Flows That Govern Record Assignment
Logic to carry out record assignment is available in the following flows which are triggered by default every 15 minutes.
Assignment – Entity Auto Assignment: Active Assignment Group records are shortlisted and marked for processing. The concurrency of this flow is set to 1, indicating that only a single instance of this flow must run to process information. This will prevent scenarios where the same record is picked for assignment by a second instance of the flow while the record is being processed in the first instance. Ensure that this concurrency is not modified.
This flow is supported by the following flows:
- Assignment – Get Records to be Assigned For Assignment Group: This flow shortlists base entity records that must be assigned. They are shortlisted based on the query in the assignment group.
- Assignment – Assign Records By Assignment Group: This flow:
- Processes assignment rules in the parent assignment group.
- Verifies if the records listed in the RecordsToAssign area of the flow satisfy the rules in associated assignment rule records.
- Assigns records based on the above rules.
- Assigns records to the fall back user if they fail to satisfy conditions in all assignment rules of the assignment group.