This screen enables you to select the actions to be taken by Installation Manager (e.g., install, uninstall) and to specify the machine name, database server, and port to be used by the Web Services (APIs) for CampusNexus Student.

alert The APIs for CampusNexus Student 19.0 and later require .NET 4.6.2 or higher. The prerequisites check will fail for lower versions.

Set Up the APIs

  1. In the Installation menu, click API. The API screen for CampusNexus Student is displayed. Closed

    API Settings

  2. Click Add to add a line to the Settings screen.

  3. Select an appropriate Action. The following Action values are available:

    • None – Performs no action.

    • Install – Performs a fresh installation or upgrade of a component. You can install or upgrade multiple components at same time.

    • Uninstall – Removes all subcomponents on that machine and uninstalls the component from Programs and Features.

    Optional: Click Select All to set the Action field to Install for all components listed on this screen. Click Unselect All to set the Action field to None.

  4. Enter the Machine Name for the component to be installed. This is the machine where the APIs for CampusNexus Student will be installed.

  5. In the Database field, select a database for CampusNexus Student. The drop-down contains a list of databases configured in the Database settings screen.

  6. In the Port field, enter the name of the port where all the Web Services will be installed.

  7. Click Options (ellipsis) icon to view and edit the Options form.

    Depending on the licenses, the Options form can have following tabs:

    • CampusLink Tab

      This tab contains a timeout value, the Portal database name, the certificate thumbprint, and the API Server FQDN. Closed

      API Options

      • You can adjust the Timeout value.

      • Based on the Portal license, the Portal Database associated with the CampusNexus Student database is populated with a read-only values from the Database Options.

      • The Certificate Thumbprint is required for HTTPS connections. Closed

        To extract a .CER file from IIS:

        1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and choose the certificate to be used from Server Certificates.

          IIS Manager

        2. Double-click to open the certificate properties.

          Server Certificates

        3. Select Root level and in the Details tab, click the Copy to File… button.

        4. Click Next. Select No, do not export the private key and click Next.

        5. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

        6. Specify a file path and name (root) to export to and click Next.

        7. Click Finish

      • The API Server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is derived from the certificate's 'Subject' field. It is used to bind the certificate to the API, but does not alter the Host header.

    • CRM Connector Tab

      This tab is enabled only if the database is licensed with CampusNexus CRM. On this tab, specify the machine name and port for the CampusNexus CRM Higher Education (HE) Foundation Service and the TalismaAdmin credentials used to log in to CampusNexus CRM. Closed

      CRM Connector tab

    • Fundraising Tab

      Based on the Talisma Fundraising license, the Donor2 and Cornerstone database names associated with CampusNexus Student database are populated with read-only values from the Database Options. Closed

      Fundraising tab

    • Authentication Tab

      The Authentication tab allows you to specify a CampusNexus Student administrator account that is different from the account defined in the Global Settings. Closed

      Authentication tab

    • Azure AD Settings Tab

      In the Azure AD Settings tab, enter the values that were generated as part of the web application registration for the Student API in the AAD Tenant. Closed

      Azure AD Settings tab

      Azure AD Settings Tab Fields
      Configure AADSelect this check box if Azure Active Directory (AAD) is used to log in to CampusNexus Student.
      Apply AAD configuration without installing APISelect this check box if AAD is used without installing the Student API.
      Tenant IDSpecify the Azure tenant identifier.

      Customers create app registrations in their Azure AD tenant and provide the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret that are generated as part of creating the app registration.

      Note: One app registration is created for CampusNexus Student legacy interface and standard interface.

      Client IDSpecify the Azure client identifier.
      Client SecretSpecify the Azure client secret.

  8. Click OK to save changes on the Options form. The form is closed.

  9. Click copy icon to copy a line. Edit the copied line as needed.

  10. Click Delete icon to delete a selected line.

  11. If multiple API servers are installed in a server farm (one-to-many NAT), enter the farm's virtual IP address or DNS name in the Machine Name field and specify the Port number. Installation Manager will display the resulting API Farm URL.

  12. Click Test to ensure the setup for the corresponding line is correct. If a test on a particular line fails, check all associated fields and click Test again.

    • The Test button checks if the port number is in use; if so, the user is prompted to enter a different port number.

    • If an upgrade is performed, Installation Manager first checks if the port number is in use by the same Web Service that’s being installed.

  13. If all tests pass, click right arrows.