About Components

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A Workspace is a window that enables you to manage your daily business processes effectively. Talisma provides you with predefined and user-defined Workspaces. Each Workspace is made up of Components. A Component can either be a Talisma Component or an external application. Talisma Components include Talisma Table View, Talisma Item View, Talisma Item Tab, and Talisma Report. The external applications include Custom Components, Web Page, and Document. These Components can either provide context to other Components or receive context from other Components.


You have created a two-pane Workspace that displays the Table View of High Priority Interactions in one pane, and the Item View of a selected Interaction in the other pane. In this scenario, the Table View provides context to the Item View. In other words, if you select an Interaction in the Table View, the window of the selected Interaction is displayed in the other pane.

You can configure a user-defined Workspace to display the following Components:

•   Talisma Table View: A list of Object items, in a tabular format, which satisfies the search criteria you have defined, or is based on a selected Filter in the Configure Component dialog box.  


You can have a Table View displaying all Interactions assigned to you.

•   Talisma Item View: The Talisma Object window is called an Item View. In the Item View, you can view data related to the selected Object. You can also perform operations on the selected Object from the Item View.


You can configure a Workspace to display the Item View of a Contact associated with an Interaction you are viewing in the Interaction Table View.

The Item View is not supported for Campaigns and Targets.

•   Talisma Item Tab: An Item Tab is a tab that is available for a selected Object. For example, Properties and Categories are Item Tabs for an Interaction. The Preferred Properties pane of the Item View can also be displayed as a tab to Desktop Client and Web Client users.


In the User Preferences pane, you can view the Contact Name, Phone Number, and the Account to which the Contact belongs, for a Contact you are viewing in the Item View.

•   Talisma Report: A report is a graphical or tabular representation of information, based on parameters you have specified. A report depicts information about an Object based on its selected Properties. Talisma enables you to create customized reports with the help of a wizard.


Example You can view a report of all High-Priority Contacts within the Workspace you create.

•   Custom Component: The Custom Component is the OLE Custom Control (OCX), which is an independent program that can be accessed by Talisma. OCX controls end with a .OCX extension. OCX controls represent Microsoft's second generation of control architecture. You can customize a Workspace to display an OCX that is registered on your computer.


You can create an OCX to display Sales Order Forms for Accounts selected in the Accounts Table View.

•   Web Page: A Web Page is an ASP or HTML page that can be hosted in a Workspace.


You can write an ASP to host a Monthly Revenue report that publishes revenue generated for the month on the corporate Web site. You can then view the Web Page in a Workspace.

•   Document: A Document is a file created using an external application, and can be viewed in a Workspace. You can choose to view it in a pane of a Workspace or in a separate window in its native application. Note that only an MS Office document can be edited while the other documents can only be viewed.


Sales Executives at WorldWaves need to keep track of all the Sales Orders of Denim products in Alaska. They frequently refer to the Request for Proposal (RFP) and the Sales Order forms, which are created in MS Word and MS Excel. They want to store these documents in the Opportunity Item View to work on them while working on the selected Opportunity. The Sales Executives can create these Document tabs in the Order Item View and insert the relevant documents for each Order on which they are working.

The following types of active documents can be hosted in a Workspace:

◦   Microsoft Office Files - *.docx, *.dotx, *.xlsx, *.pptx, *.ppsx

◦   Acrobat Reader Files - *.pdf

◦   Text Files - *.rtf, *.txt

◦   HTML Files - *.htm, *.html, *.mht

◦   Image Files - *.gif, *.jpg, *. jpeg


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