Add or Edit a Staff Member

You can use the General tile on the Staff Member tab or page to add and edit staff members and specify their general information (such as their name and address).

You can also add instructors and admission representatives from more than one location in Anthology Student. The pages are the same from the different locations with some variation in the fields. For example, you can only select a value for Password Profile if you accessed the page from the Settings tile.

Your institution can define custom properties that are unique to your institution using the Extended Properties page. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Extended Properties.)

The Extended Properties section on this page displays all the fields that your institution has defined so that you can view, complete, and edit them. Because the fields vary by institution, your institution will provide tooltips or additional information you need to complete or edit the fields. If your institution has not configured extended properties, this section is not visible.

Prerequisites and Access Methods

You should be familiar with: 

Type of Staff Access Method Prerequisites for the Access Method

Admission representatives

Select the Processes tile > expand Admissions > select Admissions Representatives Maintenance.

You must have: 

•   Common - Processes - View authorization

•   Admissions - Processes - Admissions Representative - Manage authorization

Your institution must have configured the Admissions Rep template. (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Staff > Staff Groups tab.)

All staff

Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Staff.

You must have System - Settings - Staff - Manage authorization.


Select the Processes tile > expand Academic Records > select Instructor Maintenance.

You must have: 

•   Common - Processes - View authorization

•   Academics - Processes - Instructor Maintenance - Manage authorization

The remaining prerequisites apply to specific cases.

To edit the values for System Administrator (code ADMINISTRATOR), you must be logged in as the System Administrator.

The staff member must not have a code of SYSTEM.

To edit the following values, the Automated User check box must not be selected for the staff member on their Financial Aid tab.

  • Active

  • Account Locked

  • Password Profile

  • Password Expiration Date

  • Campus Group

To edit the following values Anthology Student must not be integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM and your institution must have selected No for FM for Anthology Student FinanceClosed Select the option to integrate Faculty Workload Management for Anthology Finance & HCM. This option is enabled only when Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM. when it configured the settings for Academic Records. (Select the Settings tile > expand Academic Records > select General.)

  • Their code and name

  • Values for addresses (such as their city and state) 

  • Email address

  • Phone numbers

If Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM and your institution selected Yes for FM for Anthology Finance & HCMClosed Select the option to integrate Faculty Workload Management for Anthology Finance & HCM. This option is enabled only when Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM. when it configured the settings for Academic Records, the staff members from Anthology Finance & HCM are displayed in Anthology Student.

If they are integrated, basic staff information in Anthology Student is read-only and cannot be edited (such as the staff address, email address, and phone numbers). For more information, see Faculty Management Integration topic in the Anthology Finance & HCM Help for the version of the product using

Procedure to Add or Edit Staff Members

The values you can specify or edit also depend on:

  • The value for Authentication ModeClosed Displays the method used to authenticate users. For information about the modes or to configure the mode, see the Administration and Configuration Guide on (logon required). (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select General.) For example, the Password Profile list is not displayed if you are using one of the Active Directory modes.

  • Whether or not Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM. If it is, you cannot deactivate or change their Employee ID, address, or emails.
  • The method you used to access the page. For example, you can only specify Admissions Representative Type or Check for Scheduling Conflicts for instructors if you access their General page from the Processes tile.

If you add an instructor or admission representative from the Processes tile, Anthology Student automatically adds them to the appropriate staff group (Instructors or Admissions Rep).

  1. If you want to:

    • Add a new list item, select the New button on the toolbar

      Note: When you add a new user to a group, ensure that the user is also added to that group in the Anthology Student Security Console.

    • Edit an existing list item, select the name in the list

  2. In the header, review, specify, or change the following values.

    Account LockedClosed Select the Account Locked check box to prevent the user from logging on to Anthology Student.

    ActiveClosed Specifies whether or not the staff member is active. Inactive staff members cannot be selected once deactivated. Deactivated staff member can still access Anthology Student if they have passwords and their account is unlocked.

  3. Under General, review, specify, or change the following values.

    Admission Representative TypeClosed The Admissions Representative for the student. If a staff member is removed from an Admissions Representative group after having been assigned to a student, Anthology Student retains the name of the former representative on the student record.

    Campus GroupClosed The group you specified for the campus. Your institution configures the groups for campuses.

    Cell Phone NumberClosed The mobile phone number.

    CityClosed The name of the city.

    Check for Scheduling ConflictsClosed Select Yes if you want Anthology Student to display a message when you try to schedule an instructor for a class when the instructor is already scheduled for the same time in another class section on the Class Schedules page. (Select the Class Schedules tile.)

    CodeClosed The user name for the staff member.

    CountryClosed The country of residence. If you are specifying a country, it defaults to the country for the campus. The country also determines the format of phone numbers. If you change the country, the phone numbers are automatically reformatted to the format for that country.

    DomainClosed If your institution is using Active Directory as its authentication mode, displays the domain used in the user ID.

    Email AddressClosed The email address.

    Email Reply To Closed If the email for replies is different from the email address in the Email Address field, the email address.

    First NameClosed The first name of the staff member.

    Home Phone NumberClosed The phone number. The format depends on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether phone numbers use parentheses and hyphens).

    Last NameClosed The last name of the staff member.

    Middle InitialClosed The first letter of their middle name.

    Password Expiration DateClosed If your institution is using the Anthology Student database as its Authentication Mode, the date the password will expire. Anthology Student calculates the value using the date that the staff member was added or last changed their password and the value for Password Expiry Days in the password profile. The default is 01/01/9999.

    Password ProfileClosed If your institution is using the Anthology Student database as its authentication mode, the name of the password profile that provides basic password functionality (such as password expiration, password reset, and password rules). Password profiles are defined by your institution.

    Preferred NameClosed The preferred name to be used to address the staff and student.

    PronounsClosed The pronouns to be used to address the staff and student.

    Setup Template Closed If you specified one or more groups that have templates, select the template that contains the settings and permissions you want to use. This field is only displayed when you add or edit a staff member from the Processes tile. It is not available if you are adding or editing the staff member from the Settings tile.

    Staff Added in CNFClosed If Anthology Student is integrated with Anthology Finance & HCM, displays a Yes if the staff member was added using Anthology Finance & HCM.

    Staff Groups Closed The staff groups that the staff member is a member of. If the staff member is in an advisor group and you remove them, you also remove the staff member as an advisor for all of their assigned students.

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state.

    Street AddressClosed The street address. For student addresses, if an address has more than 40 characters, the additional characters in the address line will not be extracted to be sent to COD but will be truncated.

    Title Closed The title for the person.

    ZIP Code/Postal Code Closed The postal code for the address. If you are specifying an address, you must specify a value for City or State. If you specify a city or state or both, the list contains the valid zip codes.

  4. Under Work Address Information, review, specify, or change the following values.

    CityClosed The name of the city.

    CountryClosed The country of residence. If you are specifying a country, it defaults to the country for the campus. The country also determines the format of phone numbers. If you change the country, the phone numbers are automatically reformatted to the format for that country.

    ExtensionClosed If needed, the extension for the work phone number.

    Fax NumberClosed The number where a facsimile (fax) can be received.

    Office Phone Number Closed The phone number to the office of the staff member.

    Phone Number Closed The work telephone number for the student, staff, or person. The format will depend on how your institution configured phone numbers (such as whether phone numbers use parentheses and hyphens). When a student is placed in a job using student placement, the program automatically updates the number with the phone number for the employer. If it applies, the extension is also updated.

    StateClosed If within the United States, the name of the state.

    Street AddressClosed The street address. For student addresses, if an address has more than 40 characters, the additional characters in the address line will not be extracted to be sent to COD but will be truncated.

    ZIP Code/Postal Code Closed The postal code for the address. If you are specifying an address, you must specify a value for City or State. If you specify a city or state or both, the list contains the valid zip codes.

  1. If your institution has configured extended properties, complete the fields under Extended Properties.

  1. If you want to save and: 

    • Continue making changes, select the Save button

    • Close, select the Save & Close button

    • Add another item to the list, select the Save & New button

Anthology Student checks to see if a staff member with the same name, code, or email address is in CampusNexus CRM if both of these conditions are met.

  • Your institution integrated Anthology Student with CampusNexus CRM, (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select Integrations.)

  • The value for Authentication ModeClosed Displays the method used to authenticate users. For information about the modes or to configure the mode, see the Administration and Configuration Guide on (logon required). is Anthology Student Database (Select the Settings tile > expand System > select General.)

If the staff member exists, Anthology Student displays a message so that you can specify whether or not to add a duplicate.