24.1.0 Is Now Available

Anthology Finance & HCM

June 2024

What You Should Know

Release Overview

We are excited to share these highlights for the Anthology Finance & HCM 24.1.0 release. Your feedback is invaluable as we build solutions to serve you.

Anthology Inc. continues to improve performance and reliability in the product as described in the Resolutions section of the release notes as applicable.


June 07, 2024 - Anthology Finance & HCM 24.1.0 available

Check Service Desk to confirm your upgrade window.

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Release Highlights

Re-branding Announcement: Introducing Anthology Payroll - Formerly Known as Advanced Payroll

We are excited to announce the re-branding of Payroll module. Formerly known as "Advanced Payroll" the module has been renamed to "Anthology Payroll".

The re-branding includes the following changes:

Previous module name New module name

Advanced Payroll

Anthology Payroll
Advanced Payroll US Localization

Anthology Payroll US Localization

Advanced Payroll Canada Localization

Anthology Payroll Canada Localization

Anthology Advance Payroll Connector

Anthology Payroll Connector

Anthology Payroll

Anthology Payroll Integration

Anthology Payroll Documentation Suite

We are delighted to announce the publication of a new suite of documentation about Anthology Payroll within our Documentation Center. The Anthology Payroll Documentation Suite includes end user guides and configuration information for Anthology Payroll and its US and Canadian localizations.

Improved Consistency of Product Version

In our ongoing efforts to enhance consistency across Anthology products, we are pleased to announce that the versions of Anthology Finance & HCM and its components have been updated to version 24.1 in this release.

You can view the updated version information in the following locations:

  • Select the ? (question mark) in the toolbar > About > About Anthology Finance & HCM link

  • Select the ? (question mark) in the toolbar > About > Version tab

  • Anthology Payroll in the menu > Setup > Parameters

Integration Enhancements Between Human Resources and Anthology Student

  • Batch Job for Instructor Creation

    In this latest release, we have improved the Batch Job feature for creating Instructor records for existing employees. This update introduces a new feature that enables the bulk creation of Instructor records, enhancing integration with Faculty Workload Management through a streamlined batch process for creating Instructors.

  • Introducing Batch Job for Bulk Instructor Assignment to Anthology Student

    We have added a new menu option, "Send Instructor to Student," in this update. This feature allows you to send instructors in bulk as staff records in Anthology Student. The menu option provides additional customization options, enabling you to send specific faculty types. You can use this feature independently or in conjunction with Faculty Workload Management integration.

  • Automatic Synchronization When Integration is Enabled

    This update ensures synchronization of staff records, particularly for institutions where HR setups are completed before activating FM integration or when record setup processes are not strictly followed. The Faculty Management integration now automatically synchronizes existing staff records through the Faculty Management API into Anthology Student, resolving data synchronization issues between Anthology Student and Anthology Finance & HCM. This enhancement ensures that all staff records, both new and existing, are synchronized.

  • Instructor Record Creation Regardless of FM Integration Settings

    When Faculty Workload Management integration is disabled by setting FM for Anthology Finance & HCM in Anthology Student to No, you can still perform the following actions:

    • Add instructor records with all required information specified, such as worker details, position, and position assignment.

    • Assign a position to a worker, select a Faculty Type, and provide an email address without encountering any errors.

Time Management

  • Enhanced Date Filtering for Timesheet Lines

    We have introduced an improvement in date filtering for Timesheet lines. When accessing any page that loads Timesheet lines, you will find a date filter with the default set to the current month. The filter includes "From date" and "To date" fields, giving you the flexibility to modify the dates according to your preferences.

  • Timely Identification of Invalid Timesheet Entries

    To prevent invalid entries and expedite timesheet approvals, Anthology Finance & HCM now displays a message and prevents saving a timesheet when an employee with multiple positions or their delegate tries to enter time for an inactive position on a specific date.

  • Display Status for Timesheet Lines Not Sent to Anthology Payroll

    You can now view the complete exception message for each selected timesheet line under the Status section, located beneath the list of timesheet lines on the interface.

  • Streamlined Data Transmission to Payroll Through Batch Processing

    When sending timesheets to Payroll, the "Batch Processing" setting is automatically set to "Yes" and remains uneditable.

  • Enhanced Validation Messages for Timesheet Processing

    When you navigat to "Send Timesheets to Payroll" the system now generates a comprehensive list of all errors associated with affected records.

  • Improved Representation of Processed and Unprocessed Timesheets

    With this update, both processed and unprocessed timesheets will be accurately displayed with the correct Status.

  • Extended Access to "Refresh Leave Lines" Feature

    The "Refresh leave lines" functionality is now available to additional roles, including Project Accountant, Project Timesheet User, Timesheet Delegate User, Federal Work Study Administrator, and Federal Work Study Manager. All positions with access to timesheet lines can now utilize this feature.

Enhancing Anthology Payroll Integrations for Improved Efficiency

  • Improved Integration for Pay Period Definitions

    When running the "Send human resources records" process, all pay period setup records for each pay group are now transmitted, ensuring that Faculty Workload Management accurately calculates pay period amounts. To verify the transmission of all pay periods, you can navigate to:

    Module > Human Resources > Integration with external systems > Inquiries and reports > Integration status to external systems and select "Pay period for Entity type."

  • Enhanced Warning Messages for Payroll Worker Positions

    The "Update data" process in Anthology Payroll now provides detailed warning messages when encountering a payroll worker position without a Pay group. Instead of a generic message, you will receive specific warnings indicating the affected Anthology Payroll worker position record, including details such as name, personnel number, position ID, and active dates.

  • Access to Anthology Payroll Tab for Position Personnel Actions

    You can now access the Anthology Payroll tab in the HR Position detail form and the "Manage changes" form when Personnel actions for Positions are enabled. This enhancement allows you with appropriate permissions to edit the Anthology Payroll sub-section in both forms, regardless of the Personnel action status.

  • Inclusion of Anthology-Specific Fields in Position Personnel Actions

    With this update, you can now view and edit Anthology-specific fields such as Position Group, Faculty Type, and Staff Type when Position Actions are enabled on the Personnel Action tab of the Human resources shared parameters form.

Enhanced Integration for Anthology Payroll Earning Codes Across All Unit Types

  • Publishing Earning Codes of All Types to Azure Service Bus (ASB)

    In this latest release, we have expanded our earning code support to include Amount-based, and Unit-based earning codes, as well as associated earning line transactions. Please note that the integration with Federal Work Study (FWS) continues to support Hours-based earning codes only, with no changes to this functionality in this release.

Tax and Regulatory Updates for Anthology Payroll

  • Enhanced Gross-Up Payment Support for Local Taxes

    The Gross-Up local tax assessment function now submits the worker's default work address as the work address, while retaining the home address as the primary residence. This update enhances the precision of local tax assessments by aligning work addresses with local tax requirements.

  • Support for Payroll Check Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Line

    You can now configure Anthology Payroll to include the MICR line with the check number on printed paychecks. To enable this feature, you need to select "Yes" for Print MICR line in the check layout for their banks and specify the format in the MICR line field. After making these adjustments, you can verify changes using the Print test option in the toolbar.

  • Pennsylvania Act 32 Local Tax reporting

    Our latest update addresses a specific requirement related to Pennsylvania local tax reporting. Transactions involving individuals residing or working in Pennsylvania now include Worksite details and references in worker records, ensuring adherence to Pennsylvania guidelines. Worksite information is reflected in local tax listing reports and filings.

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