Localizing Dynamics 365 for Marketing Content

Content in Dynamics 365 for Marketing does not support dynamic localization. For all entities, a single record must be created for each language and / or localization that is supported.

Marketing Emails, Marketing Pages, and Marketing Forms

  • Marketing Email Templates, Marketing Page Templates, and Marketing Form Templates have a Language field for categorization purposes.
    • A new Template record must be manually created for each language.
    • By default, it’s not possible to clone a Template so it can be reused for another language.
    • To speed up Template creation for Marketing Emails only:
      1.  Create a Marketing Email from a Blank Template.
      2. After saving the Marketing Email, click the Save as Template button in the command bar to create a new Marketing Email Template .
      3. Change the Language of the Marketing Email Template to the desired Language and make modifications.
      4. Return to the Marketing Email created in step 1 and follow steps 2-3 again to create Marketing Email Templates for additional localizations.
  • New Marketing Emails, Marketing Pages, and Marketing Forms must be created for different languages and locales.
    • There is no functionality to translate static text based on the language of the recipient.
    • It is not possible to clone these records
  • There are, however, no rules enforcing that the language of a Marketing Email, Marketing Page, or Marketing Format must match its Template. It is possible to reuse a Template for one language for an Email, Page, or Form for another language to speed up creation time.

Customer Journeys

  • It is a good idea to create Segments based on a Contact’s preferred language and identify the language for the Segment in the Name. This will make creating Customer Journeys much easier.
  • Customer Journey Template fields have a Language field for categorization purposes.
    • A new Template record must be manually created for each Language.
    • By default, it’s not possible to clone a Template so it can be reused for another language.
    •  It is possible, however, to create a Customer Journey Template from a Customer Journey by following these steps:
      1. Create a Customer Journey from a Blank Template.
      2. After saving the Customer Journey, click the button Save as Template in the command bar to create a new Customer Journey Template.
      3. Change the Language of the Customer Journey Template to the desired language and make modifications.
      4. Return to the Customer Journey created in step 1 and follow steps 2-3 again if Customer Journey Templates need to be created for more localizations.
  • New Customer Journeys must be created for different languages and locales to create and send appropriate Marketing Emails, Marketing Pages, Marketing Forms, and other records. It is not possible to dynamically choose a record to create / send based on a Contact’s preferred language.


  • By default, a single Event record can only support text for one language.
  • The Event Portal is localizable as part of included functionality with Dynamics 365 Portals.
    • To edit or create new localizable pages, navigate to Portals > Websites and open the record named Event Portal. Drill down to the individual records to make modifications to localizations.
    • To be able to view the Event Portal in another language, the following must be done:
      1. Install the language pack in Dynamics CRM.
      2. Add the Language to the website record’s Supported Languages list with a Publishing State of Published.
      3. Create localized web pages and content snippets for the new language.
      4. Set the Preferred Language Lookup on appropriate Portal Contacts to the new language.
    • By default, the Event Portal provides localizations for the following languages:
      • Danish – Denmark
      • Dutch - Netherlands
      • English
      • French – France
      • German – Germany
      • Italian – Italy
      • Japanese – Japan
      • Spanish (Traditional Sort) – Spain
    • Content that comes from record data such as an Event Name or Session Name will not be localized in the Portal.