
The following table shows the mapping of classes and properties in the Cmc.Nexus entity to tables and fields in the Anthology Student database.

Cmc.Nexus Mapping
Anthology Class Anthology Property Anthology Student Table.Field Name Comments
  AddressTypeId N/A This property is required in the contract; however, the current mapping logic ignores the value provided since the only address attributes currently being updated are those on the SyStudent record.
  City SyStudent.City, SyStaff.City, SyAddress.City Depends on if SyStudent, SyStaff, or SyAddress record is in context.
  CountryId SyStudent.SyCountryId, SyStaff.SyCountryId, SyAddress.SyCountryId Depends on if SyStudent, SyStaff, or SyAddress record is in context.
  CountryName SyAddress.Country N/A for SyStudent and SyStaff records
  CountyId SyStudent.SyCountyId, SyAddress.SyCountyId Depends on if SyStudent or SyAddress record is in context. N/A for SyStaff
  CountyName SyAddress.County N/A for SyStudent and SyStaff records
  DoNotContact N/A  
  DoNotContactOverride N/A  
  EffectiveBeginDate SyAddress.BeginDate N/A for SyStudent and SyStaff records
  EffectiveEndDate SyAddress.EndDate N/A for SyStudent and SyStaff records
  FirstName N/A  
  Id SyAddress.SyAddressId or NULL  
  IsNotValid SyStudent.BadAddr N/A for SyStaff and SyAddress records
  IsPreferred N/A  
  IsSeasonal SyAddress.Yearly N/A for SyStudent and SyStaff records
  LastName SyAddress.LastName N/A for SyStudent and SyStaff records
  Note N/A  
  PhoneNumber SyStudent.Phone, Systaff.Phone, SyAddress.Phone Depends on if SyStudent, SyStaff, or SyAddress record is in context.
  PostalCode SyStudent.Zip, SyStaff.Zip, SyAddress.Zip Depends on if SyStudent, SyStaff, or SyAddress record is in context.
  StateId N/A  
  StateName SyStudent.State, SyStaff.State, SyAddress.State Depends on if SyStudent, SyStaff, or SyAddress record is in context.
  StreetAddress SyStudent.Addr1, SyStaff.Addr1, SyAddress.Addr1 Depends on if SyStudent, SyStaff, or SyAddress record is in context.
  TitleId SyAddress.TitleID N/A for SyStudent and SyStaff records
  Id SyCampus.SyCampusId  
  Id SyStudentAmRace.AmRaceId  
  RoleType N/A An enum property. 0= Unknown, 1= Prospect, 2=Student, 3=Staff
Group The Group class in Anthology maps to the SyGroups table in Anthology Student. Eventually, the SyStaffGroup and SyEmpGroups tables will also be mapped to this entity. The Anthology domain merges Staff Groups, Student Groups, and Employer Groups into one Group and Group Membership class. This brings consistency to all functionality for the Groups concept in Anthology. Additionally, Groups in Anthology are able to mix membership between Person and Organizations within a single Group.
  AdvisorRelationshipTypeId SyStaffGroup.AdvisorModule
  AssociatedBusinessUnits SyGroups.SyCampusGrpId, SyCampusList.SyCampusId
  Code SyGroups.Code  
  ExpirationDate SyGroups.DateExpires  
  Id SyGroups.SyGroupsId Mapping occurs between Anthology Student and Anthology:
For Student Group: GroupId = (SyGroupsId * 10 ) + 1
  IsActive SyGroups.Active  
  IsPublic SyGroups.PublicGroup  
  IsStaffGroup N/A or True if mapping from Staffgroup No mapping as all Staff Groups in Anthology Student are stored in SyStaffGroup; however, the value in this Anthology property determines which table gets updated in Anthology Student. If this is True, then SyStaffGroup is updated.
  IsSystem N/A  
  MembershipFunctionalRoles N/A No mapping. Anthology Group entity allows membership in a group from different entities.
  Name SyGroups.Descrip  
  OwnerUserId SyGroups.SyStaffId  
  StaffGroupBusinessUnitId N/A No mapping. Method for determining which Business units (Campuses in Anthology Student) a given staff user is associated with is implemented differently in Anthology than in Anthology Student.
  StaffGroupType N/A  
  Usage N/A  
  AddedDate SyStudGrp.DateAdded  
AddedUserId StudGrp.UserIdOn  
GroupId SyGroups.SyGroupsId Mapping occurs between Anthology Student and Anthology:
For Student Group: GroupId = (SyGroupsId * 10 ) + 1
Id SyStudGrp.SyStudGrpId  
IsActive SyStudGrp.Active  
OrganizationId N/A  
PersonId SyStudGrp.SyStudentId (CONVERTED)  
RemovedDate SyStudGrp.DateOff  
RemovedUserId SyStudGrp.UserIdOff  
  Id SyStudent.AmNationalityId  
Organization No mapping is currently done for this class.
  Addresses N/A  
DateCreated N/A  
Id N/A  
Name N/A  
Note N/A  
OrganizationContacts N/A  
OrganizationUrl N/A  
OwnerId N/A  
Phones N/A  
PrimaryContactId N/A  
SicCode N/A  
  Addresses Collection of PersonAddress  
  BirthCountryId N/A  
  BirthDate SyStudent.Dob  
  Cases N/A  
  Emails Collection of PersonEmail  
  Ethnicities Collection of PersonEthnicity  
  FirstName SyStudent.FirstName, SyStaff.FirstName Depends on if SyStudent or SyStaff record is in context.
  FunctionalRoles See FunctionalRole Students, Prospects are added when mapping from SyStudent.
  GenderId SyStudent.AmSexId  
  HasDisability SyStudent.Disabled  
  Id SyStudent.SyStudentId (CONVERTED), SyStaff.SyStaffId (CONVERTED)  
  Interactions Collection of Interaction (see Interaction class in CMC.Nexus.Crm)  
  Interests N/A  
  LastContactDate SyStudent.LastActivityDate  
  LastName SyStudent.LastName, SyStaff.LastName Depends on if SyStudent or SyStaff record is in context.
  MaidenName SyStudent.MaidenName  
  MaritalStatusId SyStudent.AmMaritalId  
  MiddleName SyStudent.MiddleName  
  Name N/A  
  Nationalities Collection of Nationality where Id field maps to SyStudent.AmNationalityId. Contract supports multiple values; however, only the first value provided is updated to SyStudent.AmNationalityId.
  NickName SyStudent.NickName  
  Phones Collection of PhoneBase  
  PreferredLanguageId N/A  
  Prospects Read-only collection of Prospect This is a read-only collection. No data provided in this collection will be persisted to the Anthology Student database. See Prospect class in CMC.Nexus.SIS.Admissions for additional information.
  Salutations N/A  
  Ssn SyStudent.Ssn  
  Students Read-only collection of Student This is a read-only collection. No data provided in this collection will be persisted to the Anthology Student database. See Student class in CMC.Nexus.SIS for additional information.
  SuffixId SyStudent.AmSuffixId Not mapped in Saved events.
  TitleId SyStudent.AmTitleId  
  Veteran SyStudent.Vet  
PersonAddress Inherits from AddressBase.
  ApprovalDate CmDocument.DateApproved  
  AwardYear CmDocument.AwardYear  
  CreatedbyUserId CmDocument.AddUserId Documents added via automated Document Scheduler processes may not contain a value for this field.
  DocumentCategoryId CmDocument.SyModuleId  
  DocumentStatusId CmDocument.CmDocStatusId  
  DocumentTypeId CmDocument.CmDocTypeId  
  DueDate CmDocument.DateDue  
  ExpirationDate CmDocument.DateExpires  
  Id CmDocument.CmDocumentId  
  ModifiedByUserID CmDocument.UserId Documents added via automated Document Scheduler processes may not contain a value for this field.
  Note CmDocument.Comments  
  PersonId CmDocument.SyStudentId (CONVERTED)  
  ProspectId CmDocument.SyStudentId  
  ReceivedDate CmDocument.DateRecv  
  RequestDate CmDocument.DateReq  
  SentDate CmDocument.DateSent  
  StudentId CmDocument.SyStudentId StudentId and ProspectId are purposely both mapped to CmDocument.SyStudentId
  WorkflowInstanceId CmDocument.WorkflowInstanceId  
  DisplayName N/A  
EmailAddress SyStudent.Email, SyStaff.Email, SyStaff.Email_ReplyTo Depends on if SyStudent or SyStaff record is in context.
EmailTypeId If SyStaff.Email, set to "1". If SyStaff.Email_ReplyTo, set to "2". EmailType is enum for now: 1 = PRIMARY, 2 = SECONDARY
  Ethnicities Collection of Ethnicity where Id field maps to SyStudentAmRace.AmRaceId. Multiple values for Ethnicity can be provided.
IsHispanicLatino SyStudent.IsHispanic  
PersonId SyStudentAmRace.SyStudentId (CONVERTED)  
PersonPhone Inherits from PhoneBase
  DoNotContact N/A  
  DoNotContactOverride N/A  
  Extension N/A There is an Ext for Work phone, but not Phone in SyStudent.
  IsNotValid SyStudent.Badphone  
  IsPreferred N/A  
  PhoneNumber SyStudent.Phone, SyStaff.Phone, SyStaff.WorkFaxPhone, SyStaff.WorkPhone, SyStaff.HomePhone Depends on if SyStudent or SyStaff record is in context.
  PhoneTypeId If SyStaff.Phone, set to "1". If SyStaff.WorkFaxPhone, set to "2". If SyStaff.CellPhone, set to "3". If SyStaff.HomePhone, set to "4" PhoneType is enum for now: 1=HOME, 2=WORK, 3=MOBILE, 4=OTHER