UpdateStudentStatusToLead (V2)

You can use the UpdateStudentStatusToLead activity to change the school status of a student in a Lead status to another Lead category (L - Lead) so that you can trigger status changes when certain conditions occur.

For example, you could change the status 'New Lead' to 'Interviewed' when a student is added to the Applicants groups. You can use a LookupReferenceItem activity with "Reference Item Type = School Status" and "Reference Item = <status>" to find the status within the Lead category that is to be changed in the workflow.

Status categories in Anthology Student are defined in the Setup > Status Codes > Status Codes tab. To determine Lead category status values in the database, use the following SQL query:

Select S.Category, SS.*

from SySchoolStatus SS(nolock)

JOIN SyStatus S(nolock) ON SS.SyStatuSID = S.SyStatusID

Where S.Category = 'L' Order by ss.Descrip

To determine StudentId values, use the following SQL query:

Select SyStudentId, syschoolstatusid, adenrollid, * from AdEnroll where SySchoolStatusID IN (Select SS.syschoolstatusid

from SySchoolStatus SS(nolock)

JOIN SyStatus S(nolock) ON SS.SyStatuSID = S.SyStatusID

Where S.Category = 'L')

Update Student Status To Lead


UpdateStudentStatusToLead Properties
Property Value Required Notes
DisplayName String No Specify a name for the activity or accept the default.
StudentId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify a Student Id using a VB expression or variable.
StudentStatusId InArgument<Int32> Yes Specify the Student Status Id using a VB expression or variable.
ValidationMessages InOutArgument
No Specify a variable that can be used to capture validation messages. For more information, see Capture Validation Errors.