Answers with Links

If Anthology Digital Assistant is deployed in a multi-channel environment with Web Chat, use Markdown to apply special formatting to the answer text in the Bot Question Responses Entity. The Markdown syntax will be resolved and applied to the text in the chat window. Markdown is currently not resolved in transcripts for Web Chat (see Markdown syntax visible in chat transcripts).

If you are using the TPC Portal with Live Assist, you can use plain text and some Markdown as tested by Anthology Inc.; however, officially Live Assist only supports plain text.


You can format URLs and email addresses in the answer field of the Bot Question Responses Entity using Markdown syntax. The syntax below has been tested in both Web Chat and Live Assist.

Enclose the link text in brackets and then follow it immediately with the URL in parentheses:

[Link text](

For an email address, use the following syntax:

[Link text](

To quickly turn a URL or email address into a link, enclose it in angle brackets.



[Student Aid](

Configured in Anthology Reach:

Answer with Phone Number


The Digital Assistant displays the link.

Phone number link in Renee

The target of the link is opened in a new browser tab/window.


Format links or URLs in the answer field of the Bot Question Responses Entity using the following syntax:

<p><a href="{Link url with double quotes}">{Link name}</a></p>


<p><a href="">Student Aid</a></p>

Configured in Anthology Reach:

Answer with Phone Number


The Digital Assistant displays the link.

Phone number link in Renee

The target of the link is opened in a new browser tab/window.
