About Predefined Workspaces

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Predefined Workspaces enable you to manage your business activities effectively. You cannot modify or delete these Workspaces.

The predefined Workspaces available in Talisma are:

•   Home: By default, the Home Workspace is displayed when you log on to Talisma. In this Workspace, you can choose the Object with which you want to work. User-defined Workspaces contain Components that are Object-based, and enable you to work on a selected Object.

To Choose an Object

•   Analytics: The Analytics Workspace can be used to create comprehensive reports to track the status of queries, monitor traffic and service levels, and study trends.

•   Chat: The Chat Workspace enables you to initiate real-time Internet communication with Contacts, and with visitors who are browsing your organization's Web site. Visitors can also initiate a chat request.

•   Phone: The Phone Workspace enables you to effectively handle calls in a call center business. Call center agents can manage and monitor calls, and managers and administrators can use the Phone features in Talisma to manage and track their call center's operations.

•   Outbox: The Outbox Workspace contains messages for a specified duration before dispatching them to the mail server. You can recall a message if you want to make modifications to it.

•   Inbox: The Inbox Workspace displays e-mail messages that are not threaded, as Talisma is unable to resolve the Character Set for the messages. A Message in the Inbox Workspace is threaded after you associate a relevant Character Set with it, and resume threading for the message.

•   Trash Can: The Trash Can Workspace displays deleted Talisma Object items. From this Workspace, you can restore or purge these Object items. Deleted items are retained in the Trash Can for a specified duration, after which they are purged from Talisma Main Database.


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