Marketing Lists

Marketing list records are container records that comprise members. This helps users to perform actions on the container, which cascades the action to all members instead of performing the same action repetitively with each member.

A user with the required permissions can perform any of the following tasks with a student group:

  • Assign a success plan record
  • Associate a DOM Master record
  • Associate a success network record
  • Manage the Reach Scoring Model framework

Note: The supervisor will need to perform the above tasks with the help of Azure functions. For more information, see Microsoft documentation.

Marketing lists can be:

  • Static: Members are manually added and removed from the list by user intervention
  • Dynamic: Members are added to the list dynamically based on conditions in a filter

Marketing list records can be created to address scenarios as diverse as assigning representative duties, scheduling repeat lectures, or managing schedules for basketball trails.

By default, the status of a marketing list is Active, i.e., it is available to perform an activity with a group of students.