View Degree Pathway Templates for an Enrollment
You can use the Degree Pathway Templates page to create a template that contains a guided pathway within your institution for an enrollment. Pathways are plans for the students to complete their enrollment and areas of study through a guided pathway.
Any templates that you configure are copied over if you copy the enrollment.
The list contains a pathway for each catalog. You can have different courses and order for each catalog. You can create the suggested pathway for the catalog by placing the various courses in a specific order based on the catalog.
The pathway template also contains placeholders for student electives allowing all terms in the enrollment to be created and populated with credits before the course name is known. If an elective pool is configured with a number of credits or hours, displays a message if you exceed the value. However, you can save and continue with the pathway template.
You can access Degree Pathways in the Student Portal.
Navigate to My Academics > Degree Pathways. The Degree Pathways page is displayed.
Click the enrolled program you want to view the degree pathways for. The Template Plan, Student Plan and other Degree Pathway plans are displayed.
You can view the course details of the Degree Pathway under any of the Degree Pathway plans.
Click on the plan you want to view the course details for.
Click on the course code. The course details pop up is displayed.
If the course is in:
Completed Status, the pop up displays details such as Course Code, Course Name, Credits, Hours, Max Attempts, Fee, Course Status, Requisite Details, Description, Attributes, Skills.
Future Status, an additional message is displayed at the end - Class Schedule Details will display after you register for the course. Click on the Cancel button to close the pop up.
Registered/Scheduled Status, Class Schedule Details field is displayed that can be expanded or collapsed.
Note: You can view the course code/published course code as configured by your institution.
Template Plan
If you want to view the Template Plan, click on the View button. The Template Plan page is displayed.
Review the information for the enrollment.
Click the Show Requisites button to display the Requisites (Pre & Co requisite) arrows. This button toggles to Hide Requisites.
Click Print button to print the degree plan (You must ensure that print orientation is set to landscape mode and the print scale set to 100% to print a degree pathway template correctly.)
Click Email. The below pop up is displayed.
The option allows you to download the degree pathway plan, attach it and send to the required email id.
Click Open Courses to expand the list of courses.
icon to display the course prerequisites and corequisites.
icon to display information about number of attempts, retakes and repeats.
If you want to display the arrows that connect the courses:
Click the Show Requisites button. The solid line indicates prerequisites while the dotted line indicates the corequisites.
The following example shows the arrows for correctly placed:
The below example shows the indicators in a template plan.
Student Plan
If you want to view the Student Plan, click on the View button. The Student Plan page is displayed.
Review the information for the enrolled program.
Click on the
button to view details about:
Program Information
Pathway Information
Click the Show Requisites button to display the Requisites (Pre & Co requisite) arrows. This button toggles to Hide Requisites.
Click Print button to print the degree pathway plan (You must ensure that print orientation is set to landscape mode and the print scale set to 100% to print a degree pathway plan correctly.)
Click Email. The below pop up is displayed.
The option allows you to download the degree pathway plan, attach it and send to the required email id.
Click New Term to add a term to the desired location.
Click Move Term to change the position of a term.
Click Save As to save the plan to a new draft plan.
Click Open Courses to expand the list of courses.
icon to display the course prerequisites and corequisites.
icon to display information about number of attempts, retakes and repeats.
icon to display information about the missing courses on the course list.
If you want to display the arrows that connect the courses:
Click the Show Requisites button. The solid line indicates prerequisites while the dotted line indicates the corequisites.
The following example shows the arrows for correctly placed:
The below example shows the indicators in a student plan.
Note: The colour coding indicates the status of the courses, if it is a future course, registered, completed or unfulfilled.