About Legacy Workflows

Beginning with Workflow 2.2, a new object model supports Anthology Student version 17.1 and later. The new object model introduces new namespaces for Anthology Student modules.

Old Namespace New Namespace






The new services, namespaces, and entities are documented in the Anthology Student Object Library.

End-of-Life Announcement for Anthology Student Activities (V1)
With the release of Anthology Student 21.0 in October 2019, the EOL date for Anthology Student Activities (V1) is scheduled for October 2020 and the EOS date is scheduled for April 2021. For more information, see End-of-Life for Anthology Student Activities (V1).

New and Migrated Activities

The activities in the toolbox of Workflow Composer are sorted by namespace. Any new activities that have been developed since the introduction of the new object model are added to the corresponding namespaces in the toolbox.

Activities that were developed in the old object model and are required to support events raised out of Anthology Student were migrated to new namespaces.


The CreateStudentSportsService activity was migrated from Cmc.Nexus.Workflow.Sis.StudentServices to Cmc.Nexus.StudentServices.Workflow.

If you are creating a new workflow using this activity, use the activity from the new namespace Cmc.Nexus.StudentServices.Workflow.

For help about the migrated activity, refer to "CreateStudentSportsService (V2)" in the New Workflows help section.

Help about the older variant of the activity is found in "CreateStudentSportsService (V1)" in the Legacy Workflows help section.

The toolbox in Workflow Composer will provide both variants of the CreateStudentSportsService activity until all legacy workflows have been migrated.

The LookupServiceListItem, LookupAreaOfStudy, and LookupListItem activities were not migrated. The functionality of these activities is incorporated into the LookupReferenceItem activity in Cmc.Nexus.Common.Workflow. Use the LookupReferenceItem activity for any new or migrated workflows.

The LookupGroup activity in Cmc.Nexus.Workflow is migrated to LookupStudentGroup in Cmc.Nexus.Common.Workflow.

For detailed information about the entities and properties associated with new and migrated activities, refer to the Anthology Student Object Library instead of mapping tables provided in the Legacy Workflows help section.


Events raised out of the standard interface for Anthology Student are supported only in the new object model.

Events raised out of the legacy interface for Anthology Student are supported in the legacy model (using legacy contracts, activities, and entity mapping tables). However, the legacy model will be phased out. Any new workflows for events raised out of the legacy interface for Anthology Student 17.1 and later should be migrated to use the new object model.


The contracts that the legacy services/activities were developed against are not migrated. Instead, the contracts that the legacy services/activities use become part of the new object model/command model.

The legacy contracts will be supported for a designated length of time allowing for customers to adjust any applicable workflows to use the new entities and their corresponding contracts. The specific steps/process for how affected workflows are updated/modified will need to be determined.

If you are migrating from an older version of Anthology Student to a newer version, you may need to work with two instances of Workflow Composer where one instance uses the V1 and V2 packages of the older Anthology Student version and the second instance uses the V1 and V2 packages for the new Anthology Student version.

When all workflows are migrated to use the new activities, uninstall the old contracts. A new user from Anthology Student 17.1 forward should never install the old contracts/activities.

Converted Entities

In the new object model, the conversion of entity values is no longer required. The CVueIdToPersonIdActivity and PersonIdToCVueIdActivity are no longer needed, and the following conversion formulas no longer apply:

For Student:

  • PersonId = (SyStudentId * 10 ) + 1

Other entities:

  • SyStaffId + '2'
  • SyAddressId + ‘3’
  • PlEmployerContactId + ‘4’
  • AmAgencyContactId + ‘5’
  • SyOrganizationContactId + ‘6’
  • AmOnlineApplicantId + ‘7’

For Student Group: GroupId = (SyGroupsId * 10 ) + 1

Note: In new and migrated workflows, the Campus (Id) property replaces the Business Unit (Id) property.