
The Client component ("thick client") provides an interface from which a CampusNexus CRM user can log and track interactions with contacts, respond to queries from contacts, and work with items of other objects.


Identify and install the prerequisite software. See Software Requirements by Component — Client.

If the Data Management Utility (DMU) is installed on the Client computer, the previous DMU version must be uninstalled before installing the new DMU version.

Install the Client in Silent Mode

You can perform a fresh installation, reinstallation, or upgrade of the Client in silent mode. Depending on the type of installation you want to perform, you must rename the FreshInstall.iss, Reinstall.iss, or Upgrade.iss files to Setup.iss. To do so:

  1. Copy all files in the ClientSetup folder from the host computer to the folder on the computer where you want to install the Client.

  2. Identify the type of installation that must be performed on the computer. Depending on the type of installation, perform one of the following steps:

    • To upgrade the Client version, rename Upgrade.iss to Setup.iss.

    • To reinstall an existing Client, rename Reinstall.iss to Setup.iss.

  3. If you are doing a fresh installation, perform the following steps:

    1. Open the Setup.iss file in an editor.

    2. Provide the installation path for 32-bit and 64-bit computer in the following code:

      32bitmachinePath= C:\Program Files\Talisma Client

      64bitmachinePath= C:\Program Files (x86)\Talisma Client

    3. Save and close the file.

  4. Open the Windows command prompt.

  5. Navigate to the folder where the setup.exe file is located, and type:

    setup.exe /s

  6. Press ENTER.

    The Client is installed on the computer and a log file is created in the following drive:

    • On a 32-bit computer: <Drive name>:\Program Files\Common Files\Talisma Shared\SetupLogpath

    • On a 64-bit computer: <Drive name>:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Talisma Shared\SetupLogpath

    View the log file to check for any errors occurred during installation. Events are added to the Application Log of the Windows Event Viewer on the computer.

  • In a scenario where you have removed the Client using silent mode, rename FreshInstall.iss to Setup.iss to perform a fresh installation using silent mode.

  • If the computer where the Client is being installed in silent mode has other CampusNexus CRM components such as Data Management Utility (DMU), these components will not be installed or upgraded through silent mode. You must install or upgrade these components manually.

  • When the Client is installed manually, the success and failure messages are not logged in the Windows Event Viewer. These messages are added to a log file available in the following paths on the computer where the Client is installed:

    • On a 32-bit computer: <Drive name>:\Program Files\Common Files\Talisma Shared\SetupLog

    • On a 64-bit computer: <Drive name>:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Talisma Shared\SetupLogon

  • The Client can be installed in silent mode using a systems management tool such as System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) by Microsoft. When a systems management tool is used for installing in silent mode:

    • A single package that is created in the systems management tool can be used for any of the Windows operating systems (32-bit and 64-bit) that are supported by the Client.

    • If you are upgrading or re-installing the Client in silent mode using SCCM, before creating a package for these operations, you must rename the Upgrade.iss and Reinstall.iss file to Setup.iss based on the scenario.

    • Similarly, before creating a package for removing the Client installation in silent mode, you must rename the Remove.iss to Setup.iss.

    • The failure or success of the Client installation will be reported in the systems management tool.

Install the Client in a Citrix Environment

The Client can also be installed centrally on a Microsoft Windows Terminal Server with Citrix Server installed. The Citrix Client program can then be installed on computers that need to use the Client on the Microsoft Windows Terminal Server.

You have only one installation of the Client and avoid installing it on all client computers individually. You have to install the Citrix Client program, and use the Client on the Terminal Server. Upgrades too, are made very easy, where you have to just upgrade the Client on the central computer, and not on every client computer.

  • On a fresh Client, the Manage Filters Permission is enabled by default for users with System Administration, or Business Administration Permissions.

  • On a fresh Client, audit is disabled for all the Properties and events except:

    • Message Objects
    • Health Check Objects
    • URL property in Link Object

    Configuration for Message and Health Check Objects cannot be changed.


Set Up Clients

  1. In the Installation menu, click Client. The Client Settings screen is displayed.  Closed

    Client Settings

    Client Settings identify client machines in a client-server relationship so that manipulations of multiple client machines can be handled in one location.

    Note: Ensure that the database settings are appropriate. Installation Manager allows multiple machine names listed in the Machine Name column.

  2. Click Add to add a line to the Settings screen.

  3. Select an appropriate Action. The following Action values are available:

    • None – Performs no action.

    • Install – Performs a fresh installation or upgrade of a component. You can install or upgrade multiple components at the same time.

    • Uninstall – Removes all subcomponents on that machine and uninstalls the component from Programs and Features.

    • Reinstall – Retries to install a subcomponent.

    Optional: Click Select All to set the Action field to Install for all components listed on this screen. Click Unselect All to set the Action field to None.

  4. Enter the Machine Name for the component to be installed.

  5. Click copy icon to copy a line. Edit the copied line as needed.

  6. Click Options (ellipsis) icon to view and edit the Options form for each Client. The options include the following:

    • Client (selected by default)
    • Data Management Utility

    The default Destination Directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Talisma Client\.
    Enter a different Destination Directory for a 32-bit machine, e.g., C:\Program Files)\Talisma Client\.

    Talisma Client Options Form

  7. Click OK to save changes on the Options form. The form is closed.

  8. Accept the default Destination Directory or select a directory where the information for this component is stored. Changing this directory will apply across all machines in the Machine Name column.

  9. Click Delete icon to delete a selected line.

  10. Click Test to ensure the setup for the corresponding line is correct.

    If a test on a particular line fails, check all associated fields and click Test again.

  11. If all tests pass, click right arrows.


Postinstallation Tasks

  • To work with Analytics, on the Client computer, ensure that the logged on user has the Modify permission for the Talisma Client folder. The folder is available in the <Drive name>:\Program Files path.

  • On the Web Server computer on which trackable URLs and Forms that will be inserted into Mailers are configured, install the AspEmail component obtained from Persits Software Inc. Alternatively, you can install any component with a Send Mail feature.


Log on to the Client

You can log on to the Client using Application, Trusted, or Custom Security. This section covers the procedures for these options.

  1. Double-click the Client icon on your desktop.

    — OR —

    From the Start menu, point to Programs, click Talisma Client <version>, and select Talisma.

  2. Type your user name in the Login name field.

  3. Type your password in the Password field.

  4. Select a profile from the Profiles list. The Talisma Profile is selected by default.

    Note: When you log on to the Client for the first time, you must either create a profile, or edit the default profile, by specifying the Server and Database details.

  5. To create a user profile:

    1. Click Profiles. The Profiles dialog box is displayed.

    2. Click Add. The New Profile dialog box is displayed.

    3. Type a name for the profile in the Profile Name field.

    4. To log on using Application Security, select Application Security from the Login Security field.

      — OR —

      To use your Microsoft Windows login name and password for logging on to the Client, select Trusted Security from the Login Security field.

      — OR —

      To use a custom login name and password for logging on to the Client, select Custom Security. This login name and password can reside in any database. For example, it could be a Microsoft Access database or any other database from where these details are retrieved for logging on to the Client.

    5. In the Application Server field, type the name of the Application Server to which you want to connect when logging on to the Client.

    6. From the Database Server list, select the SQL Server on which the Main database is installed.

    7. In the Database Name field, type the name of the database to which you want to connect.

    8. If you select Internet from the Connection Type list, the Internet Security option is enabled. Select the required level of security that needs to be implemented when connecting over the Internet.

    9. Click OK.

      Note: You can also edit, delete, or copy a profile in the Profiles Dialog box. For more information about Profiles, see the Client Help system.

  6. In the Profiles dialog box, the Talisma profile is selected by default in the When starting Talisma, use this Profile list. You can select the newly created profile to set it as the default profile for logging on to the Client.

  7. Click OK.

    Note: When license information is updated, ensure that you log off from the Client, and log on again.


Perform Other Operations

This section describes Client-side settings for tracking Interaction actions, the procedure for handling E-mail messages without Character Sets, and configurations for various workspaces and the Campaign Dashboard in the Client.