Suspending a Chat Session

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Permissions Required

Use Media Chat - To work in the Chat Workspace. Chat requests are routed only to Users who have this Permission. These Users can work with chat sessions and log Interactions.

During a chat session, you may want to investigate an issue before responding to the visitor, or the visitor's computer may need to be restarted. Talisma now provides a quick and easy way for you and the visitor to temporarily leave a chat session and rejoin it. The chat session can be temporarily suspended, and resumed when the visitor and you are ready to chat again.

•   When you suspend a session to investigate an issue, you can yourself resume the chat session when you are ready to start chatting again.

•   When the visitor's computer needs to be restarted, you must:

◦   Inform the visitor that you are going to suspend the chat session.

◦   Request the visitor to reconnect to the same session by sending you a chat request after restarting the computer.

◦   Explicitly resume the chat session when the visitor's chat request arrives. The chat session is not automatically resumed when the visitor reconnects to it.

To Suspend a Chat Session

1.  In the Chat Workspace, select Suspend Session from the Chat menu.

- OR -

Click .

2.  Specify the Cause of Suspension.

The chat session is suspended.

By default, Talisma provides Investigation and Visitor Machine Restart as two causes. The Business Administrator User may define additional causes as the values for the Cause of Suspension Property. For more information, see Talisma Business Administrator Help.

You can change the Cause of Suspension when a session is in the Suspended state.

Behavior on the Visitor's Side

A chat session is suspended when the visitor clicks the Suspend button. It is also suspended when the visitor closes the chat window, or navigates away from the chat session by typing a URL in the address bar of the chat browser window. The visitor can reconnect to the same session by sending a chat request.


•   You can change your status even when a session is suspended. For example, if you suspended a chat session, you may change your status to 'Stepped Out'. When the visitor reconnects to the same chat session, your status is displayed to the visitor indicating that you have stepped out.

•   You can end or trash a suspended session.

•   If you transfer a suspended session to another User, the session remains suspended until the other User resumes it. The Cause of Suspension that you select when suspending the session is retained when the session is transferred. The new owner of the session can change the Cause of Suspension.

•   You cannot suspend a Conference session.

•   You cannot suspend an internal chat session that you initiate or accept.

•   You cannot suspend a chat session that has not yet been accepted.

•   If your supervisor takes over a suspended session, the session remains suspended until the supervisor resumes it. The Cause of Suspension that you select when suspending the session is retained when the session is taken over by the supervisor. The supervisor can change the Cause of Suspension.

•   A chat session remains suspended until you explicitly resume it, or until the session expires, whichever occurs first. A chat session expires after the duration specified in the Request Expiry Time Default Team Option for the Chat Medium in Talisma Business Administrator.


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