Deleting a Message in Outbox

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If you sent a response that is no longer relevant, it can be deleted from the Outbox Workspace before it is dispatched to the Contact. The message can also be deleted in the outbox if it fails to dispatch, is not processed or is paused.

Only the user who sent the message, the user to whom the interaction is currently assigned, and the administrator user can delete the message from the outbox.

As an administrator user, if you perform such a deletion, the parent interaction will be assigned to you.

1.  In the Outbox Workspace, select the Message to be deleted, and click Delete.

2.  Click Yes to confirm the operation, and click Close.


A delete operation from the Outbox Workspace cannot be reversed. You are prompted to confirm the action before the Message is deleted from the Outbox Workspace.

A Business Administrator, or a System Administrator User is not prompted to confirm the action.


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