Configuring a Table View

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You can configure the Table View Component to display Object items of the selected Object. In the Configure Table View dialog box, you can specify a name for the Table View, select the Object whose items must be listed in the Component, set Context for the items that will be listed in the Component, and define Filter conditions to view Object items that meet the specified conditions.

Elements of the Configure Table View Dialog Box

Name of the Field


Table View Name

Displays the name of the Table View Component. By default, the name Talisma Table View is displayed in this field. You can modify this name.

Table View of

Lists all Talisma Objects. You can select an Object from this list.

Display Items

Lists options that enable you to configure the current Component to display Object items that receive Context from another Component in the same Workspace, or a different Workspace. You can also configure the current Component to display all items of the Object selected in the Table View of list, without receiving any Context.

The options available in the Display Items list are:

•   All: Select this Option to configure the current Component to display all Object items without receiving Context from any Component.

•   Based on Component in this Workspace: If you choose this option, the Set Context button is enabled. In the Set Context dialog box, all Components that can provide Context to the current Component are displayed in the Component column. In the Object column, the Object selected in the current Component is displayed. In the Relationship with <Object> column, all Relationships of the Object of the Component providing Context with the Object of the current Component are displayed. Select the Relationship that must provide Context to the current Component.

•   Based on Component in Another Workspace: If you choose this option, the Set Context button is enabled. In the Set Context dialog box, all Relationships of the base Object with the Object of the current Component are listed. You can select the Relationship that must provide Context to the current Component.


You can configure the Component to receive Context from a Component in another Workspace only if you have selected a Base Object that can provide Context to the Component.

Set Context

Displays the Set Context dialog box, which enables you to configure the Object items in the current Component to receive Context from another Component.

Apply Filter

Lists predefined and user-defined Filters created for the Object selected in the Table View of list. You can select a Filter that must be run on the Object items that must be displayed in the current Component.

Define Conditions

Enables you to define Filter conditions that must be run on the Object items displayed in the current Component.

Show Search Pane

Select this option if you want the Search pane to be displayed in the Workspace you are creating.

To Configure the Table View Component

1.  In the Table View Name field, type a name for the Table View Component. By default, Talisma Table View is displayed.

2.  From the Table View of list, select the Talisma Object whose items must be listed in the Table View.

3.  From the Display Items list, select the Workspace from which the current Component must receive Context.

Select All if you want all items of the selected Object to be displayed in the Component.

- OR-

Select Based on Component in this Workspace to view Object items that receive Context from Object items in another Component within the same Workspace.

a.  Click the Set Context button.

The Set Context dialog box is displayed. In the Set Context dialog box, the Component column lists the Components configured in other panes that can provide context to the current Component. The Object column displays the Base Object selected for the current Workspace. The Relationship with <Object> column lists all Relationships of the Base Object with the Object of the current Component.

b.  From the Component column, select the components on which the data in the current component must receive context.

c.  From the Relationship with <Object> list, select the Relationship that must provide Context to the current Component.

- OR -

Select Based on Component in another Workspace to configure the current Component to receive Context from a Component in a different Workspace.

a.  Click the Set Context button.

The Set Context dialog box is displayed. The Set Context dialog box lists the Relationships that can provide Context for the current Component. You can select multiple Relationships that must provide Context, and specify if all or any of the selected Relationships must provide Context.

b.  In the Set Context dialog box, select the Relationships that must provide context for the current Component.

c.  Select And to include ALL the selected Relationships to provide Context to the current Component.

d.  Select Or if you want ANY of the selected Relationships to provide Context to the current Component.

4.  Click OK.

The Configure Table View dialog box is displayed.

5.  From the Apply Filter list, select the predefined Filter you want to run for the selected Object. The Filter condition of the selected predefined Filter is displayed in the Define conditions area.

- OR -

In the Define conditions area, define search conditions to display the required Object items in the current Component.

6.  Click OK.

The Table View Component for the selected Object is configured.


You can select more than one Component from which the current Component must receive Context. However, they must be configured in the same pane.


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