Sending a Mailer to Alternate E-mail Addresses
Permissions Required
Manage Campaigns - To create, edit, copy, and delete Campaigns.
You can specify that the Mailer must be dispatched to an alternate e-mail address, which could be another e-mail address of the base Object item, or Target, or one that belongs to an Object related to the base Object.
Example You work with the Contact Object, and a custom Object created by your organization, the Guidance Counselor Object. By default, a Mailer would go to the e-mail address specified in the E-mail Property of the Contact. You can choose to send a Mailer to an alternate e-mail address of the Contact, Parent's E-mail Address, which is a custom Property. Alternatively, you can send the Mailer to an e-mail address specified for the Guidance Counselor Object. For information about how Relationships can be created between the Contact and the Guidance Counselor objects, see Business Administrator Help. |
The Target will progress through the Campaign based on the response received from the new recipient of the Mailer. Based on the above example, the new recipient may be the Parent or the Guidance Counselor of the base Object. Note that the new recipient of the Mailer will not be added as a Target to the Campaign.
The Mailer will be dispatched to the alternate e-mail address only if the base Object item’s Send Mailer Property is set to Yes.
Example The Send Mailer Property of the Contact Parker Roy is set to Yes, and the Send Mailer Property of Parker Roy's father Edwin Roy who is also a Contact is set to No. When you configure that the Mailer must be sent Edwin Roy, the Mailer will be dispatched even if Edwin's Send Mailer Property is No. The Mailer will not be sent to Edwin Roy if Parker's Send Mailer Property is set to No. |
To Send the Mailer to an Alternate E-mail Address
1. Open the required Campaign. By default, the Campaign opens in the Read-only mode.
2. Click the Workflow tab.
3. From the Edit menu, select Workflow to bring the Workflow to the edit mode.
- OR -
Right-click the Workflow, and select Edit Workflow from the shortcut menu. If the Campaign is currently being edited by another User, the Workflow remains in the Read-only mode.
4. Select the required Send mailer Action.
5. In the Send To area, click . The Configure Send To dialog box is displayed.
6. Clear or retain the default selection and select additional email addresses to which you want to send the Mailer. E-mail type of Properties of the base Object, and Target Objects are displayed in this list. This list also includes E-mail type of Properties of other Objects that are related to the base Object. A maximum of five email addresses can be selected.
Note that only those E-mail type of Properties of other Objects that are directly related to the base Object are displayed.
7. Click OK. Alternate e-mail addresses to which the Mailer will be sent are configured.
Note • If you select an e-mail address of an Account or custom Object item that is related to the base Object, the value in the Name field of the Account or custom Object item is displayed in the To field of the Mailer sent to the recipient. However, if you select an e-mail type of Property of any other Object item related to the base Object, the e-mail address of the recipient will be displayed in the To field of the Mailer. • The E-mail type of Property to which the Mailer will be sent will not be available if: ◦ You have specified the E-mail type of Property of a related Object, and the Relationship of the related Object with the base Object is then deleted in Business Administrator. ◦ The Talisma Client User does not have permission to view the tab in which the E-mail type of Property is available. ◦ The E-mail type of Property is hidden in Business Administrator. In this scenario, you must select a different E-mail type of Property to which the Mailer must be dispatched. • In a scenario where a base Object item satisfies conditions of multiple Dynamic Mailing Lists, individual Targets are created in the Campaign for the base Object item for each Dynamic Mailing List. When the alternate recipient of a Web Form Mailer submits a Web Form associated with any such Target, all the Targets created from the same base Object item progress to the next Step in the Campaign, regardless of whether responses were received from the other Targets. • In Business Administrator, the Dependency dialog box is displayed if the Business Administrator User tries to delete the E-mail type of Property to which the Mailer will be dispatched. The Business Administrator User can delete the Property only after removing all dependencies. For more information, your administrator must see Business Administrator Help. • In a scenario where the recipient receives Mailers for multiple Targets, the recipient must respond to each Mailer to enable each Target to progress through the Campaign. Example When Parker Roy receives two Mailers from the University of Agriculture and Farm Sciences inviting him to view the available facilities, his two sons Jonathan Roy and Steven Roy who are Targets can progress through the Campaign only if Parker responds to both Mailers from the university. Interactions are created in Talisma from the responses mailed by Parker. These Interactions are assigned to the CSR who will be responsible for ensuring that the Target details are appropriately updated in the Campaign. |