Loan Information

You can use the tabs on the Loan Information page to view a student's:

  • Informed Borrower Status

  • Subsidized Usage Information

  • Master Promissory Note (MPN) Information


To view the page, you must have:

  • Common - Student - View authorization

  • Financial Aid - Loan Information - View authorization

Access Method

Select the Students tile > select the name in the Students list > expand Financial Aid > select the Loan Information tile.

Procedure to View Loan Information

Informed Borrower Tab

Beginning with the 2020-21 award year, Anthology Student supports the Informed Borrowing Requirement for student borrowers (DIRSUB, DIRUNSUB, DIR Grad Plus loans) and parent borrowers (DIR Parent Plus loans). After the borrowers acknowledge that they have reviewed their outstanding loan balance at (Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement), COD returns a new system-generated response file (CRIByyOP) that contains the information populated on the screen below.

Use the Informed Borrower tab to check if borrowers have reviewed their outstanding loan balance at (Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement).

Note: For the award years 2021-22 and later, Regulatory does not prevent the export of Direct Loan awards with Paid or Released disbursements (DRI= true) until an Informed Borrowing/Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment record can be found for the borrower. The export validation was not implemented because the Department of Education delayed its enforcement.

  1. Select a Student.

  2. Navigate to the Loan Information tile under Financial Aid.

  3. Select the Informed Borrower tab and review the data in the grid.

    Award Year Closed The financial aid award year.

    Fund TypesClosed Specific classification for the fund source.

    Informed Borrower IDClosed After borrowers acknowledge that they have reviewed their outstanding loan balance at, COD returns 18-digit Informed Borrower ID tags at Award Level for each Direct Loan in the response file.

    Borrower NameClosed Borrower's last name and first name

    Completion DateClosed After borrowers acknowledge that they have reviewed their outstanding loan balance at, COD returns the Informed Borrowing Completion Dates in CCYY-MM-DD format at the Award Level for each Direct Loan in the response file.

    File NameClosed File name of the generated file.

    Import DateClosed The date and time when the job was processed

Subsidized Usage Tab

The records in the Subsidized Usage tab indicate if a student has remaining subsidized loan eligibility for a specific award year. The form assists financial aid administrators when packaging student loans.

When a direct loan is exported from Anthology Student to the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) system, COD returns a response that contains the subsidized usage information.

COD uses the following formula to determine the remaining subsidized loan eligibility:

Maximum Eligibility Period – All Subsidized Usage Periods = Remaining Eligibility Periods
  1. Select a Student.

  2. Navigate to the Loan Information tile under Financial Aid.

  3. Select the Subsidized Usage tab.

  4. Review the information for the pertinent award year. In particular, check whether the subsidized usage limit (SULA) applies and take note of the Remaining Subsidized Eligibility Period.

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    Date ReceivedClosed The date when the COD response containing the subsidized usage information was imported into Anthology Student and the record displayed in the UI was created.

    Financial Aid Award IDClosed The Financial Award ID matches the Loan ID on the Direct Loan Detail form.

    Max Sub Eligibility PeriodClosed The student's maximum subsidized loan eligibility period (in years).

    Published Pgm LengthClosed The program length (in years) published in the institution's catalog.

    Usage Limit AppliesClosed Indicates whether the subsidized usage limit applies (Yes/No).

    Remaining Sub Eligibility PeriodClosed The calculated remaining subsidized loan eligibility (in years).

MPN Information / COA Tab

The records on the MPN Information tab display all MPNs linked or associated with each loan or student.

  1. Select a Student.

  2. Navigate to the Loan Information tile under Financial Aid.

  3. Select the MPN Information tab.

  4. Select the student's Enrollment.

  5. Select the Academic Year.

  6. Select Apply Filters.

  7. Review the information in the grid.

    Loan IDClosed The ID assigned to the loan by COD.

    Award YearClosed The financial aid award year.

    Fund Source TypeClosed Specific classification for the fund source.

    Gross Award AmountClosed The gross amount the student is eligible to receive for the fund source before any fees.

    Net Award AmountClosed The net amount before fees are added.

    Origination StatusClosed Origination status of the award.

    Prom Note StatusClosed The status of the promissory note for the loan. The values are Not ready to print (default for a new loan), Ready to print, Signed, Printed (automatic), Pending (automatic), Accepted by COD (automatic), Rejected by COD (automatic), Inactive, Inactive Endorser Linked or inactive due to the linking of a PLUS loan with an endorser, and Closed. The field is editable if the loan is new or the status of the promissory note is Not ready to print, Ready to print, or blank. If you are adding a loan and print the promissory note while adding the loan, and the Prom Note Status is changed to Printed once it was printed successfully, the field is disabled even though the loan is still being added. For a loan disbursement export to COD, the MPN status must be Accepted.

    Prom Note Printed DateClosed The date when the promissory note was printed (if it was printed).

    Award StatusClosed The status of the award. The possible statuses are Estimated, Pending Approval, Approved, and Canceled.

    Prom Note LinkedClosed Displays the value from the loan origination acknowledgment file that was imported. The values are Y and N. When Financial Aid Automation is being used, for a disbursement to be exported for a Stafford loan (DL SUB/DL UNSUB), it must have a value of Y or N. When Financial Aid Automation is being used, for a disbursement to be exported for a Direct PLUS loan, it must have a value of Y.

    Number of DisbursementsClosed Number of disbursements for the award.

    Direct Loan Cost Of AttendanceClosed This field holds the cost of attendance for the loan period dates of the Direct loan which is retrieved from the Budget COA. Non-originated awards will have the value automatically updated when changes occur to the total budget amount. The value is editable at any time and is available for Subsidized, Unsubsidized, PLUS, Grad PLUS, and Parent PLUS loans for award year 2022-23 and later. For more details, see ClosedNotes.

  8. If the Prom Note Status is Ready to Print or Not Ready to Print, the Print MPNs button is enabled on the grid toolbar.

    When you select Print MPNs and the MPN status is:

    • Ready to Print

      You are prompted to confirm that you want to print the MPN. If you select Yes, the MPN is printed. After printing successfully, the print date is added or updated on the Prom Note Info tab of the Awarding form.

    • Not Ready to Print

      You are notified that the MPN status will be changed to Ready to Print if you proceed to print. If you select Yes to proceed, the MPN is printed. After printing successfully, the MPN status is changed to Ready to Print and the print date is added or updated on the Prom Note Info tab of the Awarding form.

  9. Select the link on the Loan Number. The Master Prom Note Information grid is displayed at the bottom of the page.

  10. Review the information in the Master Prom Note Information grid.

    MPN IDClosed The identifier for the Master Promissory Note (MPN).

    MPN StatusClosed Status of the Master Promissory Note (MPN).

    Expiration DateClosed Displays the value from the import file. A new <MPNExpirationDate> tag is included in the response block of the COD Common Record received from COD.

    Fund SourceClosed The source of this fund. If your institution is using fund source security, you must have permission to work with the fund source.

    Prom Note LinkedClosed Displays the value from the loan origination acknowledgment file that was imported. The values are Y and N. When Financial Aid Automation is being used, for a disbursement to be exported for a Stafford loan (DL SUB/DL UNSUB), it must have a value of Y or N. When Financial Aid Automation is being used, for a disbursement to be exported for a Direct PLUS loan, it must have a value of Y.

    Borrower NameClosed Borrower's last name and first name

    Imported File NameClosed Name of the import file.

    Import DateClosed The date and time when the job was processed

    Electronic MPNClosed Indicates whether the MPN is an electronic MPN (rather than a paper MPN).