Using Wildcard Characters

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You can search for Object items using wildcard characters. A wildcard is a special symbol that represents one or more characters that occur in the text you want to locate.


If you want to locate an Interaction with the words "Unable to resolve query", and you remember that you had used the word 'query' in the content of the Interaction, you can use wildcard expressions to locate it.

The following table lists the wildcard characters and their descriptions:



_ (Underscore)

Description: If the _ wildcard is used anywhere in search text, Talisma retrieves Object items that contain any one character in place of the wildcard.

Example: You can use the _ wildcard to locate Contacts, whose first name contains four letters, and ends with ean. Provide the following search condition in the Define Conditions area of the Advanced Search dialog box.

If you want to locate Object items containing the _ character, specify _ within square brackets [_].

% (Percent)

Description: If the % wildcard is used before or after search text, Talisma retrieves Object items with any number of characters before or after the specified text.

Example: You can use the % wildcard to locate an Interaction which contains the sentence Treat this as Urgent in the subject line. Provide the following search condition in the Define Conditions area of the Advanced Search dialog box:

If you want to locate Object items containing the % character, specify % within square brackets [%].

[ ]

Description: If the [] wildcard is used in search text, Talisma retrieves Object items that contain a single character within a specified range of characters.

Example: You can use this wildcard character to locate Contacts whose names contain a specific character occurring within a range of letters of the alphabet. For example, to retrieve Contact names such as Derby, Kerby, etc., provide the following search condition in the Define Conditions area of the Advanced Search dialog box:

[^] (Caret)

Description: You can use the ^ wildcard in search text to exclude certain characters while searching for Object items.

Example: The word Dell most commonly occurs in Interactions with Contacts. If you want to retrieve Object items that contain text starting with De excluding the character l, you can define the following search condition in the Define Conditions area of the Advanced Search dialog box:


•   Use the ^ wildcard within square brackets [] only.

•   If you want to locate Object items containing the ^ character, specify ^ without square brackets.



If you want to locate Object items that contain the character [, provide it within square brackets. For example, ( [[] ).


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