SaveDocument (V2)

The SaveDocument activity enables you to save a document record (INSERT mode). The document will be associated with a Person record.

You can also use this activity to modify an existing document record (UPDATE mode).

  • You can modify the following fields using the SaveDocument activity:

    • ApprovalDate
    • DocumentStatusId
    • DueDate
    • ExperiationDate
    • Note
    • ReceivedDate
    • RequestDate
    • SentDate
  • If you update the PersonId, the StudentId or ProspectId must be updated as well because these fields reference the same student (SyStudentId).

  • You cannot delete existing values (that is, fields that have a value cannot be set to NULL).

Save document


SaveDocument Properties
Property Value Required Notes
DisplayName String No Specify a name for the activity or accept the default.
Document InOutArgument<DocumentEntity> Yes Specify the Document using a VB expression or variable.

To identify the variable type, in the Variable type field of the Variables pane, select Browse for Types.... In the 'Browse and Select a .NET Type' window, navigate to Cmc.Nexus.Crm.Contracts . Cmc.Nexus.Crm.Entities, select DocumentEntity, and click OK.

variable type

See DocumentEntity Class in the Anthology Student Object Library.

ValidationMessages OutArgument
No Specify a variable that can be used to capture validation messages. For more information, see Capture Validation Errors.