About Success Network Assignment
It is important for the Higher Ed institution to have their students feel connected. At the same time the student also needs to know who their important networks are. For example, who is the student’s admissions representative or their advisor in the institution. Further, the various areas of campus such as Career Services, Student Life, Residential Hall Leaders, financial aid advisors, etc. are also possible connections that could help a student.
Using Success Network, these relationships can be made and shown to the student on the portal or for a Reach user in CRM to understand who else is related to a student and how.
The Success Network Assignment feature provides an ability to create or deactivate Success Network records in bulk based on a defined criteria. The criteria can include the staff member(s) to be assigned to a specific segment of Students, and also define how the student and staff member will be related. For example, a new Advisor is required to be assigned to all the new students who have recently got enrolled.
Reach administrators can create the following two types of Success Network Assignment records:
An Assign Type of Success Network Assignment
An Assign type of Success Network Assignment record enables the creation of Success Network records for students that are added to the Student Group (Marketing List ) associated with the Success Network Assignment record.
In the Success Network Assignment, an administrator user can select one or a group of staff member along with their role. Once the process runs system assigns a Success Network record to each student in the Marketing list with the Staff member and Role combination selected in the Staff Member /Group field.
After an Assign type of Success Network Assignment record is Live, i.e. the Publish Status is set to Live, the Success Network - Create Success Network based on Success Network Assignment flow picks up the Success Network Assignment record and creates the Success Network records for the selected students.
Further, the Success Network - Create Success Network based on Success Network Assignment flow runs recurrently based on the recurrence configured in the flow until the date configured in the End Date field of the Success Network Assignment record. For more information, see Success Network Flows.
In Anthology Reach, navigate to Process Config > Success Network > Success Network Assignment.
Click New.
The New Success Network Assignment page is displayed.
In the Type field select Assign.
In the Staff Member/Group, select a Staff Member Group Name.
Create a New Staff Member GroupNote: A Staff Member Group comprises of a combination of a Staff member and a Role, required for creating Success Network records. A Staff Member Group can include more than one Staff Member.
Navigate to the New Staff Member Group page.
Specify a name in the Staff Member Group Name field and click Save.
In the Staff Member Configurations section, click New Staff Member Configuration.
In the New Staff Member Configuration page, select a value in the Staff Member and Role fields.
Click Save.
The new Staff Member Configuration is added to the Staff Member Configurations section in the Staff Member Group.
Repeat steps iii through v to add more staff member configurations.
Use Case for Creating a Success Network With a Group of Staff Members-
A team of staff members called Student Onboarding Team is assigned to each new Student.
The Onboarding team has different staff members who play different roles: Academic Advisor, Coach, Advisor etc.
New students are distributed into various segments based on their attributes.
Each Student group /segment is assigned to an Onboarding Team.
The Onboarding group is assigned only for 3 months.
In the Publish Status field, select one of the following values:
Draft - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is not ready for processing.
Live - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is ready to be picked up by the Success Network - Create Success Network based on Success Network Assignment flow until the End Date field
Processed - Indicates the Success Network Assignment will be picked up by the Success Network - Create Success Network based on Success Network Assignment flow until the End Date.
Deactivated - Indicates the Success Network Assignment has been deactivated and will no longer be picked up by the Success Network - Create Success Network based on Success Network Assignment Cloud flow.
In the Status field, select one of the following values:
Active - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is active.
Inactive - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is inactive.
(Optional) In the End Date section, select a date in the End Date field.
The Success Network - Create Success Network based on Success Network Assignment flow will run recurrently until the date configured in the End Date field.
Additionally, the End Date selected in the Success Network Assignment record is used to update the end date of the child Success Network records that are created from the Success Network Assignment record.
In the Student Groups section, add a Marketing List for which the Success Network record needs to be created.
Click Save.
In the Success Network record , the Originating Success Network Assignment field is populated with the Success Network Assignment name from which the Success Network record was created. This helps in determining which Success Network record was created by which Success Network Assignment record.
An Un-Assign Type of Success Network Assignment
An Un-Assign type of Success Network Assignment record deactivates the Success Network records that match the Staff Member and Role present in the Staff Member/Group field in the Success Network Assignment record.
After an Un-Assign type of Success Network Assignment record is created, the Success Network - Deactivate Success Network based on Un-assign criteria flow is triggered when the Publish Status is set to Live for the Success Network Assignment record.
If Student Group(s) are added to the Un-Assign type of Success Network Assignment record the Success Network - Deactivate Success Network based on Un-assign criteria flow will remove the Success Network records from the students in the Student Group(s) that match the criteria of the Staff Member and Role.
If Student Group(s) are not added to the Un-Assign type of Success Network Assignment record the Success Network - Deactivate Success Network based on Un-assign criteria flow will check all the existing Success Network records that have the same Staff Member And Role that are selected in the Staff Member Group and will deactivate them.
For more information, see Success Network Flows.
In Anthology Reach, navigate to Process Config > Success Network > Success Network Assignment.
Click New.
The New Success Network Assignment page is displayed.
In the Type field select Un-Assign.
In the Staff Member/Group, select a Staff Member Group Name.
Create a New Staff Member GroupNote: A Staff Member Group consists of a combination of a Staff member and a Role, required for creating Success Network records. A Staff Member Group can include more than one Staff Member.
Navigate to the New Staff Member Group page.
Specify a name in the Staff Member Group Name field and click Save.
In the Staff Member Configurations section, click New Staff Member Configuration.
In the New Staff Member Configuration page, select a value in the Staff Member and Role fields.
Click Save.
The new Staff Member Configuration is added to the Staff Member Configurations section in the Staff Member Group.
Repeat steps iii through v to add more staff member configurations.
Use Case for Creating a Success Network With a Group of Staff Members-
A team of staff members called Student Onboarding Team is assigned to each new Student.
The Onboarding team has different staff members who play different roles: Academic Advisor, Coach, Advisor etc.
New students are distributed into various segments based on their attributes.
Each Student group /segment is assigned to an Onboarding Team.
The Onboarding group is assigned only for 3 months.
In the Publish Status field, select one of the following values:
Draft - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is not ready for processing.
Live - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is ready to be picked up by the Success Network - Deactivate Success Network based on Un-assign criteria flow.
Processed - Indicates the Success Network Assignment has been picked up by the Success Network - Deactivate Success Network based on Un-assign criteria flow.
Deactivated - Indicates the Success Network Assignment has been deactivated and will no longer be picked up by the Success Network - Deactivate Success Network based on Un-assign criteria flow.
In the Status field, select one of the following values:
Active - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is active.
Inactive - Indicates the Success Network Assignment is inactive.
In the Student Groups section, add a Marketing List for which the Success Network record needs to be created.
Click Save.
Best Practices
The End Date for the Success Network Record
It is recommended to populate the End Date of a Success Network record. This will ensure automatic deactivation of expired success network records, which will help in improving system performance.
Success Network Assignment & Duplicate Check
When success networks are created from a Success Network Assignment record, duplicate check of success network records is limited to the records which were previously created by the same Success Network Assignment record. Anthology Reach allows the creation of same Success Network records by another Success Network Assignment.
Therefore, it is recommended to create Success Network Assignment with a unique purpose or the Marketing List criteria should be mutually exclusive to avoid creation of duplicates.
Duplicate check is performed when a user manually creates a Success Network record.
Marketing Lists
The recommended maximum size for a Marketing List is 10 k students, to manage the performance load better.
The OOTB Success Network Flows
It is recommended to not make changes to the OOTB Success Network Flows.