Course Unregister Reasons

These options allow the System Administrator to indicate whether course unregister reasons should be displayed to students while unregistering a course through the Student Portal Online Registration as well as provide which reasons are displayed for selection.

To configure whether course unregister reasons should be displayed to students while unregistering a course:
  1. Navigate to the Portal Configuration Tool.

  2. In the Student Online Registration folder, select Student/Reg/OnlineRegStep3.aspx.

  3. Scroll to the section 'Display Course Unregister Reasons to Student.' and select Yes or No.

  4. Click Update.

To configure unregister reasons available to students in Step 3 - Register:
  1. Navigate to the Portal Configuration Tool.

  2. In the Student Online Registration folder, select Student/Reg/OnlineRegStep3.aspx.

  3. Scroll to the section captioned 'Please select reasons to display to student' and select a reason(s) from the left and click Add >> to move the reason to the right. The reasons listed on the right are designated to be available for selection by the students when unregistering a course.

  4. Click Update.