Setting Copy Options

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Copy User Options - Copying Options specified by the User in the Options dialog box to other Users in Talisma Client

The Copy Options feature enables you to copy the Options you have set for yourself for Objects in Talisma Client to other Client Users.

To Set Copy Options

1.  From the Tools menu, select Options.

The Options dialog box is displayed with the General tab selected.

2.  Click Copy Options To. The Copy Options dialog box is displayed.

3.  Select a tab that you want to copy to other User(s), and select the Object for which you want to copy your Options. For example, if you want to copy your Search Options for the Campaign Object, select Search, expand the (+) sign next to Search, and then select Campaigns.

- OR -

Select the Select All Tabs option to copy all your Options to the User(s).

4.  In the User(s) list, select the User to whom you want to copy Options that you have set in the Options list.

All Users in the Talisma system are displayed in the User(s) list.

5.  Copy the Options to Users, Teams or Roles.

6.  Click Select All or Clear All to select all Users or remove the selection of all Users.

7.  Click OK.

The Options in the selected tabs are copied to the selected Users.


The Copy Options To button is displayed across all tabs in the Options dialog box.

Selecting Users, Teams, and Roles

•   Select the required Users from the User(s) list.

- OR -

•   Click By Team.

The Teams dialog box is displayed.

Select the Teams from the Select Teams list, and click OK.

- OR -

•   Click By Role.

The Roles dialog box is displayed.

Select the Roles from the Select Roles list, and click OK.