The topic "Configure the Renee Chat Transcript Field" is not available in Version 1.0.0

Configure the Renee Chat Transcript Field

When Live Assist Enabler is used, the transcript for a chat without escalation will be stored in the Renee Chat Transcript field in Anthology Reach. This field may not be available in the client's version of Anthology Reach.

To configure this Renee Chat Transcript field in Anthology Reach, the Professional Services team or DevOps team needs to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to and download the file to your local computer.

  2. Log in to Anthology Reach and select Settings > Advanced Settings.

  3. Select the Settings drop-down in the header and then select Solutions under Customization.  Closed

  4. In the toolbar of the All Solutions page, select Import.  Closed


  5. Click the Choose File button on the Select Solution Package page.  Closed

    Choose file

  6. Navigate to the Downloads folder on your local system, select the file, and click Open.  Closed

    select file

  7. Click Next when the zip file is loaded.  Closed


  8. Click Publish All Customizations. Closed


The Renee Chat Transcript field should now be available as described in this scenario: Chat Without Escalation.