Account Information

The Account Information page allows you to manage your student account for all enrolled programs. The information is arranged in five tabs. You can view your account balance, view your payment schedule, make a payment online, view or print statements, and view the subsidiary statement (ledger). You can sort the details of your payments by date.

If the Portal for your institution is configured to display pending charges, the Account information page will display two grids: Account Details and Pending Charges.

  • Records in the Account Details grid are sorted by transaction number in descending order by default.

  • Records in the Pending Charges grid are sorted in ascending order by transaction date by default.

Transaction Currency for Student Accounts

Your account information will be displayed in the currency which is used to record your transactions.

By default, your transactions are recorded in the primary currency of the enrolled campus. Your complete account information including charges, payments, balance, refunds, stipends along with invoices, receipts and other financial statements will represent amounts in the primary currency. For example, if you have enrolled in a campus which primarily operates in the INR (India Rupee) currency, your complete account information will be displayed in INR.

Some institutions may offer the flexibility for students to exchange transactions in currencies alternative to the primary currency of campuses, and specify currency preferences for individual students in Anthology Student. In this scenario, your transactions are recorded in the preferred transaction currency. For example, if EUR is set as your preferred currency, all charges, payments, balance, refunds, stipends along with invoices, receipts and other financial statements will represent amounts in EUR,

The Account Information page and related tabs will indicate the appropriate transaction currency symbol for amount values.

View Your Account Information

  1. Navigate to My Finances > Account Information. The Account Information page is displayed. The Account Details tab is selected by default.

  2. Select the link for the program in the list to view the details, payment schedule, and to make payments for that program.

    The records are sorted in ascending order based on the transaction date & time value posted in the student ledger.

    Click Next and Prev to browse through the grid pages or type a page number in the Go to page box and click Go.

    Use the Show _entries drop-down list to set the number of rows displayed in the grid. Use the Search option to locate specific items within the grid.

    The balance column shows the actual point-in-time account balance for a given transaction.

  3. Click the Date column header to sort your transaction details by date.

  4. When a payment is made, a link is displayed in the Transaction Details field. Click this link to download the receipt of the transaction as a PDF document.

  5. Click Next and Prev to browse through the pages of your transaction details, or type the page number in the Go to page box and click Go.