Previewing Target Details in the Action Node
Prerequisite - To merge or edit Print Template documents, you need to have:
• MS Word 2010 Standard or higher (32-bit)
MS Word 2013 Standard or higher (32-bit or 64-bit)
The Create Letter and the Create Label Actions in a Campaign Workflow enable you to preview and print base Object Property details using a Print Template created for the base Object.
To do so:
1. Open the required Campaign.
2. Click the Workflow tab.
3. Select the Node with the Create Letter or the Create Label Action, and then select View, Preview Word Template.
- OR -
Right-click the relevant Action node, and select Preview Word Template from the shortcut menu.
The Preview Word Template dialog box is displayed. By default, the selected Action is displayed in the Step list. If the selected Action is Create Label, the List of Labels list is displayed. If the selected Action is Create Letter, the List of Letters list is displayed. By default, the Print Template that is used to print details of the Action is displayed in the list.
The Target ID, Target Name, Target status, and Action Status values are displayed for all Targets that have progressed to the selected Create Label or Create Letter Action.
4. If the selected Action is Create Label, select the required Target and click View Label.
- OR -
If the selected Action is Create Letter, select the required Target and click View Letter.
Values of merged Target Properties are displayed in the Print Template. You can view the details in the MS Word document, edit the document, or save the document.
Note • When merged Target details are viewed using a Print Template from the Create Letter or Create Label Action Nodes, the Usage Count Property of the Print Template is increased by the count of Targets viewed. • In the Preview dialog box, double-click a Target to view the Target window. • When Lead1 that is a Target in a Campaign is merged into Lead2 that is outside the Campaign, the following changes occur: ◦ Lead1 is deleted. ◦ Lead2 is included in the Action step in the Campaign. ◦ The Target of Lead1 is associated with Lead2. • You cannot delete a Print Template that is being used in Create Label or Create Letter Actions. • You can select a different Action from the Step list, and view or print its details by selecting a Print Template from the List of Letters or List of Labels list. • When you modify Target details displayed in the merged Print Template document, the Print Template is not modified. |