Search Courses

This section has two tabs: Course Search and Quick Add.

The page initially displays the Course Search tab which enables you to specify criteria for the course search.

Click the Plus icon icon to add search criteria that helps you to filter the courses by clicking the Search button.

Note: The search criteria can be the Course Code or/and the values under Choose Filters.

Course Search

Note: Elective courses are indicated by the Electives icon icon, whereas Required course indicates the Required courses. Courses that are neither elective nor required, do not have any icon before them.

Required/Elective Courses Grid Columns
Column Description
Add The Plus icon icon is displayed for course sections that are available for registration or waitlisting. The icon is not displayed for course sections with a Status of Full.

If there are prerequisites or corequisites for a course section and you click the Plus icon icon, a popup window displays details about prerequisite or corequisite courses. You cannot register into the course or be waitlisted unless all prerequisite rules including required courses, minimum grades (if required), and any testing requirements (if applicable) are met. When registering in a course that has corequisites, you must register in all corequisite courses at the same time before proceeding.

Registration Step 1 - Prerequisites

Code The course code used to identify a class.

Click the Code link to view the class start and end dates, delivery method, location, comments, and schedule for the class.

The Building/Room field displays the code, N/A if no building and room are assigned, or *various* if multiple rooms/buildings are assigned.

You can also hover over a class in the calendar view to see the class time, building, room, and instructor.

Registration Step 1 - Prerequisites

The Electives icon icon before the course code indicates elective courses. The Required course icon indicates required courses. Courses that are neither elective nor required, do not have any icon.


Course title

A book icon bok icon is displayed if the books are configured for the class section.

book icon

On clicking the book icon icon, book list for the class section is displayed.

book icon

Section Section identifier for the course
Schedule Days and times the class section meets.

For online classes and classes with variable schedules, the field displays "No scheduled meetings".

When a class section is configured with multiple meeting periods, the Schedule column in the Courses grids in Student Portal > Registration > Steps 1, 2, and 3 displays the class scheduling days/times as semicolon separated string. If the complete scheduling days/times cannot be displayed within the Schedule column, a tooltip shows the details on hover. On mobile devices, users can click to view the schedule details. The weekdays can be configured with 1-letter or 2-letter notation.


For multiple periods on different days:

MT 8.00 am to 9.00 am; WF 11.00 am to 11.30 am

— OR —

MoTh 8.00 am to 9.00 am; WeFr 11.00 am to 11.30 am

For multiple periods on the same day with different times:

MT 8.00 am to 9.00 am, 11.00 am to 11.30 am; W 9.00 am to 10.00 am

— OR —

MoTh 8.00 am to 9.00 am, 11.00 am to 11.30 am; We 9.00 am to 10.00 am

Credits Number of credits the section offers

If the section is configured to allow the student to select a variable number of credits, the value is displayed in a drop-down list from which the desired credit value may be selected. The initial value is the "normal" credit value for the section.

Grading Scheme If a course is configured to allow students to choose a Grading Scheme, select Pass/Fail or Non-Pass/Fail. The default option indicates the setting associated with the course.
Textbook information
Elective Pool Name of the elective pool
Campus Name of the campus
Building/Room Building or room where the class section meets. If a class section is held in multiple buildings or rooms, the field displays *various*.
Location Location where the class section meets. If a class section is held in multiple locations, the field displays *various*.
Instructor Name of the instructor teaching the section
Status The class status can be Available, Waitlist, or Full.
  • Available indicates that seats are available in the class.

  • Waitlist indicates that there is a waitlist for the class and waitlisted seats are available.

  • Full indicates that no seats are available.

Availability The numbers in the column indicate the total number of seats available in the class or on the waitlist and the number of students registered or waitlisted.


  • If the Status = Available and the Availability = 19 of 20, there are 20 seats in the class and 1 student has registered.

  • If the Status = Waitlist and the Availability = 3 of 5, there are 5 seats in the waitlist and 2 students have been waitlisted.

Shift Shift when the class section meets. If a class section meets in multiple shifts, the field displays *various*.