
The Portal screen enables you to select the actions to be taken by Installation Manager (e.g., install, uninstall) and to specify the machine name, database, and options of the web Portal for CampusNexus Student.

Refer to the Portal Administrator Reference for procedures related to authentication, customization, and branding of Portal version 18.2.0 and later.

Set Up the Portal

  1. In the Installation menu, click Portal. The Portal screen for CampusNexus Student is displayed. Closed

    Portal Settings

  2. Click Add to add a line to the Settings screen.

  3. Select an appropriate Action. The following Action values are available:

    • None – Performs no action.

    • Install – Performs a fresh installation or upgrade of a component. You can install or upgrade multiple components at same time.

    • Uninstall – Removes all subcomponents on that machine and uninstalls the component from Programs and Features.

    Optional: Click Select All to set the Action field to Install for all components listed on this screen. Click Unselect All to set the Action field to None.

  4. Enter the Machine Name for the component to be installed.

  5. Select the name of a Database for CampusNexus Student. The drop-down list contains all the CampusNexus Student databases configured in the Database settings screen.

  6. Specify the Destination Directory if you want to override the default directory set on the Global Settings screen.

  7. Click Options (ellipsis) icon to view and edit the Options form. The form contains the following tabs:

    General Tab

    Use this tab to specify the installation mode, hostname and IP addresses, branding folder, host header, payment host, and API server. Closed

    Portal General Options

    General Tab Fields
    Field Description
    Portal Install Mode Select the Portal Install Mode. The options are:
    • Portal with DB scripts — This option installs Portal and runs the DB scripts at the same time (default).
    • Portal without DB scripts — This option installs the Portal web sites without running DB scripts.
    • Portal DB scripts only — This option runs the DB scripts for Portal without installing or reinstalling the Portal web sites.
    Allowed IP Addresses List of IP addresses from the CampusNexus Student database including the IP address of Portal server. Enter up to 15 IP addresses separated by semicolons. Any additional IP addresses entered by the user will be inserted into the CampusNexus Student database.
    Branding Folder Specify the folder for the campus level branding files or accept the default (global).
    Payment Host Specify the URL of the Payment Host.
    API Server Select the API Server from the drop-down list.
    Web Service Location Tab

    Use this tab to specify the ports, hostnames, and, if applicable, certificates for the Portal web services. Closed

    Portal Web Service Location Options

    Web Service Location Tab Fields
    Field Description
    Portal Settings
    URL  URL of the Portal
    Port Specify the port number for the Portal or accept the default (80).
    Hostname This is an optional field. When selected, the web.config file of the Portal will be updated with the custom host URL.

    If this field is left blank, the URL in the config files will be

    Use HTTPS Select this check box if you want Portal to be accessed through HTTPS. When this option is selected, the Choose Certificate field is enabled.
    Choose Certificate Certificate thumbprint from IIS.

    This certificate is required only when HTTPS is selected and is not added to the web.config file. This certificate is used only for Portal.

    Click Browse to navigate to the IIS Server Certificates to select the thumbprint. Closed

    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and choose the certificate to be used from Server Certificates.

      IIS Manager

    2. Double-click to open the certificate properties.

      Server Certificates

    3. Select Root level and in the Details tab, click the Copy to File… button.

    4. Click Next. Select No, do not export the private key and click Next.

    5. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

    6. Specify a file path and name (root) to export to and click Next.

    7. Click Finish

    Other Service Ports
    Login Service Port Specify the port number of the Login Service or accept the default (91).
    Security Service Port Specify the port number of the Security Service or accept the default (97).
    Data Service Port Specify the port number of the Data Service or accept the default (92).
    Messaging Service Port Specify the port number of the Messaging Service or accept the default (93).
    Payment Service Port Specify the port number of the Payment Service or accept the default (95).
    Online Registration Port Specify the port number of the Online Registration Service or accept the default (96).
    Report Service Port Specify the port number of the Report Service or accept the default (94).
    Admin Console Settings
    URL  URL of the Admin Console
    Port Specify the port number for the Admin Console or accept the default (98).
    Hostname This is an optional field. When selected, the web.config file of the Admin Console will be updated with the custom host URL.

    If this field is left blank, the URL in the config files will be

    Config Tool Settings
    URL  URL of the Config Tool
    Port Specify the port number for the Config Tool or accept the default (99).
    Hostname This is an optional field. When selected, the web.config file of the Config Tool will be updated with the custom host URL.

    If this field is left blank, the URL in the config files will be

    Admin Console & Config Tool Shared Settings
    Choose Certificate Click Browse to navigate to the IIS Server Certificates to select the thumbprint. Closed
    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and choose the certificate to be used from Server Certificates.

      IIS Manager

    2. Double-click to open the certificate properties.

      Server Certificates

    3. Select Root level and in the Details tab, click the Copy to File… button.

    4. Click Next. Select No, do not export the private key and click Next.

    5. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

    6. Specify a file path and name (root) to export to and click Next.

    7. Click Finish

    Portal Server FQDN The Portal Server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is derived from the certificate's 'Subject' field. It is used to bind the certificate to the API, but does not alter the Host header.
    Security Token Service Tab

    Use this tab to specify the settings for the Staff STS and Student STS. Closed

    Portal STS Options

    Security Token Service Tab Fields
    Field Description
    Update Settings Click Refresh to attempt an automatic configuration of the Security Token Services. You must be in the same domain as the STS and must have the SQL server permissions for automatic configuration to be successful.
    Staff STS Settings
    URL  URL of the Staff STS
    Server Specify the name of the Staff STS server.
    Port Specify the port number for the Staff STS or accept the default (91).
    Hostname Hostname of the Staff STS in the format http://<ServerName>.<certificateName>

    For example: http://prtl.campusmgmt.com

    Certificate Thumbprint Certificate thumbprint from IIS.

    This certificate is required only when HTTPS is selected and is not added to the web.config file. This certificate is used only for Staff STS.

    Click Browse to navigate to the IIS Server Certificates to select the thumbprint. Closed

    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and choose the certificate to be used from Server Certificates.

      IIS Manager

    2. Double-click to open the certificate properties.

      Server Certificates

    3. Select Root level and in the Details tab, click the Copy to File… button.

    4. Click Next. Select No, do not export the private key and click Next.

    5. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

    6. Specify a file path and name (root) to export to and click Next.

    7. Click Finish

    Verify STS Click Verify STS to check that the Staff STS Server is active and that login is successful.
    Student STS Settings
    Student STS Server Select the installed Student STS Server.
    Azure AD Settings Tab

    Use this tab to specify the Azure Active Directory (AAD) settings for staff and student users logging in to Portal. Closed

    Portal AAD Options

    Azure AD Settings Tab Fields
    Field Description
    Staff Login
    Enable AAD for Staff Login Select this check box to enable the Staff Login fields.
    Apply Changes without Install Select this check box if AAD is used without installing Portal.
    Tenant ID Specify the Azure tenant identifier.
    Student Login
    Enable AAD for Student Login Select this check box to enable the Student Login fields.
    Apply Changes without Install Select this check box if AAD is used without installing Portalt.
    Tenant ID Specify the Azure tenant identifier.
    Client ID Specify the Azure client identifier.
    Client Secret Specify the Azure client secret.
    Student AD Tab

    Use this tab to specify the Active Directory (AD) and Security settings for the Student Portal. Closed

    Portal Student AD Options

    Student AD Tab Fields
    Field Description
    AD Settings
    Enable Active Directory for Student Portal Authentication Select this check box to enable the AD Settings fields.
    Apply AD Authentication Changes without Install Select this check box if AD is used without installing Portal
    Student FQDN Specify the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for Student Portal.
    Student NT Domain Specify the Windows NT Domain for Student Portal.
    CMC Security Settings
    Override Application Pool Identity for CMC Security Service Select this check box to enable the CMC Security Settings fields.
    Username Specify the user name for the application pool identity override.
    Password Specify the password for the application pool identity override.
    SSRS Reports Tab

    Use this tab to integrate SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2016, the server-based report generating software system, into the Portal. Settings on this tab are required if Portal uses SSRS reports (instead of Crystal reports).

    Examples of SSRS reports are unofficial transcripts (rpt_adTranscriptUnofficial.rpt and rpt_adTranscript_StudentBased.rpt). The unofficial transcripts can be accessed in Portal by students and staff. Closed

    Portal - SSRS Reports

    SSRS Reports Tab Fields
    Field Description
    Install SSRS Reports Select this check box to enable the fields on this tab.
    SSRS Web Service URL Specify the Web Service URL configured to access the Report Server. The specified URL will be stored in the web.config file.

    This URL is set while configuring the reporting service and can be found in Reporting Services Configuration Manager. Closed

    SSRS Web Portal URL Specify the Web Portal URL configured to access the Web Portal. The specified URL will be stored in the web.config file.

    This URL is set while configuring the reporting service and can be found in Reporting Services Configuration Manager page. Closed

    Data Source Name Specify the name of the CampusNexus Student database that is the source for the reports.
    Reports Folder Specify the path for the reports folder on the Report Server. A folder will be created if one does not exist. The folder name can be unique to the environment. The reports folder root path will be stored in the web.config file.


    QA/CNS where QA is one folder and Student_Test is a folder under QA.

    Database Authentication Options
    Override Global Settings Optional: Select this check box to enable the database authentication options.
    Use SQL Authentication Optional: Select this check box if SQL authentication is applied.
    Username Enter the user name of the account that is given override permissions for the SSRS reports database.
    Password Enter the password of the account that is given override permissions for the SSRS reports database.
    Test Click Test to ensure the user authentication settings are correct. A confirmation message is displayed.

    In addition to the settings on the SSRS Reports tab in Installation Manager, the setup of reporting services requires configurations in the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager (see Configure Access to Reports).

    You also need to create folders in the CampusNexus Student and assign permissions using the Security Console. For more details, see the Administration Guide. Check the Documentation Center in MyCampusInsight for the latest revision of the Administration Guide (logon required).

    Configure Access to Reports

    To enable access to the “Reports” menu item in CampusNexus Student, perform the following steps in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager on the report server:

    1. Navigate to the /Reports folder path. Closed

      In the example below the reports folder path is http://cltnexustest2/Reports_RP1/browse/qa.

      SSRS Root

    2. Right-click on the ellipsis of the reports folder root and select Manage. Closed

      Manage SSRS Root

    3. Select the Security tab, click Customize security, and click Add group or user.

    4. Add the domain\<machine name$> of CampusNexus Student and select the following Roles: Closed

      • Browser
      • Content Manager
      • My Reports
      • Publisher

      SSRS roles

    5. Click Apply.

      Security for the Reporting Service should be set up as shown below, where CMC\CLTNEXUSTEST6 is the domain\machine name of CampusNexus Student from which the reports are accessed.

      SSRS Security

      Configure SSRS for HTTPS

      Once the reporting services are installed and configured, test access to the reports in CampusNexus Student. Select the Reports tile and navigate to any report listed in the menu.

      If CampusNexus Student displays only the title of the report (without any data selection fields), use the browser developer tools (F12) and check the Console tab. If an error similar to the following is displayed, configure SSRS for secure access with an SSL certificate. For detailed instructions, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/reporting-services/security/configure-ssl-connections-on-a-native-mode-report-server

      SSRS Error

    Additional Urls Tab

    Settings on this tab are required only if the Portal instance is accessed from additional URLs associated with individual campuses. These campuses are served forms from the main Portal instance. Closed

    Portal Additional URLs

    Additional Urls Tab Fields
    Field Description
    Add Click the Add button to add a line to the form.
    Protocol Select HTTP or HTTPS protocol. If HTTPS is selected, the Portal Certificate and Require SNI fields are enabled and must be completed.
    Portal Hostname Specify the hostname for an additional Portal URL. It will be added to the IIS bindings of main Portal instance.
    Port Specify the port number used by the additional Portal URL or accept the default (80).
    Portal Certificate Certificate thumbprint from IIS is required if HTTPS is selected.

    Copy and paste the thumbprint from Portal into this field, or click Browse to navigate to the IIS Server Certificates to select the thumbprint. Closed

    1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and choose the certificate to be used from Server Certificates.

      IIS Manager

    2. Double-click to open the certificate properties.

      Server Certificates

    3. Select Root level and in the Details tab, click the Copy to File… button.

    4. Click Next. Select No, do not export the private key and click Next.

    5. Select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

    6. Specify a file path and name (root) to export to and click Next.

    7. Click Finish

    Require SNI Server Name Indication (SNI) is required if HTTPS is selected. SNI allows a server to present multiple certificates on the same IP address and TCP port number and hence allows multiple secure websites to be served by the same IP address without requiring all those sites to use the same certificate.
  8. Click OK to save changes on the Options form. The form is closed.

  9. If multiple Portal servers are installed in a server farm (one-to-many NAT), enter the farm's virtual IP address or DNS name in the Machine Name field. Installation Manager will display the resulting Portal Farm URL.

  10. Click Delete icon to delete a selected line.

  11. Click Test to ensure the setup for the corresponding line is correct. If a test on a particular line fails, check all associated fields and click Test again.

  12. If all tests pass, click right arrows.