The Enrollment Object is a Team Object in Talisma. The table in this topic describes the Properties available in the various tabs of the Enrollment Object.
The Enrollment window contains the following tabs:
Note For information about the tabs that will be displayed in the Lead Object when Campaign Support is enabled, see Changes in Objects with Campaign Support. |
Before reading the descriptions in this topic, see Using Property Tables in Talisma Client Help.
The text "TBA" in the last column of the table refers to Talisma Business Administrator.
The Properties tab contains system Properties. It also contains custom Properties created for the Enrollment Object.
Property (* indicates that the Property is mandatory) |
Description |
Value Updated by (Talisma/User)
Property Can be Edited/Deleted in TBA
External SIS ID |
A unique identifier for the corresponding Enrollment in the SIS. |
Name * |
The name of the enrolled student For example, Larry. |
Created On |
The date and time when the Enrollment item was created. |
Cannot be edited or deleted. |
Last Updated |
The date and time when the Enrollment item was last modified. |
Cannot be edited or deleted. |
Link to Contact |
The Contact associated with the Enrollment. |
Link to Lead |
The Lead associated with the Enrollment. |
Campus |
The name of the university campus in which the student has enrolled. |
Team |
The team to which the owner of the Enrollment belongs. |
Cannot be edited or deleted |
Owner |
The Talisma user who created the Enrollment. By default, the User who creates the Enrollment is its owner. |
School Status |
Representation of Lead Stages in SIS. This Property is updated when information is synchronized between Talisma and the SIS. |
Student number |
The unique identification number for the student. |
Credits required |
The total credits required for the Enrollment. |
Credits scheduled |
The number of credits currently scheduled for the Enrollment in the current Term. |
Transfer credits |
The total number of transferred credits. |
Version start date |
The date when the Student started the Program Version. |
Determination date |
The date when the Student dropped the Enrollment. |
Status date |
The date of the most recent change in the School Status. |
Enrollment cum GPA |
The Student's cumulative grade point average in the Enrollment. Information from dropped courses will also be included. |
SIS Owner |
The SIS User associated with the Enrollment. |
Program Information This group comprises Properties of the Enrollment that displayed in Talisma when database synchronization occurs with the SIS. |
Program |
The Program for which the Student has enrolled. |
Program Version |
The Program Version for which the Student has enrolled. |
Program Version Start Date |
The date on which Program Version will commence. |
Area of Study |
The Area of Study of the Student. |
Shift |
The Shift of the Student. |
Expected Start Term |
The term in which the Student is expected to join the Program. For example, Summer, or Fall. |
Applicant Type |
The category of the Applicant applying for admission. For example, if the Applicant chooses to apply online, this Applicant is categorized as Online Applicant. |
Enrollment number |
The unique Enrollment identification number assigned to the student on enrolling for a Program at the university. This property is updated in Talisma from the SIS. |
Enrollment status |
Indicates the proportion of time the student spends in academic activities. For example, Less than Half time, or Half time. |
Tour date |
Date on which the student visited for Campus tour. |
Orientation date |
Date on which the student attended the orientation program. |
Application date |
Date on which the application was received from the student. |
Enrollment date |
Date on which the student enrolled for the Program. |
Financial aid entry date |
The date on which the interview process to address the financial aid issue commenced. |
Financial aid exit date |
The date on which the financial aid interview was completed. |
Expected start date |
The date on which the program is expected to commence. |
Midpoint date |
The estimated date on which the student will reach the midpoint of the Program Version. |
Re-entry date |
Date on which the student is readmitted. |
Transfer date |
The date on which the Enrollment is transferred out of the Program. |
Graduation date |
The tentative date on which the student will graduate. |
Externship start date |
The date on which the student began an externship. |
Student ID |
The unique Student Identification Number generated in the SIS. |
This tab lists the actions performed on the Enrollment item. For example, if an Enrollment item is categorized, this action is recorded as an event in the history of the Enrollment item. To specify the events to be displayed in this tab, select Options from the Tools menu. In the Options dialog box, set the required Enrollment Event options from the Event tab.
Note When Talisma is installed afresh, audit is disabled for all events and Properties. Hence, audit records will not be displayed in the History tab. For more information about enabling or disabling audit, see Business Administrator Help and Installation Manager Help. |
This tab enables you to specify notes related to the Enrollment. This is a free text field where you can enter any additional information about the Enrollment.
This tab allows you to add comments about the Enrollment. This is a free text field where you can store additional information about the Enrollment which may be used for reference purpose.
This tab lists the Categories created for the Enrollment Object. From this tab, you can categorize the Enrollment item by selecting one or more Categories.
This tab displays the Activity history for the Enrollment item which includes Interactions associated with the Enrollment item. For information about the Properties displayed in this tab, see “Activity Properties”.
This tab lists the Document Status items associated with the Enrollment. For more information about the Properties displayed in this tab, see “Document Status Tabs and Properties”.
This tab lists the Interactions of Contacts associated with the Enrollment item. For information about the Properties displayed in this tab, see “ Interaction Tabs and Properties”.
This tab lists Test Scores of Contacts associated with the Enrollment item. For information about the Properties displayed in this tab, see Test Score Tabs and Properties.
The Calendar Events tab displays details of Calendar Events that are sent to attendees. For a new Object record, this tab is always blank. By default records in the tab are displayed in descending order on the Start Date Property.
The following table describes the Properties displayed in this tab:
Property |
Description |
Calendar Event ID
A unique identifier of the Calendar Event. The value for this Property is automatically generated. |
The name of the Calendar Event. This value is typed by the user in the Name field of the Add Calendar Event dialog box. |
Start Date
The date and time when the Calendar Event starts. |
End Date
The date and time when the calendar event ends. |
Time Zone
The time zone that is selected for the Calendar Event. |
Details of the location of the Calendar Event. |
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Last Updated: 9/16/2019
© 2019 Talisma Corporation Private Ltd., a subsidiary of Campus Management Corp. |