Term Association Copy & Build Student AYs

You can use the Term Association Copy & Build Student AYs page to copy and build academic years for students. The purpose of this dual process is to allow a preconfigured term association track to be copied to any other similar program version sharing the same configured start setup in Configuration > Academic Records > Start Date. Additionally, staff can schedule a job to build the individual student academic years that have been added to the term association configuration. The Schedule Student AY Build can be used at any time to evaluate students in program versions selected during the job creation and ensure they have the latest academic year in configuration added to their sequences.


  • Program Versions are configured with an academic calendar and academic year type. If it is a Scheduled Academic Year (SAY), the Summer usage must be selected.

  • Terms are configured for the type of academic calendars used by the school and shared with the relevant campuses.

  • Start dates are configured and shared with the relevant campuses and program versions. The term start dates should match the loan period start dates.

  • At least one program version has term association configured to use as the "Template Track" to apply to other program versions.

Term Association Copy

You can copy a term association track from a configured program version and apply it to other program versions as long as the following criteria are the same:

  • Academic Calendar
  • Academic Year type
  • Uses Summer

Within the Term Association form, select a program version and select Preview Academic Years. After selecting a Start Date, select Next. The system validates the first term from the template term association track against the first term for previously configured tracks. The results display only program versions with matching values for the first term in the template, the target program version, Academic Calendar, Academic Year Type, Uses Summer, and Start Date.

Note: The first term validation the system performs is to avoid overwriting pre-existing term tracks for program versions sharing a start date across multiple campuses, but one of those campuses is using different terms.

Select the desired result from the list and use the Queue Copy functionality to copy that configuration to your selected program version.

Schedule - Build Student AYs

The purpose of this is to allow the system to add/build individual student academic years based on the newly configured Academic Years. Within the Schedule - Student AY Build tab, you can schedule the process using the same program version criteria and Start Date that is available in the Term Association Copy.


You must have the following authorization:

  • Common - Processes - View

  • Financial Aid - Processes - Term Association Copy Program Version and Build Student AY - Edit and View

Access Method

Select the Processes tile > expand Financial Aid > select Term Association Copy & Build Student AYs.

Procedure to Copy a Term Association Configuration and Build Student Academic Years

Process Tab

Use the Process tab to select the program version configured with the term association you want to copy.

Selection Criteria
  1. In the Program Version field, select the configured program version you want to copy from. Once you make your selection, the following details from the program version will be auto-populated below the field:

    • Academic Calendar
    • Academic Year Type
    • Uses Summer (Yes or No)
  2. In the Start Date field, select the desired Start Date and select Preview Academic Years. Results appear in the Preview Academic Years section, listed by Term, Term Start date, and Term End date.

  3. Select Next.

    The Results section displays the following details for the program version with matching Academic Calendar, Academic Year Type, Uses Summer, and Start Date:

    • Campuses
    • Degree Level
    • Program Code
    • Program Version Code
    • Program Version Description
    • Start Date
  4. Select the desired program version(s) in the Results grid and select Queue Copy in the toolbar.

    This copies the configuration from the initial program version you chose to the program version(s) you select within the Results grid. You can then review the copy process in the History tab.

History Tab

Use the History tab to review all the Queue Copy processes and Build AY processes performed by users.

  1. The Term Association Process History grid lists all recorded processes with the following details:

    Batch TypeClosed The type of process performed in the system: either Copy Configuration or AY Build.

    CreatedClosed The date and time the process (Copy Configuration or AY Build) was created.

    DurationClosed How long the Copy Configuration or Build AY process took.

    NameClosed The name associated with the Copy Configuration or the AY Build process.

    Program VersionClosed The program version the term association configuration was copied from.

    StartedClosed The date and time the process (Copy Configuration or Build AY) was begun.

    StatusClosed If the process Succeeded or Failed.

    Submitted ByClosed The user who instituted the process.

  2. If you select a result in the list, the specific program version you copied the configured term association details into is displayed below the grid as "Job Results: Term Association Copy" (along with the date and time). Further details are displayed below the term association copy heading:

    • Campuses
    • Program Code
    • Program Version Code
    • Program Version Name

    The program version name link will open a new form showing all the details of that program version.

Schedule - Student AY Build Tab

Use the Schedule - Student AY Build tab to schedule a process to build student academic years using the same program version criteria and Start Date configured on an existing program version.

The Schedule grid lists the following details for existing schedules:

  • Academic Calendar
  • Academic Year Type
  • Name
  • Queued By
  • Start Date
  • Student Statuses
  • Uses Summer

You can Delete or Activate an existing schedule by selecting the appropriate button in the toolbar.

  1. To create a new schedule, select +New in the toolbar. This opens the New Schedule section. Configure the following criteria as needed:

    ActiveClosed Whether the Term Payment Period Enrollment Allocation is currently configured to be used or if it is inactive.

    End DateClosed The date the schedule or AY build you are configuring should end.

    FrequencyClosed How often you wish the scheduled build of AYs to occur.

    NameClosed The name associated with the Copy Configuration or the AY Build process.

    Notify StaffClosed Whether the necessary staff member should be notified when the schedule is run.

    RecurrenceClosed How often you wish the schedule to occur within the specified Frequency.

    Specific DateClosed The date you wish to use based on the entry in the Frequency field.

    TimeClosed The specific time you wish the process to occur based on your entry in the Recurrence field.

    Time ZoneClosed A region that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes.

  2. In the Build AY Options section, review and configure the following fields:

    • Select a Student StatusClosed Specifies the status of the prospect or student at your institution. Statuses vary by institution. They are configured by your institution. If you change the status for a student, a dialog is displayed so that you can confirm the change. If there are also tasks associated with the previous status, Anthology Student displays a dialog that you can use to select the tasks to keep and the tasks to close with the result of canceled.. Open "Choose the status" of the students that you want to include in the evaluation.

    • Select an Academic CalendarClosed The academic calendar. The values correspond to calendar options required by the Department of Education. They are non-standard terms, standard terms of quarters, standard terms of semesters, standard terms of trimesters, clock hours, and credit hours without terms. The default is the academic calendar configured for the program version. If you are configuring program versions from Financial Aid, the list is filtered to show the academic calendars appropriate for the Curriculum Standard selected when the program version was configured from Academic Records.. Open "Choose the academic calendar" for the type of program you want evaluated by the service: non-standard terms, standard terms of quarters, standard terms of semesters, or standard terms of trimesters.

    • Select an Academic Year TypeClosed The type of academic year. If you selected Non-standard terms, Credit hours without terms, or Clock Hours in the Academic Calendar list, Borrower-Based Academic Year is selected by default and the list is disabled. If you select any other value in the Academic Calendar list, the field is enabled and you can select either Borrower-Based Academic Year or Schedule Academic Year. When a student enrolls in a program version that has Schedule Academic Year selected, the wizard for enrolling the student is filtered to standard terms. If you selected Standard term of quarters for Academic Calendar, Anthology Student sets the value in No. of Terms in Academic Year to 3. If you selected Standard terms of semesters or Standard term of trimesters, Anthology Student sets it to 2. When Scheduled Academic Year is selected, academic years do not need to be associated with the program version. If academic years are configured, they are ignored because Anthology Student creates the academic year based on the value you specified for Full Academic Year – Credits and Weeks specified on this form. (They must be specified for Anthology Student to create the correct academic years.). Open "Choose either BBAY or SAY" for the type of academic year. This selection will be referenced against the Academic Year Type assigned on the program versions.

    • Select Header or Trailer in Uses SummerClosed If a Summer term is configured or not. . This control is only selectable if the Academic Year Type is SAY.

    • Select a Program VersionClosed The program version associated with the student or item.. The list of program versions available within the field is based on your selections within the previous fields.

  3. Select Run Now in the toolbar.

    Anthology Student builds academic years for all students with the selected Status who are in the selected Program Version with the selected Start Date.

    1. If you want to save and: 

      • Continue making changes, select the Save button

      • Continue to add another item to the list, select the Save & New button

      • Close, select the Save & Close button

  1. To close the New Schedule section, select Cancel.