When the Student entity is selected, Form Designer exposes the following properties of the StudentEntity class.
Field | Table : Column | Required | Type | Description | Example |
Agency Sponsor | syStudent : AmAgencyID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Agency identifier | 9 |
Alien Number | syStudent : AlienNo | No | String | Alien number; MaxLength(9) | 123456789 |
Best Time to Contact | syStudent : BestTimeToContact | No | String | Athletic identifier; MaxLength(10) | Morning |
Campus | syStudent : SyCampusID | Yes | Int32 | Campus identifier | 10 |
Citizenship | syStudent : AmCitizenID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Citizenship status identifier | 1 |
City | syStudent : City | No | String | City; MaxLength(25) | Chicago |
Country | syStudent : SyCountryID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Country identifier | 1 |
County | syStudent : SyCountyID | No | Nullable<Int32> | County identifier | 87 |
Current Employer | syStudent : PlEmployerID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Current employer identifier | 62 |
Date of Birth | syStudent : DOB | No | Nullable DateTime | Date of Birth | 1995-08-21 00:00:00.000 |
Disabled | syStudent : Disabled | No | String | Disabled? MaxLength(1) | N |
Driver License Number | syStudent : DrivLic | No | String | Driver's license number; MaxLength(20) | R360-555-87-752-0 |
Driver License State | syStudent : DrivLicState | No | String | Driver's license state; MaxLength(2) | IN |
Email Address | syStudent : email | No | String | Email address; MaxLength(50) | |
Employment Status | syStudent : plEmpStatusID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Employment status identifier | 3 |
Expected Start | syStudent : StartDate | No | Nullable<DateTime> | Expected start date | 2019-08-21 00:00:00.000 |
First Name | syStudent : FirstName | No | String | First name; MaxLength(25) | Mario |
Gender | syStudent : AmSexID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Genderidentifier | 1 |
Hispanic/Latino | syStudent : IsHispanic | No | String | Is the student Hispanic/Latino?; MaxLength(1) | N |
Interest | syStudent : AdProgramGroupID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Program group of interest | 0 |
Last Name | syStudent : LastName | No | String | Last name; MaxLength(25) | Romanov |
Maiden Name | syStudent : MaidenName | No | String | Maiden name; MaxLength(19) | Jolie |
Marital Status | syStudent : AmMaritalID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Marital status identifier | 1 |
Middle Initial | syStudent : MI | No | String | Middle initial; MaxLength(1) | T |
Middle Name | syStudent : MiddleName | No | String | Middle name; MaxLength(100) | Thomas |
Mobile Phone Number | syStudent : MobileNumber | No | String | Mobile phone number; MaxLength(16) | 954-333-1212 |
Nationality | syStudent : AmNationalityID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Nationality identifier | 21 |
Nickname | syStudent : NickName | No | String | Nickname; MaxLength(14) | Tom |
Other Email Address | syStudent : OtherEmail | No | String | Other email address; MaxLength(50) | |
Other Phone Number | syStudent : OtherPhone | No | String | Other phone number; MaxLength(16) | 305-333-1212 |
Phone Number | syStudent : Phone | No | String | Phone number; MaxLength(16) | 954-333-1212 |
Previous Education Level | syStudent : AmPrevEducID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Previous education level identifier | 4 |
Program | syStudent : AdProgramID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Program identifier | 8 |
Shift | syStudent : AdShiftID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Shift identifier | 1 |
SMS Provider | syStudent : CMSMSServiceProviderID | No | Nullable<Int32> | SMS service provider identifier | 2 |
SSN | syStudent : SSN | No | String | Social security number; MaxLength(30) | 444-77-9999 |
State | syStudent : State | No | String | State; MaxLength(2) | FL |
Street Address | syStudent : Addr1 | No | String | Street address; MaxLength(255) | 200 Broadway |
Student Number | syStudent : StuNum | No | String | Student number; MaxLength(10) | 9333212 |
Subscribe to SMS | syStudent : SubscribeToSMS | No | Boolean | Subscribe to SMS | true |
Suffix | syStudent : AmSuffixID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Suffix identifier | 1 |
Title | syStudent : AmTitleID | No | Nullable<Int32> | Title identifier | 2 |
Veteran | syStudent : Vet | No | String | Veteran? MaxLength(1) | N |
Work Phone Number | syStudent : WorkPhone | No | String | Work phone number; MaxLength(16) | 678-543-3330 |
Work Phone Number Ext | syStudent : Workext | No | String | Work phone number extension; MaxLength(10) | 2345 |
ZIP Code/Postal Code |
syStudent : Zip | No | String | Postal code; MaxLength(10) | 33071 |
Student Address Changes
The message “You made a change to the address. Do you want to save the old address as another address type?” is displayed when a student’s address is modified including any of the following fields of the StudentEntity:
- FirstName
- LastName
- MiddleName
- StreetAddress
- City
- State
- PostalCode
- CountryId
- PhoneNumber
- WorkPhoneNumber
- EmailAddress
The message is not a validation message that can be handled in Forms Builder or in Workflow Composer during a SaveEntity activity for the StudentEntity. To avoid this message after updating a student's address, include an Assign activity in the workflow with the following assignment:
studentEntity.StudentAddressAssociation = Cmc.Nexus.Common.Entities.StudentAddressAssociation.IgnoreInStudentAssociation
Insert the Assign activity just prior to the SaveEntity<StudentEntity> activity.