The View Queue Tab

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Another interface in the Chat Workspace is the View Queue tab, which enables you to view the list of visitors who are in queue to chat with Talisma Chat Users. This tab comprises the following components:

•   Teams pane

•   Queued Chat Requests pane

•   Properties pane

The following table describes the components of the View Queue tab:




This pane displays a list of Teams, and details of the chat sessions in those Teams.

In addition to the Manage Media Chat Permission, you need the Use Media Chat Permission in one or more Teams to manage operations performed in those Teams.

You can choose to hide the Teams pane. To do so, clear the selection of the Teams toggle option in the View menu.

Queued Chat Requests pane

This pane displays the list of visitors who are waiting to chat with Talisma Chat Users.

The columns in this pane display details related to the URL, Team, Wait Time, and Position in Queue for every visitor. You can customize the columns in this pane. You can sort the columns in this pane.

The columns in this pane are described below:

•   Session ID: A unique identifier for the chat session.

•   Visitor Name: The name of the visitor.

•   Starting URL: The URL of the page which the visitor was browsing when the chat request was sent.

•   Session wait time: The duration for which the visitor has been waiting.

•   Position in Queue: The visitor's position in the list of visitors waiting their turn to chat with a Talisma User. For example, if five visitors are in queue, this Property indicates the position of each visitor.

In addition to the columns described above, you can add Properties of Contacts and Messages as columns in this pane.

Properties pane

Displays details of an active chat session, including the visitor's name and e-mail address. Other visitor information is also displayed in the Message Properties pane. You can choose to hide this pane.

When the chat session is in progress, you can customize the Properties displayed in this pane. To do so:

1.  Click the Open hyperlink in this pane to view the details of the Message Object created through the chat session.

2.  Select the Properties tab.

3.  Drag the required Properties to the Message Properties pane of the Chat Workspace.

4.  To remove a Property from the Message Properties pane, right-click the required Property, and select Remove.


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