About Setting Context

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A Workspace is made up of one or more panes. Each pane can contain one or more Components. A Component is an item within a pane in a Workspace. Components can comprise either Talisma Components or External applications. Each Component is designed to receive context from, or to provide context to another Component in a Workspace. Context is reference information that a Talisma Component can provide to, or receive from another Talisma Component.


You have created a two-pane Workspace that displays the Table View of High Priority Interactions in the first pane, and in the second, the Item View of a High Priority Interaction selected in the first pane. In this scenario, Talisma Table View is a Component that provides context to the Talisma Item View Component. In other words, if you select an Interaction in the Table View, the window of the selected Interaction is displayed in the other pane. You can also configure a Component to provide or receive related data from the same or a different Workspace.



•   For setting context from another Component from within the same Workspace:

You are the Manager of the Customer Support Department in WorldWaves. Your attend to High Priority Interactions and ensure that they are resolved as soon as possible. Create a two-pane Workspace that contains the Table View of all High Priority Interactions in one pane, and the Item View of a High Priority Interaction selected in the Table View, in the second pane. In this case, configure the Item View to receive context from the Table View from within the same Workspace.

•   For setting context from another Component from a Different Workspace:

Create another single-pane Workspace with the Item View of Contact receiving context from the High Priority Interactions created in the previous Workspace. The details of Contact related to the High Priority Interactions configured in the first Workspace are displayed. You can use this Workspace to update the Contacts with information about the resolution to their queries.

The Components that can provide context are Item View and Table View.


•   A Workspace that displays the Item View of Interactions in one pane provides context to the Contacts Item Tab in another pane.

•   A Workspace that displays the Table View of Opportunity in one pane provides context to the Purchase List Item Tab in another pane.

The Components to which context can be provided are Item View, Item Tab, and Table View. The external applications to which Talisma Components can provide context are Custom Components and Web Pages.


A Workspace that displays the Contacts Table View in a pane, and provides context to a Web Page (an ASP file) configured to display Contact details in a different pane. You can update a Contact Item in Talisma with the information provided in the Web Page.

A new Workspace can be created to receive context from another Workspace provided it is based on an Object. You must ensure that you open this Workspace from another Workspace that can provide context to it.


You have two Workspaces: one that displays Interactions, and another two-pane Workspace that displays Contact details for the selected Interaction in one pane, and all previous Interactions for that Contact in another pane. If you open the Contact Workspace from an Account-based Workspace, the Contact Workspace will not display any data.

You can configure a Component displayed in a pane to receive context from a Component displayed in another pane. You cannot configure a Component to receive context from another Component in the same pane.


In the same pane, you cannot view details of an Interaction in the Item View by selecting the Interaction in the Table View.

A Component cannot be configured to receive context from two Components displayed in two different panes.


You have configured a three-pane Workspace. You have configured two Table Views in two panes of the Workspace. One pane displays all High Priority Interactions, and the other displays all Interactions assigned to you. You  cannot Configure an Item View in the third pane to receive context from both the Table Views because that would require disparate contexts from two panes.


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