24.3.0 Is Now Available

Faculty Workload Management

May 2024

What You Should Know

Release Overview

We are excited to share these highlights for Faculty Workload Management 24.3.0. Your feedback is invaluable as we build solutions to serve you. Many of you have already contributed to our Idea Exchange – a place where you can submit enhancement ideas for Anthology products and vote on ideas others have submitted. If you have not joined the Idea Exchange, please consider doing so and participating in the community.

We have improvements to Faculty Workload Management to share with you with this release. Here we’ll highlight some of those and we encourage you to review the release notes as you’ll find more updates than are listed here.


May 28, 2024 - Faculty Workload Management 24.3.0 Available.

Check Service Desk to confirm your upgrade window.


View Release Notes Download the Release Notes (Logon required.)


Visit the Product Information site

Read the release notes, online help, and watch training videos at the Product Information site.



Release Highlights

Field Mapping Improvement in Faculty Workload Management - Anthology Finance & HCM/Anthology Payroll (FHP) Integration

Faculty Workload Management is revised to accept Earning Code Type, in order to align with the FHP integration.

Filtering Load Types for Assignment Load Details and Assignment Summary by Instructor Report

Faculty Workload Management includes load types filtering on the Assignment Load Details and Assignment Summary by Instructor reports, such that you can generate the reports as per your requirement without additional information.

Get the Most Out of Faculty Workload Management