  • FERPA Indicator can be selected on their Student Profile in Anthology Student and by the student in Portal

  • CH Data Block Indicator must be selected on their Student Profile

If your institution requires a FERPA document, Anthology Student will still take staff members to the Documents page for the student when the FERPA Indicator is selected so that staff members can add the document to the Documents list for the student.

If you are editing an existing Student Profile and the address selected as the default in Related Addresses is not the Student Profile and you change any of the following values, Anthology Student saves the values you specify in the record for the Student Profile but redisplays the values from the record for the related address.

  • Phone Number
  • Work Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code/Postal Code
  • Country

If you would rather change these values in the record for the related address, you must edit the record for the related address using Related Addresses. (Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Contact Manager > select the Related Addresses tile.)

If an address other than Student Profile is selected as the default in Related Addresses, the following fields can be edited here, but Anthology Student does not synchronize them for you with Related Addresses.

  • Other Phone Number
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Other Email address
  • County

If you want them to be consistent, you must change them here and in Related Addresses.


You must have the following authorizations.

For Alumnus New For Alumnus Edit
Common – Student – View authorization Common – Student – View authorization
Common – Student – New authorization (also authorizes staff members to add students) Common – Student – Edit authorization (also authorizes staff members to edit students)
Common – Student Alumni – New authorization Common – Student Alumni – Edit authorization

If you want to manually generate the student number, your institution must have selected Do not generate for the following setting when it configured general in the system settings for Anthology Student

Student Number GenerationClosed Select the required option for your institution's student number generation. The options are: - Sequential Number: Anthology Student maintains a sequential number which is assigned to each new prospect when it is entered. This number is never duplicated and can be used as a unique ID for a student. You can then specify the starting number in the Student ID field. - Use Student ID Format: The format string for student ID is: YY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day, ####=Next Number, L=Last Name, F=First Name. - Do not generate: Institution keeps track of student IDs manually. Anthology Student does not allow a duplicate ID to be assigned to a student.

Access Method

Select the Students tile.

Procedure to Add an Alumnus

  1. Select the New Alumnus button. The Student Profile is displayed in the working area.

  2. Expand Personal Information and specify or change the values.

    Note: If your institution is checking for duplicate students, specify First Name, Last Name, and then tab or place your cursor in another field before you select the Save button for the first time. This ensures that you specified the required values and the record is saved.

    AgeClosed Age that Anthology Student calculated based on the date of birth (DOB) that was specified for the student.

    Agency SponsorClosed Select the agency or sponsor that the student is associated with. If you want to add additional agencies or specify specific branches of the agencies, use the Agency Affiliations tile (Students tile > select the student name > Contact Manager).

    Alien NumberClosed If the student is not a U.S. citizen, the alien registration number for the student. The number is up to 9 digits.

    CH Data Block IndicatorClosed If your institution is sending enrollment reporting data to Clearinghouse, select the check box if the student does not want their name and/or attendance dates sent to third parties by Clearinghouse.

    CitizenshipClosed The citizenship status of the student. The citizenship status is used to determine whether a student is eligible for financial aid. A citizenship status of a Non-Citizen is usually associated with an alien registration number. A Non-Citizen who is eligible for financial aid should be designated as an Eligible Non-Citizen. A Non-Citizen who is not eligible for financial aid should be designated as an Ineligible Non-Citizen.

    Date of BirthClosed The date of birth (DOB) in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

    DisabledClosed Disability status of the student. When you are adding the Student Profile, Unspecified is the default.

    Driver’s License NumberClosed The driver's license number for the student or person.

    Driver’s License StateClosed The state where the driver's license for the student or person was issued.

    EthnicityClosed The ethnicities of the student. The values are configured by your institution.

    Extracurricular InterestClosed The extracurricular activities that interest the student (such as intramural sports and clubs). The label for this field and the values that it contains are configured by your institution.

    FERPA IndicatorClosed When it is selected, indicates that the student has chosen to block the release of their directory information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If your institution configured the campus as Partial, the student can select to not share specific information on their FERPA page. If the student does not select the FERPA Indicator, all of the information configured by your institution for the FERPA group for that campus can be shared.

    FERPA Indicator Modified DateClosed The date when the FERPA Indicator was last modified.

    First NameClosed The first name of the student or person.

    GenderClosed The gender of the student or person. The values that can be selected are configured by your institution.

    Hispanic/LatinoClosed Indicates whether a student is of Spanish or Latin American descent.

    Last NameClosed The last name of the student or person.

    Last Four Social Security NumberClosed The last four digits of the Social Security Number (SSN). You must be authorized to work with SSNs.

    Maiden NameClosed If any, the maiden name of the student or person. The character limit is 19 to 50.

    Marital StatusClosed The marital status of the student. The values are configured by your institution.

    Middle NameClosed The middle name of the student or person.

    NationalityClosed If your institution enrolls international students, the nationality of the student. The values can be configured by your institution.

    NicknameClosed If the student has a substitute for their proper name, the name. The character limit is 14-50.

    Non-Immigrant StudentClosed Specifies whether a student is an international (non-immigrant) student. This field is disabled if your institution does not enroll international students. This field is required for Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) processing for the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).

    PINClosed The 4-digit personal identification number (PIN) selected by the student. The portal requires the student to enter his or her Student ID and PIN to log in. If you do not specify the PIN or change the social security number, the program defaults the PIN to the last four numbers of the social security number. If the last four characters begin with a zero, the PIN defaults to a 1 followed by the last 3 characters of the number. For example, if the last 4 digits of the social security number are 0398, the PIN is 1398.

    Preferred NameClosed The preferred name of the student, prospect, or alumnus. The preferred name is stored in the SyStudent table in the database. The Advanced Search tool provides the option to search by preferred name if the staff member has the specialized permission “Allow User to Customize Search Form". The header of the student, prospect, or alumnus profiles can be customized to display the Preferred Name. The Preferred Name option can also be selected in the Student Name field of the Class Roster by Course and Class Roster by Instructor reports under Academic Records.

    PronounsClosed The preferred pronoun of the student. The values that can be selected are configured by your institution.

    Social Security NumberClosed The person's Social Security Number (SSN). You must be authorized to work with SSNs.

    Student NumberClosed If your institution assigns student numbers, the number your institution uses to identify the student. How the number is assigned is specified by your institution. For example, Anthology Student can be configured to assign the number, or your institution can use another method to assign it.

    SuffixClosed Select the suffix for student or person's name. Anthology Student displays the description of the suffix. For example, Anthology Student displays Third instead of III.

    TitleClosed The title for the person.

    VeteranClosed The veteran status of the student.

  3. Expand Contact Information and specify or change the values.

    CityClosed The name of the city.

    CountryClosed The country of residence. If you are specifying a country, it defaults to the country for the campus. The country also determines the format of phone numbers. If you change the country, the phone numbers are automatically reformatted to the format for that country.

    CountyClosed The county for the address.

    Email AddressClosed The email address.

    ExtensionClosed If needed, the extension for the work phone number.

    Invalid Student Phone NumberClosed When selected, specifies that there is an error in the phone number for the student.

    Invalid Student Street AddressClosed When selected, specifies that there is one more error in the address for the student (such as the address is incomplete or mail has been returned).

    Mobile Phone NumberClosed The mobile phone number.

    Other Email AddressClosed If the student has more than one email address, the secondary email address.

    Other Phone NumberClosed If the student has a phone number where they can be contacted in addition to their mobile or work phone, the phone number. The format will depend on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether it uses parentheses and hyphens).

    SMS ProviderClosed Specifies the cell phone provider for the student. If you select the Subscribe to SMS check box, you must also specify a value for Mobile Phone Number and select a provider in the SMS Provider list for the student to receive the text messages.

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state.

    Street AddressClosed The street address. For student addresses, if an address has more than 40 characters, the additional characters in the address line will not be extracted to be sent to COD but will be truncated.

    Subscribe to SMSClosed Specifies that the student wants to receive SMS text messages. If you select the check box, you must also specify a value for the Mobile Phone Number and select a provider in the SMS Provider list for the student to receive the text messages. The student can also use Portal.

    Telephone NumberClosed The telephone number. The format will depend on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether or not it uses parenthesis and hyphens).

    Work Phone NumberClosed The work telephone number for the student, staff, or person. The format will depend on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether phone numbers use parentheses and hyphens). When a student is placed in a job using student placement, the program automatically updates the number with the phone number for the employer. If it applies, the extension is also updated.

    ZIP Code/Postal CodeClosed The postal code for the address. If you are specifying an address, you must specify a value for City or State. If you specify a city or state or both, the list contains the valid zip codes.

  4. Expand Program Information and specify or change the values.

    CampusClosed The campus to which the alumni student was assigned.

    Cumulative GPAClosed The cumulative grade point average (GPA) for the benchmark. The cumulated GPA for an enrollment is calculated from the time the student entered the institution under that enrollment. The Cumulative GPA column includes all courses taken that are selected to be included in the GPA calculation. In the case of a cumulative GPA displayed on a term, it consists of all the courses taken up to and within the terms that are also selected to be included in the GPA calculation. The current GPA is made up of only the courses that occurred in that term.

    Enrollment NumberClosed The number assigned during enrollment based on the parameters specified by the institution.

    Grade LevelClosed The grade level for the student. Grade levels are configured by your institution and do not have to correspond to the option on the FAFSA or Stafford loan forms. The grade level is assigned to a student under Academic Records > Enrollment > Progress section. For a student to qualify for federal financial aid, a college grade level (1st year, 2nd year, etc.) must be assigned. For a Graduate PLUS loan, the grade level must be configured with the Department of Education ID 7 (Graduate/Professional or beyond).

    Graduation DateClosed The date when the student graduated or is scheduled to graduate from the program version.

    NoteClosed Area that displays, or that you can use, to specify comments or additional information.

    ProgramClosed The name of the program. Programs are configured by your institution.

    Program TypeClosed The type of programs available at the campus - that is either degree or non-degree. If the campus provides non-degree programs (NDS), Non-Degree is displayed. If the campus does not allow NDS enrollments, Degree is displayed, by default.

    Program VersionClosed The program version associated with the student.

    ShiftClosed The shift during which the student will attend classes (such as days or evenings). Shifts are configured by your institution.

    Start DateClosed The start date you want to specify for your alumni records. It is determined by your institution. For example, your institution could choose to use the date they graduated or the date the record was added.

    Student Status Closed Specifies the status of the alumni student at your institution. The values can be either complete or graduated.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button

The newly created alumnus record serves as a skeleton record for the student. It contains enough information to enable you to further process the student record.