Transfer Student Monitoring Review

You can use the Transfer Student Monitoring Review page to view the status of all TSM data for students. The review process gathers student records based on the filter settings in the Selection Criteria section and displays the results in a grid at the bottom of the page. You can filter and review the following record types:

  • Error Acknowledgment Records: These records are returned from NSLDS in response to a Batch Inform file. NSLDS uses these records to inform institutions that there is a problem with the student data sent and that the student is NOT in monitoring at NSLDS. The institution needs to fix the data and resend the student in a new Batch Inform file. The review page for this record type supports the following actions:

    • View error codes from Error Acknowledgement files

    • Mark error records as reviewed

    • Access a link to the Awards page to update awarding data

    • Save reviewed records which allows students to be re-exported

  • Alert Records: These records are sent from NSLDS when a change has occurred in their financial aid history. When an institution receives this type of record for the student, that student is placed in a disbursement hold, if one is configured for the campus. The review process allows you to mark the alerts as reviewed and when saved, the system will remove the student from the configured disbursement hold group. The review page for this record type supports the following actions:

    • View data from the alerts that changed at NSLDS

    • Capture notes for alerts

    • Mark alerts as reviewed

    • Access a link to the Awards page to update awarding data

    • Save reviewed records which allows students to be removed from the disbursement hold

  • Monitoring Records: These system records are used to manage the current TSM status of students. The review page for this record type supports the following actions:

    • View the status of a student's TSM record (Monitoring, Alerted, Expired, etc.)

    • Update statuses

    • Mark students as done and remove them from Transfer Student Monitoring

  • Unmatched Alert Records: If you imported an alert file with a record that does not have a corresponding record in the TSM main table but a student record exists for a matching SSN, you can use this record type to manually match the unmatched alert record to a student. The system will then create the TSM main record which places the student in monitoring within Anthology Student based on the Batch Inform Date you specified. The review page for this record type supports the following actions:

    • View the identifying data of students that are not matched in the TSM main table

    • Access a link to the Awards page to update awarding data

    • Specify the Batch Inform Date which will be used to determine the monitor duration when the system creates the TSM main record. You will need to get the Batch Inform Date from the data at NSLDS so that the monitor duration will match between the two systems.

      Note: By default, the Batch Inform Date is populated with today’s date in the FATSMMain table; however, the auto-populated date is not used in determining how long to monitor a student.

    • Save reviewed records

    After manually matching the record, the alert can be viewed from the student's Award page.

  • Unmatched FAH Records: If you imported a financial aid history file with a record that does not have a corresponding record in the TSM main table but a student record exists for a matching SSN, you can manually match the unmatched financial aid history record to a student. The review page for this record type supports the following actions:

    • View the identifying data of students that are not matched in the TSM main table

    • Access a link to the Awards page to update awarding data

    • Save reviewed records

    After manually matching the record, the financial aid history can be viewed from the student's NSLDS page.

Financial Aid Processes File Management

Anthology Student version 22.0 and later enables customers to manage files in Azure File Storage using the Financial Aid Processes File Management form under Processes > System Administration. Without this form, users cannot upload or download files to Azure File Storage due to security restrictions. The file management functionality enables you to place files in the location where specific financial aid processes (e.g., Application Data Export/Import, Clearinghouse, NSLDS Reports, and others) expect to find the files. For more details, see Financial Aid Processes File Management.


You must have the following authorization:

  • Common - Processes - View

  • Financial Aid - Processes - Transfer Student Monitoring - Review

You should also be familiar with the Background for Transfer Student Monitoring.

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select Transfer Student Monitoring Review.

Procedure to Review Transfer Student Monitoring Records